// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.components.autofill.payments;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.jni_zero.CalledByNative;
import org.jni_zero.JNINamespace;
import org.jni_zero.JniType;
* The android version of the C++ AutofillSaveIbanUiInfo providing UI resources for the save IBAN
* bottom sheet.
public class AutofillSaveIbanUiInfo {
private final String mAcceptText;
private final String mCancelText;
// The obfuscated value of IBAN being saved, e.g. CH** **** **** **** *8009.
private final String mIbanLabel;
private final String mTitleText;
public String getAcceptText() {
return mAcceptText;
public String getCancelText() {
return mCancelText;
public String getIbanLabel() {
return mIbanLabel;
public String getTitleText() {
return mTitleText;
/** Construct the delegate given all the members. */
/* package */ AutofillSaveIbanUiInfo(
@JniType("std::u16string") String acceptText,
@JniType("std::u16string") String cancelText,
@JniType("std::u16string") String ibanLabel,
@JniType("std::u16string") String titleText) {
mAcceptText = acceptText;
mCancelText = cancelText;
mIbanLabel = ibanLabel;
mTitleText = titleText;
/** Builder for {@link AutofillSaveIbanUiInfo} */
public static class Builder {
private String mAcceptText;
private String mCancelText;
private String mIbanLabel;
private String mTitleText;
public Builder withAcceptText(String acceptText) {
mAcceptText = acceptText;
return this;
public Builder withCancelText(String cancelText) {
mCancelText = cancelText;
return this;
public Builder withIbanLabel(String ibanLabel) {
mIbanLabel = ibanLabel;
return this;
public Builder withTitleText(String titleText) {
mTitleText = titleText;
return this;
/** Create the {@link AutofillSaveIbanUiInfo} object. */
public AutofillSaveIbanUiInfo build() {
// The asserts are only checked in tests and in some Canary builds but not in
// production. This is intended as we don't want to crash Chrome production for the
// below checks.
assert mIbanLabel != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(mIbanLabel)
: "IBAN value cannot be null or empty.";
return new AutofillSaveIbanUiInfo(mAcceptText, mCancelText, mIbanLabel, mTitleText);