
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto3";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package allocation_recorder;

enum OperationType {
  // The operation is an allocation.
  // The operation is a free.
  FREE = 1;
  // Present mainly for compatibility with the internal operation type. Entries
  // with this type should not make it into this message.
  NONE = 2;

// A single frame of the stack trace.
message StackFrame {
  uint64 address = 1;

message StackTrace {
  repeated StackFrame frames = 1;

message MemoryOperation {
  // The type of operation that this operation represents.
  OperationType operation_type = 1;
  // The affected address.
  uint64 address = 2;
  // The number of allocated bytes, only set for allocations.
  optional uint64 size = 3;
  // The stack trace that caused this operation.
  StackTrace stack_trace = 4;

message Statistics {
  // The total number of memory operations recorded so far. This might be
  // different from the number of operations in this report since the recorder
  // overwrites old entries.
  uint64 total_number_of_operations = 1;
  // The total number of collisions that have been encountered. A collision
  // happens when two threads concurrently try to record using the same slot.
  optional uint64 total_number_of_collisions = 2;

message MemoryOperationReport {
  repeated MemoryOperation memory_operations = 1;
  Statistics statistics = 2;

message ProcessingFailures {
  repeated string messages = 1;

// The main message for the allocation trace recorder.
message Payload {
  oneof payload {
    MemoryOperationReport operation_report = 1;
    ProcessingFailures processing_failures = 2;