
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module crosapi.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";

// Struct containing the id and new title for a VC app whose title updated.
struct TitleChangeInfo {
  // Unique id corresponding to a VC web app.
  mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken id@0;

  // The VC app's new title.
  mojo_base.mojom.String16 new_title@1;

[Stable, Extensible]
enum VideoConferenceAppUpdate {
  [Default] kNone,

// Useful notifications from clients. Intended mainly for the VC tray.
struct VideoConferenceClientUpdate {
  // Client just added or removed a new VC app.
  VideoConferenceAppUpdate added_or_removed_app@0;

  // Title change info. Only present if this client update was
  // triggered by a title change.
  TitleChangeInfo? title_change_info@1;

// Aggregated media usage status for a client. Used by
// VideoConferenceManagerAsh to determine UI tray triggering,
// contents, and hiding.
struct VideoConferenceMediaUsageStatus {
  // ID for the manager to distinguish between
  // different clients. Used for aggregating status
  // from multiple clients on the manager side.
  mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken client_id@0;

  // Client has at least one running media app that
  // is accessing/has accessed the camera/microphone.
  bool has_media_app@1;

  // Client has at least one app that had camera
  // permissions at the time of last capture.
  bool has_camera_permission@2;

  // Client has at least one app that had microphone
  // permissions at the time of last capture.
  bool has_microphone_permission@3;

  // Some app on this client is capturing the camera.
  bool is_capturing_camera@4;

  // Some app on this client is capturing the microphone.
  bool is_capturing_microphone@5;

  // Some app on this client is capturing the screen.
  bool is_capturing_screen@6;

[Stable, Extensible]
enum VideoConferenceMediaDevice {
  // Required for marking enums extensible but should never occur.
  [Default] kUnusedDefault,

// Interface between the Ash system and clients (lacros, ARC++, etc.)
// for Video Conference Manager. Implemented in Ash.
[Stable, Uuid="7dc5b924-abb8-4c0b-b2c0-676458afde5f"]
interface VideoConferenceManager {
  // Notifies the manager of changes in media apps.
  NotifyMediaUsageUpdate@0(VideoConferenceMediaUsageStatus status)
      => (bool success);

  // Registers a mojo client on the manager.
  RegisterMojoClient@1(pending_remote<VideoConferenceManagerClient> client,
                       mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken client_id)
      => (bool success);

  // Notifies the manager of an app trying to access a media device
  // while the device is system disabled.
  NotifyDeviceUsedWhileDisabled@2(VideoConferenceMediaDevice device,
                                  mojo_base.mojom.String16 app_name)
      => (bool success);

  // Notifies the manager of a client update.
  [MinVersion=1] NotifyClientUpdate@3(VideoConferenceClientUpdate update);

// Note to keep this in sync with VideoConferenceAppType in enums.xml.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum VideoConferenceAppType {
  // App is traced by Browser, but the type is unknown.
  [Default] kBrowserUnknown,
  // App is traced by AppService, but the type is unknown.
  [MinVersion=1] kCrostiniVm,
  [MinVersion=1] kPluginVm,
  [MinVersion=1] kBorealis,
  // App is traced by AshClient, but the type is unknown.
  [MinVersion=1] kAshClientUnknown,

  // The ChromeOS native Screen Capture tool.
  [MinVersion=2] kAshCaptureMode,

struct VideoConferenceMediaAppInfo {
  // The id represents a unique identifier for the app. It's
  // used by the manager to bring the app back into focus
  // when the user clicks on 'return to app' in the UI panel.
  mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken id@0;

  // Timestamp of the last activity on this app. Used by the
  // manager to sort media apps from various clients.
  mojo_base.mojom.Time last_activity_time@1;

  // App is accessing camera.
  bool is_capturing_camera@2;

  // App is accessing microphone.
  bool is_capturing_microphone@3;

  // App is capturing screen
  bool is_capturing_screen@4;

  // The title of the media app. For web apps, this is
  // document.title. For ARC++ apps, this is the app's name.
  mojo_base.mojom.String16 title@5;

  // Url of the app, if media app is a webapp. Used to extract
  // domain name and other info for UI to display.
  url.mojom.Url? url@6;

  // App type.
  VideoConferenceAppType app_type@7;

// Client interface implemented by browsers (ash or lacros).
[Stable, Uuid="511e08b4-2151-4c93-b46c-ded5218304b0"]
interface VideoConferenceManagerClient {
  // Returns media apps running on this client.
  GetMediaApps@0() => (array<VideoConferenceMediaAppInfo> apps);

  // Opens and focuses media app corresponding to the |id|.
  ReturnToApp@1(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken id) => (bool success);

  // Informs client of system device's disable status
  SetSystemMediaDeviceStatus@2(VideoConferenceMediaDevice device,
                               bool disabled) => (bool success);

  // Stops screen sharings from all media apps.