
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Translation Assist Model to allow/suppress translation prompts.

syntax = "proto2";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package assist_ranker;

// Defines a Chrome Ranker Translate Model.
// Next tag: 13
message TranslateRankerModel {
  // A number that identifies the version of this model.
  optional uint32 version = 1;

  // Defines the weights and bias of a Logistic Regression Model.
  message TranslateLogisticRegressionModel {
    // Decision threshold. If not defined, use 0.5.
    optional float threshold = 12;

    optional float bias = 1;

    optional float accept_ratio_weight = 2;
    optional float decline_ratio_weight = 3;
    optional float ignore_ratio_weight = 4;

    optional float accept_count_weight = 9;
    optional float decline_count_weight = 10;
    optional float ignore_count_weight = 11;

    // One-hot features are encoded in the form of a map. These maps
    // each contain an element 'UNKNOWN' to use in case the key is not
    // found in the map.
    map<string, float> source_language_weight = 5;
    map<string, float> target_language_weight = 6;
    map<string, float> country_weight = 7;
    map<string, float> locale_weight = 8;

  oneof model_revision {
    TranslateLogisticRegressionModel translate_logistic_regression_model = 2;