// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
namespace chromeos {
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused. Please keep in sync with
// MultitaskMenuEntryType in /src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
enum class MultitaskMenuEntryType {
kFrameSizeButtonHover = 0,
kFrameSizeButtonLongPress = 1,
kFrameSizeButtonLongTouch = 2,
kGestureFling = 3,
kGestureScroll = 4,
kAccel = 5,
kMaxValue = kAccel,
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused. Please keep in sync with
// MultitaskMenuActionType in /src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
enum class MultitaskMenuActionType {
kHalfSplitButton = 0,
kFullscreenButton = 1,
kPartialSplitButton = 2,
kFloatButton = 3,
kMaxValue = kFloatButton,
constexpr char kPartialSplitDurationHistogramName[] =
// Used to record when the user pressed the fullscreen option in the multitask
// menu.
constexpr char kFullscreenUserAction[] = "MultitaskMenu_Fullscreen";
// Used to record when the user pressed the exit fullscreen option in the
// multitask menu.
constexpr char kExitFullscreenUserAction[] = "MultitaskMenu_Exit_Fullscreen";
// Used to record when the user pressed the float option in the multitask menu.
constexpr char kFloatUserAction[] = "MultitaskMenu_Float";
// Used to record when the user pressed the unfloat option in the multitask
// menu.
constexpr char kUnFloatUserAction[] = "MultitaskMenu_UnFloat";
// Used to record when the user half splits to primary direction.
constexpr char kHalfSplitPrimaryUserAction[] =
// Used to record when the user half splits to secondary direction.
constexpr char kHalfSplitSecondaryUserAction[] =
// Used to record when the user partial splits to one third.
constexpr char kPartialSplitOneThirdUserAction[] =
// Used to record when the user partial splits to two thirds.
constexpr char kPartialSplitTwoThirdsUserAction[] =
// Gets the proper histogram name based on whether the user is in tablet mode or
// not.
std::string GetEntryTypeHistogramName();
std::string GetActionTypeHistogramName();
// Records the method the user used to show the multitask menu.
void RecordMultitaskMenuEntryType(MultitaskMenuEntryType entry_type);
// Records the action the user took within the multitask menu.
void RecordMultitaskMenuActionType(MultitaskMenuActionType action_type);
} // namespace chromeos