
# WARNING: This is a deprecated config file. This file no longer contains
# canonical configs for input methods or keyboard layouts on CrOS. The only
# piece of info deduced from this file and used by CrOS is an allowlist of XKB
# layout IDs for login and lock screens. See below for details.
# Each non-comment line contains the following tab-or-space-separated columns.
# 1) Deprecated. Data in this column are no longer read by Chrome-on-CrOS.
# 2) The keyboard layout ID used by XKB. (ex. "us", "us(dvorak)", "ca",
#    "handwriting-vk,jp"). See also: /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols. Whether data
#    in this column are read by Chrome-on-CrOS depends on data in column 5.
# 3) Deprecated. Data in this column are no longer read by Chrome-on-CrOS.
# 4) Deprecated. Data in this column are no longer read by Chrome-on-CrOS.
# 5) Fixed string "login": Corresponding XKB layout ID in column 2 is read by
#    Chrome-on-CrOS into an allowlist for login and lock screens.
#    Empty: Corresponding XKB layout ID in column 2 is ignored.
# Nowadays canonical input method configs on CrOS are defined in:
# chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/input_method/google_xkb_manifest.json
# For open-source Chromium OS: see other *_manifest.json in the same folder.
# Deprecated data aren't removed yet. This file is shipped in CrOS images, thus
# possibly still read (and likely interpreted incorrectly) by other systems.
# TODO( Investigate external systems that still read this
# file for proper migration plans, then ultimately retire this legacy file.

# U.S. English
xkb:us::eng             us               en,en-US,en-AU,en-NZ US   login
xkb:us:intl:eng         us(intl)         en,en-US             INTL login
xkb:us:intl_pc:eng      us(intl_pc)      en,en-US             INTL login
xkb:us:altgr-intl:eng   us(altgr-intl)   en,en-US             EXTD login
xkb:us:dvorak:eng       us(dvorak)       en,en-US             DV   login
xkb:us:dvp:eng          us(dvp)          en,en-US             DVP  login
xkb:us:colemak:eng      us(colemak)      en,en-US             CO   login
xkb:us:workman:eng      us(workman)      en,en-US             WM   login
xkb:us:workman-intl:eng us(workman-intl) en,en-US             WMI  login
xkb:us:intl:nld         us(intl)         nl                   INTL login
xkb:us:intl:por         us(intl)         pt-BR                INTL login
xkb:us::ind             us               id                   US   login
xkb:us::fil             us               fil                  US   login
xkb:us::msa             us               ms                   US   login

# Dutch
xkb:be::nld  be nl BE login
# We don't support xkb:nl::nld. See b/4430951.

# French
xkb:fr::fra       fr(oss)    fr,fr-FR FR   login
xkb:fr:bepo:fra   fr(bepo)   fr,fr-FR BEPO login
xkb:be::fra       be         fr       BE   login
xkb:ca::fra       ca         fr,fr-CA CA   login
xkb:ch:fr:fra     ch(fr)     fr,fr-CH CH   login
xkb:ca:multix:fra ca(multix) fr,fr-CA CA   login

# German
xkb:de::ger     de      de,de-DE DE  login
xkb:de:neo:ger  de(neo) de,de-DE NEO login
xkb:be::ger     be      de       BE  login
xkb:ch::ger     ch      de,de-CH CH  login

# Japanese
xkb:jp::jpn  jp ja JA login

# Russian
xkb:ru::rus          ru           ru RU
xkb:ru:phonetic:rus  ru(phonetic) ru RU

# Others
xkb:br::por           br             pt-BR,pt  BR login
xkb:bg::bul           bg             bg        BG
xkb:bg:phonetic:bul   bg(phonetic)   bg        BG
xkb:ca:eng:eng        ca(eng)        en,en-CA  CA login
xkb:cz::cze           cz             cs        CZ login
xkb:cz:qwerty:cze     cz(qwerty)     cs        CS login
xkb:ee::est           ee             et        EE login
xkb:es::spa           es             es        ES login
xkb:es:cat:cat        es(cat)        ca        CAT login
xkb:dk::dan           dk             da        DK login
xkb:fo::fao           fo             fo        FO
xkb:gr::gre           gr             el        GR
xkb:il::heb           il             he        IL
xkb:kz::kaz           kz             kk        KZ
xkb:latam::spa        latam          es,es-419 LA login
xkb:lt::lit           lt             lt        LT login
xkb:lv:apostrophe:lav lv(apostrophe) lv        LV login
xkb:hr::scr           hr             hr        HR login
xkb:gb:extd:eng       gb(extd)       en,en-GB  GB login
xkb:in::eng           in(eng)        en,en-IN  IN login
xkb:pk::eng           us             en,en-PK  PK login
xkb:za:gb:eng         gb(extd)       en,en-ZA  ZA login
xkb:gb:dvorak:eng     gb(dvorak)     en,en-GB  DV login
xkb:fi::fin           fi             fi        FI login
xkb:hu::hun           hu             hu        HU login
xkb:hu:qwerty:hun     hu(qwerty)     hu        HU
xkb:it::ita           it             it,it-IT  IT login
xkb:is::ice           is             is        IS login
xkb:no::nob           no             nb,nn,no  NO login
xkb:pl::pol           pl             pl        PL login
xkb:pt::por           pt             pt-PT,pt  PT login
xkb:ro::rum           ro             ro        RO login
xkb:ro:std:rum        ro(std)        ro        RO login
xkb:se::swe           se             sv        SE login
xkb:sk::slo           sk             sk        SK login
xkb:si::slv           si             sl        SI login
xkb:rs::srp           rs             sr        RS
xkb:tr::tur           tr             tr        TR login
xkb:tr:f:tur          tr(f)          tr        TR
xkb:ua::ukr           ua             uk        UA
xkb:by::bel           by             be        BY
xkb:am:phonetic:arm   am             hy        AM
xkb:ge::geo           ge             ka        GE
xkb:mn::mon           mn             mn        MN
xkb:ie::ga            ie             ga        GA login
xkb:mt::mlt           mt             mt        MT login
xkb:mk::mkd           mk             mk        MK