
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <vector>

#include "base/component_export.h"

namespace gfx {
class Rect;

namespace chromeos {

    ImmersiveFullscreenControllerDelegate {
  // Called when a reveal of the top-of-window views starts.
  virtual void OnImmersiveRevealStarted() = 0;

  // Called when the top-of-window views have finished closing. This call
  // implies a visible fraction of 0. SetVisibleFraction(0) may not be called
  // prior to OnImmersiveRevealEnded().
  virtual void OnImmersiveRevealEnded() = 0;

  // Called as a result of enabling immersive fullscreen via SetEnabled().
  virtual void OnImmersiveFullscreenEntered() = 0;

  // Called as a result of disabling immersive fullscreen via SetEnabled().
  virtual void OnImmersiveFullscreenExited() = 0;

  // Called to update the fraction of the top-of-window views height which is
  // visible.
  virtual void SetVisibleFraction(double visible_fraction) = 0;

  // Returns a list of rects whose union makes up the top-of-window views.
  // The returned list is used for hittesting when the top-of-window views
  // are revealed. GetVisibleBoundsInScreen() must return a valid value when
  // not in immersive fullscreen for the sake of SetupForTest().
  virtual std::vector<gfx::Rect> GetVisibleBoundsInScreen() const = 0;

  // Re-layout the frame. Called when |EnableForWidget| is called
  // but full state did not change.
  virtual void Relayout() {}

  virtual ~ImmersiveFullscreenControllerDelegate() {}

}  // namespace chromeos