
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module crosapi.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/values.mojom";

struct VpnErrorResponse {
  string? name@0;
  string? message@1;

// Adapter that allows packets received by ash to be routed through
// PepperVpnProviderResourceHostProxy running in lacros.
// See content/public/browser/pepper_vpn_provider_resource_host_proxy.h for
// details.
// Next version: 1
// Next method id: 2
[Stable, Uuid="abf3cd5e-a471-40a1-947b-3be9f8519da4"]
interface PepperVpnProxyObserver {
  // Invoked when the active Vpn configuration disconnects.
  // Corresponds to
  //    PepperVpnProviderResourceHostProxy::SendOnUnbind().

  // Invoked when the active Vpn configuration receives |data| packet.
  // Corresponds to
  //    PepperVpnProviderResourceHostProxy::SendOnPacketReceived(...).
  OnPacketReceived@1(array<uint8> data);

// Listens to events dispatched by VpnServiceForExtension.
// See
//   * chrome.vpnProvider.onPlatformMessage
//   * chrome.vpnProvider.onPacketReceived
//   * chrome.vpnProvider.onConfigRemoved
//   * chrome.vpnProvider.onUIEvent
// Next version: 1
// Next method id: 1
[Stable, Uuid="76ed414e-1710-4b5c-895d-181714376511"]
interface EventObserverForExtension {

  OnConfigureDialog@1(string configuration_name);

  // Dispatches OnConfigRemoved event.
  OnConfigRemoved@2(string configuration_name);

  // Dispatches OnPlatformMessage event.
  OnPlatformMessage@3(string configuration_name,
      int32 platform_message, string? error);

  // Dispatches OnPacketReceived event.
  OnPacketReceived@4(array<uint8> data);

// VpnServiceForExtension manages VPN configurations for a specific extension.
// Next version: 1
// Next method id: 8
[Stable, Uuid="6743d9c7-e6c1-4f12-8f6c-571264044dea"]
interface VpnServiceForExtension {
  // Creates a new VPN configuration with |configuration_name| as the name and
  // attaches it to the extension.
  // See chrome.vpnProvider.createConfiguration(...)
  CreateConfiguration@0(string configuration_name)
      => (VpnErrorResponse? error);

  // Destroys the VPN configuration with |configuration_name| after verifying
  // that it belongs to the extension.
  // See chrome.vpnProvider.destroyConfiguration(...)
  DestroyConfiguration@1(string configuration_name)
      => (VpnErrorResponse? error);

  // Set |parameters| for the active VPN configuration after verifying that it
  // belongs to the extension.
  // See chrome.vpnProvider.setParameters(...)
  // We use mojo_base.mojom.DictionaryValue as the type because:
  // * The shill counterpart is stable and expects base::Value with type=dict.
  // * Both the supplier and consumer of this information uses a type
  //   interchangeable with mojo_base.mojom.DictionaryValue. While we could add
  //   a translation layer to a strongly typed mojom struct, this adds an
  //   overhead and the potential for errors with no benefit.
  SetParameters@2(mojo_base.mojom.DictionaryValue parameters)
      => (VpnErrorResponse? error);

  // Sends an IP packet contained in |data| to the active VPN configuration
  // after verifying that it belongs to the extension.
  // See chrome.vpnProvider.sendPacket(...)
  SendPacket@3(array<uint8> data)
      => (VpnErrorResponse? error);

  // Notifies new connection state to the active VPN configuration after
  // verifying that it belongs to the extension.
  // See chrome.vpnProvider.notifyConnectionStateChanged(...)
  NotifyConnectionStateChanged@4(bool connection_success)
      => (VpnErrorResponse? error);

  // Binds |pepper_vpn_proxy_observer| to the active configuration if it belongs
  // to the extension and has name equal to
  // |configuration_name|. On success all packets will be routed through
  // Pepper API.
  BindPepperVpnProxyObserver@5(string configuration_name,
      pending_remote<PepperVpnProxyObserver> pepper_vpn_proxy_observer)
      => (VpnErrorResponse? error);

  // Informs all connected clients that an ADD_DIALOG event should be dispatched
  // to the extension.

  // Informs all connected clients that a CONFIGURE_DIALOG event should be
  // dispatched to the extension.
  DispatchConfigureDialogEvent@7(string configuration_name);

// VpnService manages VPN connections on the ash side.
// Next version: 1
// Next method id: 2
[Stable, Uuid="52659296-1b2a-4b8d-a219-0ca57710fe03"]
interface VpnService {
  // Registers a service for the given extension and allows ash to send events
  // via |observer|.
  RegisterVpnServiceForExtension@0(string extension_id,
      pending_receiver<VpnServiceForExtension> receiver,
      pending_remote<EventObserverForExtension> observer);

  // Updates current Vpn connection state to FAILURE if the active configuration
  // belongs to extension with id |extension_id|. If |destroy_configurations| is
  // true, also destroys all configurations owned by this extension.
  MaybeFailActiveConnectionAndDestroyConfigurations@1(string extension_id,
      bool destroy_configurations);