
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module crosapi.mojom;

import "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/account_manager.mojom";

// Allows lacros-chrome to observe trusted vault state changes.
[Stable, Uuid="3402f0a2-81f4-474a-9076-ffedb5123eaf"]
interface TrustedVaultBackendObserver {
  // Invoked when the keys inside the vault have changed.

  // Invoked when the recoverability of the keys has changed.

// Defines a TrustedVault API (implemented by ash-chrome), allowing to implement
// TrustedVaultClient in lacros-chrome, that will rely on state in ash-chrome.
[Stable, Uuid="8f8b16c0-4879-4c42-aa1c-78f76a9839db"]
interface TrustedVaultBackend {
  // Adds a new observer.
  AddObserver@0(pending_remote<TrustedVaultBackendObserver> observer);

  // Attempts to fetch decryption keys, required by sync to resume.
  FetchKeys@1(AccountKey account_key) => (array<array<uint8>> keys);

  // Invoked when the result of FetchKeys() contains keys that cannot decrypt
  // the pending cryptographer (Nigori) keys, which should only be possible if
  // the provided keys are not up-to-date. Returns false if the call did not
  // make any difference (e.g. keys were already marked as stale) or true if
  // some change may have occurred (which indicates a second FetchKeys() attempt
  // is worthwhile).
  MarkLocalKeysAsStale@2(AccountKey account_key) => (bool result);

  // Allows implementations to store encryption keys fetched by other means such
  // as Web interactions. Implementations are free to completely ignore these
  // keys, so callers may not assume that later calls to FetchKeys() would
  // necessarily return the keys passed here.
  StoreKeys@3(AccountKey account_key, array<array<uint8>> keys,
              int32 last_key_version);

  // Returns whether recoverability of the keys is degraded and user action is
  // required to add a new method. This may be called frequently and
  // implementations are responsible for implementing caching and possibly
  // throttling.
  GetIsRecoverabilityDegraded@4(AccountKey account_key) => (bool degraded);

  // Registers a new trusted recovery method that can be used to retrieve keys,
  // usually for the purpose of resolving a recoverability-degraded case
  // surfaced by GetIsRecoverabilityDegraded(). `method_type_hint` is an opaque
  // value provided server-side that may be used for related future interactions
  // with the server.
  AddTrustedRecoveryMethod@5(AccountKey account_key,
                             array<uint8> public_key,
                             int32 method_type_hint) => ();

  // Clears all data associated with `account_key`. Doesn't remove account from
  // storage.
  ClearLocalDataForAccount@6(AccountKey account_key);

[Stable, Extensible]
enum SecurityDomainId {
  [Default] kUnknown,

// Defines an API for lacros-chrome to find available `TrustedVaultBackend`
// services for different security domains. Implemented in ash-chrome.
[Stable, Uuid="04638808-a1c6-42a0-8857-44094e73ef58"]
interface TrustedVaultBackendService {
   // Binds `backend` to the `TurstedVaultBackend` service instance for the
   // provided security domain.
   GetTrustedVaultBackend@0(SecurityDomainId security_domain,
                            pending_receiver<TrustedVaultBackend> backend);