// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module attribution_reporting.mojom;
import "components/attribution_reporting/source_registration_time_config.mojom";
import "components/attribution_reporting/trigger_data_matching.mojom";
import "components/attribution_reporting/debug_types.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/int128.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/schemeful_site.mojom";
import "url/mojom/origin.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// Encapsulates a potentially trustworthy origin. Equivalent to
// attribution_reporting::SuitableOrigin.
struct SuitableOrigin {
url.mojom.Origin origin;
// Filter data for selectively matching attribution sources and triggers.
// See https://github.com/WICG/attribution-reporting-api/blob/main/EVENT.md#optional-attribution-filters
// for details.
struct FilterData {
// Map of filter name to a possibly empty set of values. Must not contain
// `source_type` or `_lookback_window` keys.
map<string, array<string>> filter_values;
// Internal structure to support the lookback window implementation.
struct FilterConfig {
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? lookback_window;
map<string, array<string>> filter_values;
// Filters for selectively matching attribution sources and triggers.
// See https://github.com/WICG/attribution-reporting-api/blob/main/EVENT.md#optional-attribution-filters
// for details.
struct FilterPair {
// If non-empty, this trigger will be ignored unless the attributed source's
// filter data matches.
array<FilterConfig> positive;
// If non-empty, this trigger will be ignored unless the attributed source's
// filter data does *NOT* match.
array<FilterConfig> negative;
// See https://github.com/WICG/attribution-reporting-api/blob/main/AGGREGATE.md#attribution-source-registration
// for details.
struct AggregationKeys {
map<string, mojo_base.mojom.Uint128> keys;
// Struct containing the trigger-side aggregatable data.
struct AggregatableTriggerData {
mojo_base.mojom.Uint128 key_piece;
array<string> source_keys;
FilterPair filters;
// Target site(s) where a source can be attributed.
struct DestinationSet {
array<network.mojom.SchemefulSite> destinations;
// Reporting configuration that controls the early reporting time windows for a
// source.
struct EventReportWindows {
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta start_time;
array<mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta> end_times;
struct TriggerSpec {
EventReportWindows event_report_windows;
// https://wicg.github.io/attribution-reporting-api/#trigger-specs-header
// The index-list representation here goes against Mojo guidelines, but mirrors
// the representation of the C++ type of the same name, which was chosen for
// efficiency and utility as both an in-memory type and an on-disk structure.
// See https://crrev.com/c/4994870/comment/5071077b_37dae2d1/ for details.
struct TriggerSpecs {
array<TriggerSpec> specs;
// Keys are trigger data. Values are indices into `specs`.
map<uint32, uint8> trigger_data_indices;
// Specifies how many event-level reports can be generated across all trigger
// specs for the source.
int32 max_event_level_reports;
// Aggregatable contribution for aggregatable debug types.
struct AggregatableDebugReportingContribution {
mojo_base.mojom.Uint128 key_piece;
uint32 value;
// Configuration for aggregatable debug reporting.
struct AggregatableDebugReportingConfig {
mojo_base.mojom.Uint128 key_piece;
AggregatableDebugReportingContribution> debug_data;
SuitableOrigin? aggregation_coordinator_origin;
// Configuration for source-side aggregatable debug reporting.
struct SourceAggregatableDebugReportingConfig {
int32 budget;
AggregatableDebugReportingConfig config;
// Target identifiers used for pre-attribution filtering.
struct AttributionScopesSet {
array<string> scopes;
// Configuration for attribution scopes.
struct AttributionScopesData {
AttributionScopesSet attribution_scopes_set;
// Represents the number of distinct attribution scopes allowed per
// destination for a source's reporting origin.
uint32 attribution_scope_limit;
// Represents the maximum number of trigger states for an event source type
// sources per destination for a source's reporting origin.
uint32 max_event_states;
struct SourceRegistration {
DestinationSet destinations;
// Data that will be sent in attribution reports to identify this source.
uint64 source_event_id = 0;
// Specifies how long this source is eligible for attribution.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta expiry;
TriggerSpecs trigger_specs;
// Specifies how long after source registration an aggregatable
// report can be generated with this source.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta aggregatable_report_window;
// Priority for this source.
int64 priority = 0;
// A key that is propagated through the Attribution Reporting API for
// debugging purposes.
uint64? debug_key;
FilterData filter_data;
AggregationKeys aggregation_keys;
// Specifies whether to enable verbose debug reporting.
bool debug_reporting = false;
// Controls how trigger data is matched against the source's trigger specs.
TriggerDataMatching trigger_data_matching;
// Controls the epsilon parameter used for obtaining a randomized response for
// the containing source registration. Must be greater than or equal to 0.
// https://wicg.github.io/attribution-reporting-api/#obtain-a-randomized-source-response
double event_level_epsilon;
// Specifies aggregatable debug reporting configuration.
SourceAggregatableDebugReportingConfig aggregatable_debug_reporting_config;
// Specifies the priority of the destination in regards to source destination
// limit.
int64 destination_limit_priority;
// Controls the scopes the source can be attributed to along with the amount
// limit of scopes and the max number of event states. Logic pertaining to
// scopes are ignored if this field is null.
AttributionScopesData? attribution_scopes_data;
// Mojo representation of the trigger configuration provided by a reporting
// origin. This data is provided arbitrarily by certain subresources on a
// page which invoke Attribution Reporting.
struct EventTriggerData {
// Value which identifies this trigger in attribution reports, determined by
// reporting origin.
uint64 data = 0;
// Priority of this trigger relative to other attributed triggers for a
// source. Reports created with high priority triggers will be reported over
// lower priority ones.
int64 priority = 0;
// Key which allows deduplication against existing attributions for the same
// source.
uint64? dedup_key;
FilterPair filters;
struct AggregatableDedupKey {
// Key which allows deduplication against existing attributions for the same
// source.
uint64? dedup_key;
FilterPair filters;
struct AggregatableValuesValue {
uint32 value;
uint64 filtering_id;
struct AggregatableValues {
// A map of aggregation key identifier and the corresponding aggregatable
// values value.
map<string, AggregatableValuesValue> values;
FilterPair filters;
// Represents a request from a reporting origin to trigger attribution on a
// given site. See:
// https://github.com/WICG/attribution-reporting-api/blob/main/EVENT.md#triggering-attribution
struct TriggerRegistration {
// List of all event trigger data objects declared by the event trigger
// header. This data is arbitrarily set by the reporting origin.
array<EventTriggerData> event_triggers;
FilterPair filters;
// List of all aggregatable trigger data objects declared by the trigger
// header.
array<AggregatableTriggerData> aggregatable_trigger_data;
// List of all aggregatable values for matching a contribution value with a
// source's aggregation key.
array<AggregatableValues> aggregatable_values;
// A key that is propagated through the Attribution Reporting API for
// debugging purposes.
uint64? debug_key;
// List of all aggregatable dedup keys for deduplication against existing
// aggregatable reports for the same source.
array<AggregatableDedupKey> aggregatable_dedup_keys;
// Specifies whether to enable verbose debug reporting.
bool debug_reporting = false;
// Specifies the deployment option for the aggregation service. The default
// deployment will be used if not set.
SuitableOrigin? aggregation_coordinator_origin;
// Specifies whether to include source registration time in aggregatable
// reports.
SourceRegistrationTimeConfig source_registration_time_config;
// Specifies the context ID associated with the trigger. The context ID
// cannot be empty or longer than 64 bytes.
string? trigger_context_id;
// Specifies the maximum size of filtering ids within `aggregatable_values`.
uint8 aggregatable_filtering_id_max_bytes;
// Specifies the aggregatable debug reporting configuration.
AggregatableDebugReportingConfig aggregatable_debug_reporting_config;
// Specifies the scopes that this trigger can attribute to.
AttributionScopesSet attribution_scopes;
// Represents a source or trigger registration item that will be passed to the OS, if supported.
struct OsRegistrationItem {
// The URL to which the OS will make a request in order to retrieve the actual
// source or trigger registration.
url.mojom.Url url;
// Specifies whether to enable verbose debug reporting.
bool debug_reporting;
// Represents a source or trigger registration that will be passed to the OS, if supported.
// A registration may contain multiple registration items.
struct OsRegistration {
// The registrations to which the OS will make a request in order to retrieve the actual
// source or trigger registration.
array<OsRegistrationItem> items;