
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>

#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
#include "components/autofill/content/renderer/form_tracker.h"
#include "components/autofill/content/renderer/timing.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_constants.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/dense_set.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/form_data.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/form_field_data.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/mojom/autofill_types.mojom-shared.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/unique_ids.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_vector.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_autofill_state.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_element_collection.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_form_control_element.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"

class GURL;

namespace blink {
enum class WebAutofillState;

class WebDocument;
class WebElement;
class WebFormControlElement;
class WebFormElement;
class WebInputElement;
class WebLocalFrame;
class WebNode;
}  // namespace blink

namespace content {
class RenderFrame;
}  // namespace content

namespace autofill {

class FormData;
class FormFieldData;

class FieldDataManager;

namespace form_util {

// This file contains utility function related to form and form field
// extraction, label inference, DOM traversal, and form field preview and
// autofilling.
// See for the terminology used in this file.

// Mapping from a form element's render id to results of button titles
// heuristics for a given form element.

// A bit field mask to extract data from WebFormControlElement.
// Copied to components/autofill/ios/browser/resources/autofill_controller.js.
enum class ExtractOption {};

// Extract FormData from `form_element` or the unowned form if
// `form_element.IsNull()`.
std::optional<FormData> ExtractFormData(
    const blink::WebDocument& document,
    const blink::WebFormElement& form_element,
    const FieldDataManager& field_data_manager,
    const CallTimerState& timer_state,
    DenseSet<ExtractOption> extract_options = {};

// Helper function to assist in getting the canonical form of the action and
// origin. The action will properly take into account <BASE>, and both will
// strip unnecessary data (e.g. query params and HTTP credentials).
GURL GetCanonicalActionForForm(const blink::WebFormElement& form);

// Returns true if |element| is a textarea element.
bool IsTextAreaElement(const blink::WebFormControlElement& element);

// Returns true if `element` is a textarea element or a text input element.
bool IsTextAreaElementOrTextInput(const blink::WebFormControlElement& element);

// Returns true if |element| is one of the input element types that can be
// autofilled. {Text, Radiobutton, Checkbox}.
// TODO( IsAutofillableInputElement() are currently used
// inconsistently. Investigate where these checks are necessary.
bool IsAutofillableInputElement(const blink::WebInputElement& element);

// Returns true if |element| is one of the element types that can be autofilled.
// {Text, Radiobutton, Checkbox, Select, TextArea}.
// TODO( IsAutofillableElement() are currently used
// inconsistently. Investigate where these checks are necessary.
bool IsAutofillableElement(const blink::WebFormControlElement& element);

FormControlType ToAutofillFormControlType(blink::mojom::FormControlType type);
bool IsCheckable(FormControlType form_control_type);

// Returns true iff `element` has a "webauthn" autocomplete attribute.
bool IsWebauthnTaggedElement(const blink::WebFormControlElement& element);

// Returns true if |element| can be edited (enabled and not read only).
bool IsElementEditable(const blink::WebInputElement& element);

// True if this element can take focus. If this element is a selectlist, checks
// whether a child of the selectlist can take focus.
bool IsWebElementFocusableForAutofill(const blink::WebElement& element);

// Returns the FormRendererId of a given WebFormElement or contenteditable. If
// WebFormElement::IsNull(), returns a null form renderer id, which is the
// renderer id of the unowned form.
FormRendererId GetFormRendererId(const blink::WebElement& e);

// Returns the FieldRendererId of a given WebFormControlElement or
// contenteditable.
FieldRendererId GetFieldRendererId(const blink::WebElement& e);

// Returns text alignment for |element|.
base::i18n::TextDirection GetTextDirectionForElement(
    const blink::WebFormControlElement& element);

// Returns all connected, autofillable form control elements
// - owned by `form_element` if `!form_element.IsNull()`;
// - owned by no form otherwise.
std::vector<blink::WebFormControlElement> GetOwnedAutofillableFormControls(
    const blink::WebDocument& document,
    const blink::WebFormElement& form_element);

// Returns the form that owns the `form_control`, or a null `WebFormElement` if
// no form owns the `form_control`.
// When `kAutofillIncludeFormElementsInShadowDom` is enabled, the form that owns
// `form_control` is
// - if `form_control` is associated to a form, the furthest shadow-including
//   form ancestor of that form,
// - otherwise, the furthest shadow-including form ancestor of `form_control`.
// When `kAutofillIncludeFormElementsInShadowDom` is disabled, `form_control`'s
// owner is
// - if `form_control` is associated to a form, that form,
// - otherwise, the nearest shadow-including form ancestor of `form_control`.
blink::WebFormElement GetOwningForm(
    const blink::WebFormControlElement& form_control);

// Extracts the FormData that represents the form of `element`. If that form
// cannot be extracted (e.g., because it is too large), falls back to a
// single-field form that contains `element`. If however `element` is not
// autofillable, returns nullopt.
std::optional<std::pair<FormData, raw_ref<const FormFieldData>>>
    const blink::WebFormControlElement& element,
    const FieldDataManager& field_data_manager,
    const CallTimerState& timer_state,
    DenseSet<ExtractOption> extract_options);

// Creates a FormData containing a single field out of a contenteditable
// non-form element. The FormData is synthetic in the sense that it does not
// correspond to any other DOM element. It is also conceptually distinct from
// the unowned form (i.e., the collection of form control elements that aren't
// owned by any form).
// Returns `std::nullopt` if `contenteditable`:
// - is a WebFormElement; otherwise, there could be two FormData objects with
//   identical renderer ID referring to different conceptual forms: the one for
//   the contenteditable and an actual <form>.
// - is a WebFormControlElement; otherwise, a <textarea contenteditable> might
//   be a member of two FormData objects: the one for the contenteditable and
//   the <textarea>'s associated <form>'s FormData.
// - has a contenteditable parent; this is to disambiguate focus elements on
//   nested contenteditables because the focus event propagates up.
// The FormData's renderer ID has the same value as its (single) FormFieldData's
// renderer ID. This is collision-free with the renderer IDs of any other form
// in the document because DomNodeIds are unique among all DOM elements.
std::optional<FormData> FindFormForContentEditable(
    const blink::WebElement& content_editable);

// Fills or previews the fields represented by `fields`.
// `initiating_element` is the element that initiated the autofill process.
// Returns a list of pairs of the filled elements and their autofill state
// prior to the filling.
std::vector<std::pair<FieldRef, blink::WebAutofillState>> ApplyFieldsAction(
    const blink::WebDocument& document,
    base::span<const FormFieldData::FillData> fields,
    mojom::FormActionType action_type,
    mojom::ActionPersistence action_persistence,
    FieldDataManager& field_data_manager);

// Clears the suggested values in `previewed_elements`.
// `initiating_element` is the element that initiated the preview operation.
// `old_autofill_state` is the previous state of the field that initiated the
// preview.
void ClearPreviewedElements(
    base::span<std::pair<blink::WebFormControlElement, blink::WebAutofillState>>

// Indicates if |node| is owned by |frame| in the sense of
// Note that being owned by
// a frame does not require being attached to its DOM.
bool IsOwnedByFrame(const blink::WebNode& node, content::RenderFrame* frame);

// Returns true if `node` is currently owned by `frame` or its frame is nullptr,
// in which case the frame is not known anymore. It is a weaker condition than
// `IsOwnedByFrame(node, frame)`.
bool MaybeWasOwnedByFrame(const blink::WebNode& node,
                          content::RenderFrame* frame);

// Checks if the webpage is empty.
// This kind of webpage is considered as empty:
// <html>
//    <head>
//    </head>
//    <body>
//    </body>
// </html>
// Meta, script and title tags don't influence the emptiness of a webpage.
bool IsWebpageEmpty(const blink::WebLocalFrame* frame);

// Returns the aggregated values of the descendants of |element| that are
// non-empty text nodes.  This is a faster alternative to |innerText()| for
// performance critical operations.  It does a full depth-first search so can be
// used when the structure is not directly known.  However, unlike with
// |innerText()|, the search depth and breadth are limited to a fixed threshold.
// Whitespace is trimmed from text accumulated at descendant nodes.
std::u16string FindChildText(const blink::WebNode& node);

// Returns the button titles for |web_form|. |button_titles_cache| can be used
// to spare recomputation if called multiple times for the same form.
ButtonTitleList GetButtonTitles(const blink::WebFormElement& web_form,
                                ButtonTitlesCache* button_titles_cache);

// Returns the form element by unique renderer id. Returns the null element if
// there is no form with the |form_renderer_id|.
blink::WebFormElement GetFormByRendererId(FormRendererId form_renderer_id);

// Returns the form control element by unique renderer id.
// |form_to_be_searched| could be used as an optimization to only search for
// elements in it, but doesn't guarantee that the returned element will belong
// to it. Returns the null element if there is no element with the
// |queried_form_control| renderer id.
blink::WebFormControlElement GetFormControlByRendererId(
    FieldRendererId queried_form_control);

blink::WebElement GetContentEditableByRendererId(
    FieldRendererId field_renderer_id);

std::string GetAutocompleteAttribute(const blink::WebElement& element);

// Iterates through the node neighbors of form and form control elements in
// `document` in search of four digit combinations.
void TraverseDomForFourDigitCombinations(
    const blink::WebDocument& document,
    base::OnceCallback<void(const std::vector<std::string>&)>

// The following functions exist in as internal helper functions in
// and are exposed here just for testing purposes. Check
// the wrapped functions in the .cc file for documentation.
std::vector<blink::WebFormControlElement> GetOwnedFormControlsForTesting(
    const blink::WebDocument& document,
    const blink::WebFormElement& form_element);
blink::WebNode NextWebNodeForTesting(const blink::WebNode& current_node,
                                     bool forward);
std::u16string GetAriaLabelForTesting(const blink::WebDocument& document,
                                      const blink::WebElement& element);
std::u16string GetAriaDescriptionForTesting(const blink::WebDocument& document,
                                            const blink::WebElement& element);
void InferLabelForElementsForTesting(
    base::span<const blink::WebFormControlElement> control_elements,
    std::vector<FormFieldData>& fields);
std::u16string FindChildTextWithIgnoreListForTesting(
    const blink::WebNode& node,
    const std::set<blink::WebNode>& divs_to_skip);
void GetDataListSuggestionsForTesting(const blink::WebInputElement& element,
                                      std::vector<SelectOption>* options);
blink::WebFormElement GetClosestAncestorFormElementForTesting(blink::WebNode n);
bool IsDOMPredecessorForTesting(const blink::WebNode& x,
                                const blink::WebNode& y,
                                const blink::WebNode& ancestor_hint);
bool IsWebElementVisibleForTesting(const blink::WebElement& element);
bool IsVisibleIframeForTesting(const blink::WebElement& iframe_element);
uint64_t GetMaxLengthForTesting(const blink::WebFormControlElement& element);
void WebFormControlElementToFormFieldForTesting(
    const blink::WebFormElement& form_element,
    const blink::WebFormControlElement& element,
    const FieldDataManager* field_data_manager,
    DenseSet<ExtractOption> extract_options,
    FormFieldData* field);

}  // namespace form_util
}  // namespace autofill