# Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# BEFORE ADDING A TEST HERE: If this is a consistent failure in Chrome on
# ChromeOS CI builders, you should try to find and revert CLs causing new
# regressions. Do not simply disable newly failing tests in tast_control.gni
# as the Chrome uprev will still fail.
# Chromimum sheriffs should not disable NEW regressions here. Changes to
# this file require the current CrOS gardener's approval. See go/chrome-sheriff-tast.
# WARNING: if you wish to disable a tast test that runs in a ChromeOS SDK
# build, this is the wrong file to edit. You need to mark those tests as
# "informational" in their source .go files.
# To disable a specific test in chrome_all_tast_tests, add the name of the test
# to the following list and cite a bug.
# To disable the test only on a specific board, add an at-mark ( @ ) and the
# board name at the end of the entry (eg. "login.Chrome@kevin" disables
# "login.Chrome" test only on "kevin" device). An asterisk is not supported in
# the board name.
# As a last resort, you can use an asterisk ( * ) in an entry -- matches every
# substring (eg. "crostini.*" disables the all tests that names are starting
# with "crostini.").
# WARNING: This may cause unexpected disablement and is strongly discouraged.
# You should specify the tests one-by-one in most cases, instead of this.
tast_disabled_tests_from_chrome_all = [
# https://crbug.com/1282372
# https://crbug.com/1307940
# https://crbug.com/1312121
# http://crbug.com/1335213
# http://crbug.com/1363667
# b/241122961
# b/287525851
# https://crbug.com/1455848
# b/344853253
# b/296913657
# b/293976130, NaCl issues on arm64 boards
# b/314004675
# b/338111076
# b/344945274
# b/344964853
# b/346793249, b/330290054
# b/352753237, Pnacl and terminal.SSH failing only on brya, blocking LKGM
# b/354218429
# b/354660409, tests will be re-enabled after the tast test is updated to work with the new change. Disabling these to unblock uprev and LKGM.
# b/355351792, b/352703668: tests failing on jacuzzi and trogdor.
# b/358087592, re-enable once the test is updated to handle the new
# PWA change.
# b/358376069, b/359411206: These lacros tests are failing at this
# moment but they will be removed soon.
# b/359336803: These tests are failing on brya (specifically kano) and
# blocking LKGM.
# b/362288747, test is failing on brya.
# b/362457684: test is failing on betty, blocking LKGM.
# To create filters to be used on specific builders add them like this:
# tast_disabled_tests_from_lacros_example = [ "lacros.Basic" ]
# and add the name (i.e. 'tast_disabled_tests_from_lacros_example') to the
# test config as 'tast_expr_key'
# To disable a specific test in lacros_all_tast_tests, add it the following
# list and cite a bug.
# The test disabled here will not impact it running in chrome on chromeOS
# pipeline.
tast_disabled_tests_from_lacros_all = [
# https://crbug.com/1361163
# https://crbug.com/1236234
# https://crbug.com/1376638
# https://crbug.com/1446233
# https://crbug.com/1470305
# https:/b/322119286
# On branch day, Lacros is +3 newer than ash which break the test.
# b/269177409: This is flaky on the Chromium builders, but works on the
# ChromeOS builders.
if (!is_official_build) {
# b/274341001: By design, ui.ChromeCrashEarly.strict fails on non-official
# builds.
tast_disabled_tests_from_lacros_all += [ "ui.ChromeCrashEarly.strict_lacros" ]
if (is_cfi) {
# b/350872890: pending investigation and fixes for is_cfi builders on betty.
tast_disabled_tests_from_chrome_all += [