// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/crosapi.mojom.h"
namespace chromeos {
// Stores and handles BrowserInitParams.
// This class is not to be used directly - use BrowserParamsProxy instead.
BrowserInitParams(const BrowserInitParams&) = delete;
BrowserInitParams& operator=(const BrowserInitParams&) = delete;
// Returns BrowserInitParams which is passed from ash-chrome.
// Useful for tests. This should generally be called only after
// BrowserTestBase::SetUp.
// Production code always needs to go through BrowserParamsProxy instead.
static const crosapi::mojom::BrowserInitParams* GetForTests();
// Sets `init_params_` to the provided value.
// Useful for tests that cannot setup a full Lacros test environment with a
// working Mojo connection to Ash.
static void SetInitParamsForTests(
crosapi::mojom::BrowserInitParamsPtr init_params);
// Create Mem FD from `init_params_`.
static base::ScopedFD CreateStartupData();
// This will always be false in production.
static bool IsCrosapiDisabledForTesting();
// Use sparingly. This should be needed only in exceptional cases. In
// particular, Lacros unit_tests and browser_tests have crosapi disabled by
// default and don't need to call this.
// This action cannot be undone, so it must be used only by tests that run in
// separate processes. (However, crosapi is only enabled in such tests
// anyways, hence this is not really a restriction.)
// See also README.md.
static void DisableCrosapiForTesting();
friend base::NoDestructor<BrowserInitParams>;
// Needs to access |Get()|.
friend class BrowserParamsProxy;
// Returns BrowserInitParams which is passed from ash-chrome. On launching
// lacros-chrome from ash-chrome, ash-chrome creates a memory backed file,
// serializes the BrowserInitParams to it, and the forked/executed
// lacros-chrome process inherits the file descriptor. The data is read
// in the constructor so is available from the beginning.
// NOTE: You should use BrowserParamsProxy to access init params instead.
static const crosapi::mojom::BrowserInitParams* Get();
static BrowserInitParams* GetInstance();
static bool IsCrosapiEnabled();
static std::optional<bool> is_crosapi_enabled_;
// Parameters passed from ash-chrome (unless crosapi is disabled).
crosapi::mojom::BrowserInitParamsPtr init_params_;
} // namespace chromeos