
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <optional>
#include <string>

#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/types/optional_ref.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_driver.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/field_types.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/form_forest.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/form_data.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/form_data_predictions.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/form_field_data.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/mojom/autofill_types.mojom-shared.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"

namespace autofill {

// AutofillDriverRouter routes events between AutofillDriver objects in order to
// handle frame-transcending forms.
// A *frame-transcending* form is a form whose fields live in different frames.
// For example, credit card forms often have the credit card number field in an
// iframe hosted by a payment service provider.
// A frame-transcending form therefore consists of multiple *renderer forms*.
// AutofillDriverRouter *flattens* these forms into a single *browser form*,
// and maps all events concerning the renderer forms to that browser form, and
// vice versa.
// That way, the collection of renderer forms appears as one ordinary form to
// the browser.
// For example, consider the following pseudo HTML code:
//   <html>
//   <form id="Form-1">
//     <input id="Field-1">
//     <iframe id="Frame-1">
//       <input id="Field-2">
//     </iframe>
//     <iframe id="Frame-2">
//       <iframe id="Frame-3">
//         <form id="Form-2">
//           <input id="Field-3">
//         </form>
//         <form id="Form-3">
//           <input id="Field-4">
//         </form>
//       </iframe>
//     </iframe>
//     <input id="Field-5">
//   </form>
// Forms can be actual <form> elements or synthetic forms: <input>, <select>,
// and <iframe> elements that are not in the scope of any <form> belong to the
// enclosing frame's synthetic form.
// The five renderer forms are therefore, in pseudo C++ code:
//   FormData{
//     .host_frame = "Frame-0",  // The main frame.
//     .name = "Form-1",
//     .fields = { "Field-1", "Field-5" },
//     .child_frames = { "Frame-1", "Frame-2" }
//   }
//   FormData{
//     .host_frame = "Frame-1",
//     .name = "synthetic",
//     .fields = { "Field-2" },
//     .child_frames = { }
//   }
//   FormData{
//     .host_frame = "Frame-2",
//     .name = "synthetic",
//     .fields = { },
//     .child_frames = { "Frame-3" }
//   }
//   FormData{
//     .host_frame = "Frame-3",
//     .name = "Form-2",
//     .fields = { "Field-3" },
//     .child_frames = { }
//   }
//   FormData{
//     .host_frame = "Frame-3",
//     .name = "Form-3",
//     .fields = { "Field-4" },
//     .child_frames = { }
//   }
// The browser form of these renderer forms is obtained by flattening the fields
// into the root form:
//   FormData{
//     .name = "Form-1",
//     .fields = { "Field-1", "Field-2", "Field-3", "Field-4", "Field-5" }
//   }
// Let AutofillAgent-N, AutofillDriver-N, and AutofillManager-N correspond to
// the Frame-N. AutofillDriverRouter would route an event concerning any of the
// forms in Frame-3 from AutofillDriver-3 to AutofillDriver-0:
//   +---Tab---+            +---Tab----+            +----Tab----+
//   | Agent-0 |      +---> | Driver-0 | ---------> | Manager-0 |
//   |         |      |     |          |            |           |
//   | Agent-1 |      |     | Driver-1 |            | Manager-1 |
//   |         |      |     |          |            |           |
//   | Agent-2 |      |     | Driver-2 |            | Manager-2 |
//   |         |      |     |          |            |           |
//   | Agent-3 | -----|---> | Driver-3 | -----+     | Manager-3 |
//   +---------+      |     +----------+      |     +-----------+
//                    |                       |
//                    |      +--Tab---+       |
//                    +----- | Router | <-----+
//                           +--------+
// If the event name is `Foo`, the control flow is as follows:
//   Driver-3.Foo(args1...)          calls
//   Router.Foo(callback, args1...)  calls
//   callback(Driver-0, args2...),
// where `args2` are obtained by mapping renderer forms to browser forms and
// vice versa.
// Events triggered by the renderer take a |source| parameter, which is the
// driver of the frame whose DOM contains the renderer form.
// See ContentAutofillDriver for details on the naming pattern and an example.
// See FormForest for details on (un)flattening.
class AutofillDriverRouter {};

}  // namespace autofill