// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Definitions for the exception API exposed by the Telemetry Extension's
// crosapi interface (consisting of ProbeService, DiagnosticsService and
// EventService).
// NOTE: This mojom is based on the cros_healthd exception type defined in:
// chromeos/ash/services/cros_healthd/public/mojom/cros_healthd_exception.mojom
// All major changes should be adopted.
module crosapi.mojom;
// A generic exception type for Telemetry Extension's crosapi interface.
// When we raise Exception through a mojo disconnection, we will encode it to a
// mojo disconnection error. A mojo disconnection error contains an uint32 error
// code and a string message. The error code is set to |reason| and the message
// is set to |debug_message|.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 2
struct TelemetryExtensionException {
// A specific reason for clients to handle exceptions (e.g. showing a
// specific message to UI). Use this instead of parsing |debug_message|.
// Only add a new reason if there is a client handling that reason. Don’t add
// reasons like kServiceUnavailable, but something like
// kFailedToCallFooService, to make it specific.
// When we raise Exception through a mojo disconnection, this will be the
// mojo error code.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum Reason {
// This is required for backwards compatibility. Don't raise this.
// Set to 1 because 0 is reserved for kMojoDisconnectWithoutReason.
[Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 1,
// This is for compatibility with a mojo built-in disconnection error.
// Don't raise this. Its value must be "0".
kMojoDisconnectWithoutReason = 0,
// Any other exceptions that we don't expect to happen. Clients should
// simply report the error. If there is no client to handle this exception,
// use this as the reason.
kUnexpected = 2,
// Raises this if clients try to run an unsupported feature. Note that
// clients should use methods which return `TelemetryExtensionSupportStatus`
// for support status check.
kUnsupported = 3,
// Raises this if a camera frontend needs to be opened but it is actually
// not opened.
[MinVersion=1] kCameraFrontendNotOpened = 4,
Reason reason@0;
// A human readable message for debugging. If a client want to handle a
// specific exception, use |reason|. Don't rely on the content because it
// could change anytime.
string debug_message@1;
// The result type of support status check of the Telemetry Event API.
// NextMinVersion: 1
[Stable, Extensible]
union TelemetryExtensionSupportStatus {
// This is required for backwards compatibility. Don't use this.
[Default] int8 unmapped_union_field;
// This is set if any exception happens before we can determine whether the
// feature is supported.
TelemetryExtensionException exception;
// The feature is supported.
TelemetryExtensionSupported supported;
// The feature is not supported.
TelemetryExtensionUnsupported unsupported;
// Empty struct for future extensibility.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 0
struct TelemetryExtensionSupported {};
// Details about the unsupported reason.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 2
struct TelemetryExtensionUnsupported {
// A human readable message for debugging. If a client want to handle a
// specific exception, use |reason|. Don't rely on the content because it
// could change anytime.
string debug_message@0;
// A union for the detailed reason.
TelemetryExtensionUnsupportedReason? reason@1;
// Empty union for future extensibility. This can be used to pass the details
// about which config is missing or which policy is disabled. E.g. Add a field
// `PolicyEnum disabled_by_this_policy;`.
// NextMinVersion: 1
[Stable, Extensible]
union TelemetryExtensionUnsupportedReason {
// This is required for backwards compatibility. Don't use this.
[Default] int8 unmapped_union_field;