// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// API for CfM to control camera functionalities in Chrome via UVC
// Extension Unit (XU) Controls.
// Note: This mojom should be kept in sync with the copy on the client
// side. See: go/meet-xu-client.
// Next MinVersion: 1
module ash.cfm.mojom;
// Identifies the webcam through its WebRtc id or device node path.
union WebcamId {
// WebRtc ID
string device_id;
// Device Node path
string dev_path;
// Indicates which low-level UVC XU Control request.
enum GetFn {
// Obtain the current value of the control.
kCur = 0,
// Obtain the minimum value of the control.
// Obtain the minimum value of the control.
// Obtain the default value of the control.
// Query the resolution of the control,
// i.e. the step size of the allowed control values.
// Query the size of the control in bytes.
// Query the control information bitmap,
// which indicates whether get/set
// requests are supported.
// UVCMenuInfo
struct MenuInfo {
// Menu entry value used by device.
uint32 value;
// Menu entry name.
array<uint8, 32> name;
// UVCMenuEntries
struct MenuEntries {
// Array of menu entries (for menu controls only)
array<MenuInfo> menu_info;
// UvcXUControlMapping
struct ControlMapping {
// V4L2 control identifier
uint32 id;
// V4L2 control name
array<uint8, 32> name;
// UVC extension unit GUID (little-endian)
array<uint8, 16> guid;
// UVC control selector
uint8 selector;
// V4L2 control size (in bits)
uint8 size;
// V4L2 control offset (in bits)
uint8 offset;
// V4L2 control type
uint32 v4l2_type;
// UVC control data type
uint32 data_type;
// Optional UVC Menu Entries
MenuEntries? menu_entries;
// UvcXUControlQuery
struct ControlQuery {
// UVC extension unit
uint8 unit_id;
// UVC control selector
uint8 selector;
// UvciocCtrlType
union CtrlType {
// UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP - Map a UVC control to a V4L2 control
ControlMapping mapping_ctrl;
// UVCIOC_CTRL_QUERY - Query a UVC XU control
ControlQuery query_ctrl;
// Interface used to query UVC XU controls
interface XuCamera {
// Attempts to find the Local UnitID from the GUID
// The request:
// * |id| - webcam id, either a WebRtc id or a device node path.
// * |guid| - UVC XU GUID (little-endian).
// The response:
// * |error_code| - zero if successful and non-zero if failed or invalid.
// * |unit_id| - unit ID value corresponding to guid
GetUnitId(WebcamId id, array<uint8, 16> guid) => (uint8 error_code,
uint8 unit_id);
// Maps a UVC control to a V4L2 control.
// Note: Not required before using |GetCtrl| or |SetCtrl|
MapCtrl(WebcamId id, ControlMapping mapping_ctrl) => (uint8 error_code);
// Obtains a value of an XU control given the getter function.
// The request:
// * |id| - webcam id, either a WebRtc id or a device node path.
// * |ctrl| - control type, either the mapping or query.
// * |fn| - getter function, i.e. current, min, max value of control.
// The response:
// * |error_code| - zero if successful and non-zero if failed or invalid.
// * |data| - data requested by the GetFn.
GetCtrl(WebcamId id, CtrlType ctrl, GetFn fn) => (uint8 error_code,
array<uint8> data);
// Updates the value of a device's XU control.
// The request:
// * |id| - webcam id, either a WebRtc id or a device node path.
// * |ctrl| - control type, either the mapping or query.
// * |data| - the new value of the device's XU control.
// The response:
// * |error_code| - zero if successful and non-zero if failed or invalid.
SetCtrl(WebcamId id, CtrlType ctrl, array<uint8> data) => (uint8 error_code);