// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This proto defines parameters and weights of for a logistic regression model.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
import "example_preprocessor.proto";
package assist_ranker;
message SparseWeights {
// Map of weights keyed by sparse feature element name.
// E.g. A sparse feature named 'user_language' has elements
// named 'fr', 'en', 'de', etc.
map<string, float> weights = 1;
// If a sparse feature element is not present in |weights|, use this weight
// instead. Defaults to 0.
optional float default_weight = 2;
message BucketizedWeights {
// Buckets include the left boundary, and exclude the right boundary.
// Namely, `boundaries = [0., 1., 2.]` corresponds to buckets
// `(-inf, 0.)`, `[0., 1.)`, `[1., 2.)`, and `[2., +inf)`.
repeated float boundaries = 1 [packed = true];
// Weights are ordered by bucket values, this contains one more element than
// |boundaries|.
repeated float weights = 2 [packed = true];
// If the feature is missing in the input, use the default_weight.
optional float default_weight = 3;
message FeatureWeight {
oneof feature_type {
// Scalar input feature are defined by a single number value. If the feature
// is missing, the weight defaults to zero.
float scalar = 1;
// One-hot features are binary vectors where one and only one element is
// true. The input is represented by a string corresponding to the active
// element. If no element is specified in the input example, or if the
// active element is not in the weight map, we use the default weight.
SparseWeights one_hot = 2;
// Sparse features are vectors where a few values are non-zero while the
// majority of the elements are zero. The input is represented as a map
// string-> float of non-zero-elements. Contrary to one-hot vectors, if no
// elements are specified, no weight is applied. If specified elements are
// not in the weight map, we apply the default weight for each of the
// unknown elements.
SparseWeights sparse = 3;
// Bucketized features are int or float input features that are converted to
// a one-hot vector where elements correspond to ranges of the value.
BucketizedWeights bucketized = 4;
// Defines the weights, bias and decision threshold of a Logistic Regression
// Model.
message GenericLogisticRegressionModel {
// Decision threshold. If not defined, use 0.5.
optional float threshold = 1;
// When computing the activation score, the bias is added to the
// weight-feature dot product before the non-linearity (sigmoid) is applied.
optional float bias = 2;
// Map of weights keyed by feature name. Features can be scalar, one-hot,
// sparse or bucketized.
map<string, FeatureWeight> weights = 3;
// If it's a preprocessed_model, then use preprocessor_config to preprocess
// the input and fullname_weights to calculate the score.
optional bool is_preprocessed_model = 4;
// Map from feature fullname to it's weights.
map<string, float> fullname_weights = 5;
// Config for preprocessor (without feature_indices; there is no need for
// vectorization, since the inference model use ExampleFloatIterator instead).
optional ExamplePreprocessorConfig preprocessor_config = 6;