// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains the definition of protocol buffers for native browser
// fingerprinting.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package autofill.risk;
message Fingerprint {
// A simple protocol message to represent objects with width and height.
message Dimension {
optional int32 width = 1;
optional int32 height = 2;
// Characteristics of the user's machine that are relatively durable,
// i.e. that are expected to change relatively infrequently.
message MachineCharacteristics {
// A simple protocol message that represents a plugin.
// e.g. flash, shockwave, acrobat reader, gears, picasa
message Plugin {
optional string name = 1;
optional string description = 2;
repeated string mime_type = 3;
optional string version = 4;
// Information on the CPU.
message Cpu {
// e.g. "GenuineIntel"
optional string vendor_name = 1;
// e.g. "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5650 @ 2.67GHz\000"
optional string brand = 2;
// Information on the GPU.
message Graphics {
// The GPU manufacturer's vendor id.
optional uint32 vendor_id = 1;
// The GPU manufacturer's device id for the chip set.
optional uint32 device_id = 2;
// The driver version on the GPU.
optional string driver_version = 3;
// The driver date on the GPU.
optional string driver_date = 4;
// Browser features that integrate with Risk.
enum BrowserFeature {
FEATURE_UNKNOWN = 0; // Should not be reachable.
// A hash of the concatenatation of:
// * The username of the user currently logged into computer / device.
// * The user-assigned computer or device name.
optional fixed64 user_and_device_name_hash = 1;
// Build version string for the current operating system.
optional string operating_system_build = 2;
// Browser install time (hours since epoch).
optional int64 browser_install_time_hours = 3;
// Fonts installed on the machine.
repeated string font = 4;
// Plug-ins installed on the machine.
repeated Plugin plugin = 5;
// Delta in ms of the device's time zone from UTC.
optional int64 utc_offset_ms = 6;
// IETF-formatted language tag. e.g. "en", "en-US", "es-419", etc.
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IETF_language_tag
optional string browser_language = 7;
// User-requested language code of viewed sites. Languages in
// accept-languages.
repeated string requested_language = 8;
// Default charset of the browser. (e.g. ISO-8859-1)
optional string charset = 9;
// The number of physical screens.
optional int32 screen_count = 10;
// Information about the user's monitor's physical screen size.
// (e.g. 1024 x 768)
optional Dimension screen_size = 11;
// The color depth of the user's screen (obtained from screen.colorDepth
// or screen.pixelDepth)
optional int32 screen_color_depth = 12;
// Information about the size of the portion of the screen that is unusable
// to a program (i.e. on Windows, the portion of the screen that is taken
// up by the taskbar)
optional Dimension unavailable_screen_size = 13;
optional string user_agent = 14;
// Total size of each hard drive partition.
repeated int32 partition_size = 15;
optional Cpu cpu = 16;
// Total RAM in bytes.
optional int64 ram = 17;
// Graphics card being used.
optional Graphics graphics_card = 18;
// Build version string for browser.
optional string browser_build = 19;
// The client-side feature corresponding to this request.
optional BrowserFeature browser_feature = 20;
// Contains properties relating to more transient computer / browser state.
message TransientState {
// Corresponds to window.innerWidth / innerHeight
optional Dimension inner_window_size = 1;
// Corresponds to window.outerWidth / outerHeight
optional Dimension outer_window_size = 2;
// Measures computer / network performance.
message Performance {
// Bandwidth in MB/s. network.connection.bandwidth
optional float bandwidth = 1;
// Whether bandwidth cost is metered. network.connection.metered
optional bool metered = 2;
// Whether it's wifi, 3g, 2g, etc. network.connection.type
optional string network_type = 3;
// Properties describing the user -- especially the user's state in the
// physical world.
message UserCharacteristics {
message Vector {
optional int32 x = 1;
optional int32 y = 2;
optional int32 z = 3;
message Location {
// Meters above sea level.
optional double altitude = 1;
// Latitude in degrees.
optional double latitude = 2;
// Longitude in degrees.
optional double longitude = 3;
// Accuracy in meters. 95% probability of being in this radius of
// lat / long.
optional double accuracy = 4;
// Milliseconds since epoch since measurement.
optional int64 time_in_ms = 5;
// Average force by finger presses. TouchEvent.force
optional float force = 1;
// Average finger width. TouchEvent.radiusX
optional float touch_width = 2;
// Average finger height. TouchEvent.radiusY
optional float touch_height = 3;
// TouchEvent.rotationAngle
optional int32 touch_rotation = 4;
// Orientation while user is navigating flow and the device is roughly
// stable. x for alpha, y for beta, z for gamma
// TODO(isherman): Orientation data is only available asynchronously in
// Chrome.
optional Vector device_orientation = 5;
// Acceleration while measuring orientation.
// TODO(isherman): Acceleration data is not available in Chrome.
optional Vector device_acceleration = 6;
optional Location location = 7;
// Metadata associated with data collection or the user that doesn't actually
// fingerprint the device.
message Metadata {
// When this data was collected / received, in milliseconds since the epoch.
optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1;
// Obfuscated Gaia id associated with transaction.
optional uint64 obfuscated_gaia_id = 2;
// Version of the native library generating this proto.
// This may be manually bumped when the code populating the proto has
// significantly changed.
optional int32 fingerprinter_version = 3;
// Computer / browser fingerprint.
optional MachineCharacteristics machine_characteristics = 1;
optional Performance performance = 2;
optional UserCharacteristics user_characteristics = 3;
optional TransientState transient_state = 4;
// Metadata associated with data collection.
optional Metadata metadata = 5;