
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/time/tick_clock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/power/power_manager_client.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/power_manager/backlight.pb.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/power_manager/policy.pb.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/power_manager/power_supply_properties.pb.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/power_manager/suspend.pb.h"

namespace base {
class OneShotTimer;

namespace chromeos {

// A fake implementation of PowerManagerClient. This remembers the policy passed
// to SetPolicy() and the user of this class can inspect the last set policy by
// get_policy().
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(DBUS_POWER) FakePowerManagerClient
    : public PowerManagerClient {

  FakePowerManagerClient(const FakePowerManagerClient&) = delete;
  FakePowerManagerClient& operator=(const FakePowerManagerClient&) = delete;

  ~FakePowerManagerClient() override;

  // Checks that FakePowerManagerClient was initialized and returns it.
  static FakePowerManagerClient* Get();

  const power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy& policy() { return policy_; }
  int num_request_restart_calls() const { return num_request_restart_calls_; }
  int num_request_shutdown_calls() const { return num_request_shutdown_calls_; }
  int num_set_policy_calls() const { return num_set_policy_calls_; }
  int num_request_suspend_calls() const { return num_request_suspend_calls_; }
  int num_set_is_projecting_calls() const {
    return num_set_is_projecting_calls_;
  int num_wake_notification_calls() const {
    return num_wake_notification_calls_;
  int num_increase_keyboard_brightness_calls() const {
    return num_increase_keyboard_brightness_calls_;
  int num_pending_suspend_readiness_callbacks() const {
    return num_pending_suspend_readiness_callbacks_;
  double screen_brightness_percent() const {
    return screen_brightness_percent_.value();
  requested_screen_brightness_cause() const {
    return requested_screen_brightness_cause_;
  requested_ambient_light_sensor_enabled_cause() const {
    return requested_ambient_light_sensor_enabled_cause_;
  double keyboard_brightness_percent() const {
    return keyboard_brightness_percent_.value();
  requested_keyboard_brightness_cause() const {
    return requested_keyboard_brightness_cause_;
  double keyboard_ambient_light_sensor_enabled() const {
    return keyboard_ambient_light_sensor_enabled_;
  bool is_ambient_light_sensor_enabled() const {
    return is_ambient_light_sensor_enabled_;
  void set_has_ambient_light_sensor(bool has_ambient_light_sensor) {
    has_ambient_light_sensor_ = has_ambient_light_sensor;
  void set_has_keyboard_backlight(bool has_keyboard_backlight) {
    has_keyboard_backlight_ = has_keyboard_backlight;
  bool is_projecting() const { return is_projecting_; }
  bool have_video_activity_report() const {
    return !video_activity_reports_.empty();
  bool backlights_forced_off() const { return backlights_forced_off_; }
  int num_set_backlights_forced_off_calls() const {
    return num_set_backlights_forced_off_calls_;
  bool battery_saver_mode_enabled() const {
    return battery_saver_mode_enabled_;
  void set_enqueue_brightness_changes_on_backlights_forced_off(bool enqueue) {
    enqueue_brightness_changes_on_backlights_forced_off_ = enqueue;
  const std::queue<power_manager::BacklightBrightnessChange>&
  pending_screen_brightness_changes() const {
    return pending_screen_brightness_changes_;
  void set_user_activity_callback(base::RepeatingClosure callback) {
    user_activity_callback_ = std::move(callback);
  void set_restart_callback(base::OnceClosure callback) {
    restart_callback_ = std::move(callback);

  // PowerManagerClient overrides:
  void AddObserver(Observer* observer) override;
  void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) override;
  bool HasObserver(const Observer* observer) const override;
  void SetRenderProcessManagerDelegate(
      base::WeakPtr<RenderProcessManagerDelegate> delegate) override;
  void DecreaseScreenBrightness(bool allow_off) override;
  void IncreaseScreenBrightness() override;
  void SetScreenBrightness(
      const power_manager::SetBacklightBrightnessRequest& request) override;
  void GetScreenBrightnessPercent(DBusMethodCallback<double> callback) override;
  void SetAmbientLightSensorEnabled(
      const power_manager::SetAmbientLightSensorEnabledRequest& request)
  void GetAmbientLightSensorEnabled(DBusMethodCallback<bool> callback) override;
  void HasAmbientLightSensor(DBusMethodCallback<bool> callback) override;
  void HasKeyboardBacklight(DBusMethodCallback<bool> callback) override;
  void DecreaseKeyboardBrightness() override;
  void IncreaseKeyboardBrightness() override;
  void GetKeyboardBrightnessPercent(
      DBusMethodCallback<double> callback) override;
  void SetKeyboardBrightness(
      const power_manager::SetBacklightBrightnessRequest& request) override;
  void ToggleKeyboardBacklight() override;
  void SetKeyboardAmbientLightSensorEnabled(
      const power_manager::SetAmbientLightSensorEnabledRequest& request)
  void GetKeyboardAmbientLightSensorEnabled(
      DBusMethodCallback<bool> callback) override;
  const std::optional<power_manager::PowerSupplyProperties>& GetLastStatus()
  void RequestStatusUpdate() override;
  void RequestAllPeripheralBatteryUpdate() override;
  void RequestThermalState() override;
  void RequestSuspend(std::optional<uint64_t> wakeup_count,
                      int32_t duration_secs,
                      power_manager::RequestSuspendFlavor flavor) override;
  void RequestRestart(power_manager::RequestRestartReason reason,
                      const std::string& description) override;
  void RequestShutdown(power_manager::RequestShutdownReason reason,
                       const std::string& description) override;
  void NotifyUserActivity(power_manager::UserActivityType type) override;
  void NotifyVideoActivity(bool is_fullscreen) override;
  void NotifyWakeNotification() override;
  void SetPolicy(const power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy& policy) override;
  void SetIsProjecting(bool is_projecting) override;
  void SetPowerSource(const std::string& id) override;
  void SetBacklightsForcedOff(bool forced_off) override;
  void GetBacklightsForcedOff(DBusMethodCallback<bool> callback) override;
  void GetBatterySaverModeState(
      DBusMethodCallback<power_manager::BatterySaverModeState> callback)
  void SetBatterySaverModeState(
      const power_manager::SetBatterySaverModeStateRequest& request) override;
  void GetSwitchStates(DBusMethodCallback<SwitchStates> callback) override;
  void GetInactivityDelays(
      DBusMethodCallback<power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy::Delays> callback)
  void BlockSuspend(const base::UnguessableToken& token,
                    const std::string& debug_info) override;
  void UnblockSuspend(const base::UnguessableToken& token) override;
  void CreateArcTimers(
      const std::string& tag,
      std::vector<std::pair<clockid_t, base::ScopedFD>> arc_timer_requests,
      DBusMethodCallback<std::vector<TimerId>> callback) override;
  void StartArcTimer(TimerId timer_id,
                     base::TimeTicks absolute_expiration_time,
                     VoidDBusMethodCallback callback) override;
  void DeleteArcTimers(const std::string& tag,
                       VoidDBusMethodCallback callback) override;
  base::TimeDelta GetDarkSuspendDelayTimeout() override;
  void SetExternalDisplayALSBrightness(bool enabled) override;
  void GetExternalDisplayALSBrightness(
      DBusMethodCallback<bool> callback) override;
  void ChargeNowForAdaptiveCharging() override;
  void GetChargeHistoryForAdaptiveCharging(
      DBusMethodCallback<power_manager::ChargeHistoryState> callback) override;

  // Sets availability. If `availability` is present, notifies observers.
  void SetServiceAvailability(std::optional<bool> availability);

  // Pops the first report from |video_activity_reports_|, returning whether the
  // activity was fullscreen or not. There must be at least one report.
  bool PopVideoActivityReport();

  // Emulates the power manager announcing that battery saver mode has changed.
  void SendBatterySaverModeStateChanged(
      const power_manager::BatterySaverModeState& proto);

  // Emulates the power manager announcing that the system is starting or
  // completing a suspend attempt.
  void SendSuspendImminent(power_manager::SuspendImminent::Reason reason);
  void SendSuspendDone(base::TimeDelta sleep_duration = base::TimeDelta());
  void SendDarkSuspendImminent();

  // Emulates the power manager announcing that the system is changing the
  // screen or keyboard brightness.
  void SendScreenBrightnessChanged(
      const power_manager::BacklightBrightnessChange& proto);
  void SendKeyboardBrightnessChanged(
      const power_manager::BacklightBrightnessChange& proto);

  // Notifies observers about changes to the Ambient Light Sensor status.
  void SendAmbientLightSensorEnabledChanged(
      const power_manager::AmbientLightSensorChange& proto);

  // Notifies observers about changes to the Keyboard Ambient Light Sensor
  // status.
  void SendKeyboardAmbientLightSensorEnabledChanged(
      const power_manager::AmbientLightSensorChange& proto);

  // Notifies observers about the screen idle state changing.
  void SendScreenIdleStateChanged(const power_manager::ScreenIdleState& proto);

  // Notifies observers that the power button has been pressed or released.
  void SendPowerButtonEvent(bool down, const base::TimeTicks& timestamp);

  // Sets |lid_state_| or |tablet_mode_| and notifies |observers_| about the
  // change.
  void SetLidState(LidState state, const base::TimeTicks& timestamp);
  void SetTabletMode(TabletMode mode, const base::TimeTicks& timestamp);

  // Sets |inactivity_delays_| and notifies |observers_| about the change.
  void SetInactivityDelays(
      const power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy::Delays& delays);

  // Updates |props_| and notifies observers of its changes.
  void UpdatePowerProperties(
      std::optional<power_manager::PowerSupplyProperties> power_props);

  // The PowerAPI requests system wake lock asynchronously. Test can run a
  // RunLoop and set the quit closure by this function to make sure the wake
  // lock has been created.
  void SetPowerPolicyQuitClosure(base::OnceClosure quit_closure);

  // Updates screen brightness to the first pending value in
  // |pending_screen_brightness_changes_|.
  // Returns whether the screen brightness change was applied - this will
  // return false if there are no pending brightness changes.
  bool ApplyPendingScreenBrightnessChange();

  // Set |charge_history_|
  void SetChargeHistoryForAdaptiveCharging(
      const power_manager::ChargeHistoryState& charge_history);

  // Returns time ticks from boot including time ticks spent during sleeping.
  base::TimeTicks GetCurrentBootTime();

  // Sets the screen brightness percent to be returned.
  // The nullopt |percent| means an error. In case of success,
  // |percent| must be in the range of [0, 100].
  void set_screen_brightness_percent(const std::optional<double>& percent) {
    screen_brightness_percent_ = percent;

  void set_keyboard_brightness_percent(const std::optional<double>& percent) {
    keyboard_brightness_percent_ = percent;

  // Sets |tick_clock| to |tick_clock_|.
  void set_tick_clock(const base::TickClock* tick_clock) {
    tick_clock_ = tick_clock;

  void simulate_start_arc_timer_failure(bool simulate) {
    simulate_start_arc_timer_failure_ = simulate;

  // Notifies |observers_| that |props_| has been updated.
  void NotifyObservers();

  // Deletes all timers, if any, associated with |tag|.
  void DeleteArcTimersInternal(const std::string& tag);

  base::ObserverList<Observer>::Unchecked observers_;

  std::optional<bool> service_availability_ = true;

  // Last policy passed to SetPolicy().
  power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy policy_;

  // Power status received from the power manager.
  std::optional<power_manager::PowerSupplyProperties> props_;

  // Number of times that various methods have been called.
  int num_request_restart_calls_ = 0;
  int num_request_shutdown_calls_ = 0;
  int num_request_suspend_calls_ = 0;
  int num_set_policy_calls_ = 0;
  int num_set_is_projecting_calls_ = 0;
  int num_set_backlights_forced_off_calls_ = 0;
  int num_wake_notification_calls_ = 0;
  int num_increase_keyboard_brightness_calls_ = 0;

  // Number of pending suspend readiness callbacks.
  int num_pending_suspend_readiness_callbacks_ = 0;

  // Current screen brightness in the range [0.0, 100.0].
  std::optional<double> screen_brightness_percent_;

  // Current keyboard brightness in the range [0.0, 100.0].
  std::optional<double> keyboard_brightness_percent_;

  // Last screen brightness requested via SetScreenBrightness().
  // Unlike |screen_brightness_percent_|, this value will not be changed by
  // SetBacklightsForcedOff() method - a method that implicitly changes screen
  // brightness.
  // Initially set to an arbitrary non-null value.
  double requested_screen_brightness_percent_ = 80;

  // Last screen brightness request cause via SetScreenBrightness().
  // Initially set to an arbitrary value.
      requested_screen_brightness_cause_ =

  // Last als request cause via SetAmbientLightSensorEnabled().
  // Initially set to an arbitrary value.
      requested_ambient_light_sensor_enabled_cause_ = power_manager::

  // Last keyboard brightness request cause via HandleSetKeyboardBrightness().
  // Initially set to an arbitrary value.
      requested_keyboard_brightness_cause_ =

  // Last value set by SetAmbientLightSensorEnabled. Defaults to true to match
  // system behavior.
  bool is_ambient_light_sensor_enabled_ = true;

  // True if the device has an ambient light sensor.
  bool has_ambient_light_sensor_ = true;

  // Last value set by SetKeyboardAmbientLightSensorEnabled.
  bool keyboard_ambient_light_sensor_enabled_ = true;

  // Last projecting state set in SetIsProjecting().
  bool is_projecting_ = false;

  // Display and keyboard backlights (if present) forced off state set in
  // SetBacklightsForcedOff().
  bool backlights_forced_off_ = false;

  // True if the device has a keyboard backlight.
  bool has_keyboard_backlight_ = false;

  // Last battery saver mode state set in SetBatterySaverModeState().
  bool battery_saver_mode_enabled_ = false;

  // Whether screen brightness changes in SetBacklightsForcedOff() should be
  // enqueued.
  // If not set, SetBacklightsForcedOff() will update current screen
  // brightness and send a brightness change event (provided undimmed
  // brightness percent is set).
  // If set, brightness changes will be enqueued to
  // |pending_screen_brightness_changes_|, and will have to be applied
  // explicitly by calling ApplyPendingScreenBrightnessChange().
  bool enqueue_brightness_changes_on_backlights_forced_off_ = false;

  // Pending screen brightness changes caused by SetBacklightsForcedOff().
  // ApplyPendingScreenBrightnessChange() applies the first pending change.

  // Delays returned by GetInactivityDelays().
  power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy::Delays inactivity_delays_;

  // States returned by GetSwitchStates().
  LidState lid_state_ = LidState::OPEN;
  TabletMode tablet_mode_ = TabletMode::UNSUPPORTED;

  // Monotonically increasing timer id assigned to created timers.
  TimerId next_timer_id_ = 1;

  // Represents the timer and the timer expiration fd associated with a timer id
  // stored as the key. The fd is written to when the timer associated with the
  // clock expires.
                 std::pair<std::unique_ptr<base::OneShotTimer>, base::ScopedFD>>

  // Maps a client's tag to its list of timer ids.
  base::flat_map<std::string, std::vector<TimerId>> client_timer_ids_;

  // Video activity reports that we were requested to send, in the order they
  // were requested. True if fullscreen.
  base::circular_deque<bool> video_activity_reports_;

  // Delegate for managing power consumption of Chrome's renderer processes.
  base::WeakPtr<RenderProcessManagerDelegate> render_process_manager_delegate_;

  // If non-empty, called by SetPowerPolicy().
  base::OnceClosure power_policy_quit_closure_;

  // Callback that will be run, if set, when RequestRestart() is called.
  base::OnceClosure restart_callback_;

  // If non-empty, called by NotifyUserActivity().
  base::RepeatingClosure user_activity_callback_;

  // Clock to use to calculate time ticks. Used for ArcTimer related APIs.
  raw_ptr<const base::TickClock> tick_clock_;

  // If set then |StartArcTimer| returns failure.
  bool simulate_start_arc_timer_failure_ = false;

  bool external_display_als_brightness_enabled_ = false;

  // Charge history returned by GetChargeHistoryForAdaptiveCharging()
  power_manager::ChargeHistoryState charge_history_;

  // Note: This should remain the last member so it'll be destroyed and
  // invalidate its weak pointers before any other members are destroyed.
  base::WeakPtrFactory<FakePowerManagerClient> weak_ptr_factory_{this};

}  // namespace chromeos