// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.components.autofill;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import android.view.autofill.AutofillId;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.jni_zero.CalledByNative;
import org.jni_zero.JNINamespace;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
/** The wrap class of native autofill::FormFieldDataAndroid. */
public class FormFieldData {
* Define the control types supported by android.view.autofill.AutofillValue.
* Android doesn't have DATALIST control, it is sent to the Autofill service as
* View.AUTOFILL_TYPE_TEXT with AutofillOptions.
@IntDef({ControlType.TEXT, ControlType.TOGGLE, ControlType.LIST, ControlType.DATALIST})
public @interface ControlType {
int TEXT = 0;
int TOGGLE = 1;
int LIST = 2;
int DATALIST = 3;
public final String mLabel;
public final String mName;
public final String mAutocompleteAttr;
public final boolean mShouldAutocomplete;
public final String mPlaceholder;
public final String mType;
public final String mId;
public final String[] mOptionValues;
public final String[] mOptionContents;
public final @ControlType int mControlType;
public final int mMaxLength;
public final String mHeuristicType;
public final String[] mDatalistValues;
public final String[] mDatalistLabels;
// The bounds in the viewport's coordinates
private RectF mBounds;
// The bounds in the container view's coordinates.
private RectF mBoundsInContainerViewCoordinates;
private boolean mIsChecked;
private String mValue;
private boolean mVisible;
// Indicates whether mValue is autofilled.
private boolean mAutofilled;
// Indicates whether this fields was autofilled, but changed by user.
private boolean mPreviouslyAutofilled;
// Provides the field type along with mHeuristicType, but could be changed
// after the object instantiated.
private String mServerType;
private String mComputedType;
private String[] mServerPredictions;
private AutofillId mAutofillId;
private FormFieldData(
String name,
String label,
String value,
String autocompleteAttr,
boolean shouldAutocomplete,
String placeholder,
String type,
String id,
String[] optionValues,
String[] optionContents,
boolean isCheckField,
boolean isChecked,
int maxLength,
String heuristicType,
String serverType,
String computedType,
String[] serverPredictions,
float left,
float top,
float right,
float bottom,
String[] datalistValues,
String[] datalistLabels,
boolean visible,
boolean isAutofilled) {
mName = name;
mLabel = label;
mValue = value;
mAutocompleteAttr = autocompleteAttr;
mShouldAutocomplete = shouldAutocomplete;
mPlaceholder = placeholder;
mType = type;
mId = id;
mOptionValues = optionValues;
mOptionContents = optionContents;
mIsChecked = isChecked;
mDatalistLabels = datalistLabels;
mDatalistValues = datalistValues;
if (mOptionValues != null && mOptionValues.length != 0) {
mControlType = ControlType.LIST;
} else if (mDatalistValues != null && mDatalistValues.length != 0) {
mControlType = ControlType.DATALIST;
} else if (isCheckField) {
mControlType = ControlType.TOGGLE;
} else {
mControlType = ControlType.TEXT;
mMaxLength = maxLength;
mHeuristicType = heuristicType;
mServerType = serverType;
mServerPredictions = serverPredictions;
mComputedType = computedType;
mBounds = new RectF(left, top, right, bottom);
mVisible = visible;
mAutofilled = isAutofilled;
public @ControlType int getControlType() {
return mControlType;
public RectF getBounds() {
return mBounds;
public void updateBounds(RectF bounds) {
mBounds = bounds;
public void setBoundsInContainerViewCoordinates(RectF bounds) {
mBoundsInContainerViewCoordinates = bounds;
public RectF getBoundsInContainerViewCoordinates() {
return mBoundsInContainerViewCoordinates;
/** @return value of field. */
public String getValue() {
return mValue;
public void setAutofillValue(String value) {
mValue = value;
public void setChecked(boolean checked) {
mIsChecked = checked;
private void updateValue(String value) {
mValue = value;
public boolean getVisible() {
return mVisible;
private void updateVisible(boolean visible) {
mVisible = visible;
private void updateFieldTypes(
String serverType, String computedType, String[] serverPredictions) {
mServerType = serverType;
mComputedType = computedType;
mServerPredictions = serverPredictions;
public String getServerType() {
return mServerType;
public String getComputedType() {
return mComputedType;
public String[] getServerPredictions() {
return mServerPredictions;
public String getServerPredictionsString() {
String[] predictions = getServerPredictions();
return (predictions != null && predictions.length > 0)
? String.join(",", predictions)
: getEmptyServerPredictionsString();
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PRIVATE)
public static String getEmptyServerPredictionsString() {
return "NO_SERVER_DATA";
public boolean isChecked() {
return mIsChecked;
public boolean hasPreviouslyAutofilled() {
return mPreviouslyAutofilled;
public boolean isAutofilled() {
return mAutofilled;
private void updateAutofillState(boolean autofilled) {
if (mAutofilled && !autofilled) mPreviouslyAutofilled = true;
mAutofilled = autofilled;
public void setAutofillId(AutofillId id) {
mAutofillId = id;
public AutofillId getAutofillId() {
return mAutofillId;
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PRIVATE)
public static FormFieldData createFormFieldData(
String name,
String label,
String value,
String autocompleteAttr,
boolean shouldAutocomplete,
String placeholder,
String type,
String id,
String[] optionValues,
String[] optionContents,
boolean isCheckField,
boolean isChecked,
int maxLength,
String heuristicType,
String serverType,
String computedType,
String[] serverPredictions,
float left,
float top,
float right,
float bottom,
String[] datalistValues,
String[] datalistLabels,
boolean visible,
boolean isAutofilled) {
return new FormFieldData(