
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/field_types.h"

namespace autofill::i18n_model_definition {

// Results of a parsing operation. If parsing was successful,
// contains the matching results, keyed by the name of the capture group with
// the captured substrings as the value. Otherwise this is a `nullopt`.

// An AutofillParsingProcess is a structure that represents a parsing process
// that transforms unstructured data model values into structured information.
// Each implementation of this class expresses a different parsing logic by
// defining its own implementation of the `Parse` method.
// As an example, a parsing process can transform an address text like:
//     “Avenida Mem de Sá, 1234
//     apto 12
//     1 andar
//     referência: foo”
// Into structured information:
//     ADDRESS_HOME_STREET_NAME: "Avenida Mem de Sá"
//     ADDRESS_HOME_APT_NUM: "apto 12"
class AutofillParsingProcess {};

// A Decomposition parsing process attempts to match an entire string (unless
// anchor_beginning or anchor_end create exceptions) to a parsing expression,
// and then extracts the captured field type values.
class Decomposition : public AutofillParsingProcess {};

constexpr Decomposition::~Decomposition() = default;

// A DecompositionCascade enables us to try one Decomposition after the next
// until we have found a match. It can be fitted with a condition to only use it
// in case the condition is fulfilled. The lack of a condition is expressed by
// an empty string.
class DecompositionCascade : public AutofillParsingProcess {};

constexpr DecompositionCascade::~DecompositionCascade() = default;

// An ExtractPart parsing process attempts to match a string to a
// parsing expression, and then extracts the captured field type values. It can
// be fitted with a condition to only use it in case the condition is fulfilled.
// The lack of a condition is expressed by an empty string.
// While a Decomposition attempts to match the entire string, ExtractPart is
// designed to contains an anchor term (e.g. "Apt.") after which information
// should be extracted (the apartment number).
class ExtractPart : public AutofillParsingProcess {};

constexpr ExtractPart::~ExtractPart() = default;

// Unlike for a DecompositionCascade, ExtractParts does not follow the "the
// first match wins" principle but applies all matching attempts in sequence so
// the last match wins. This also enables extracting different data (e.g. an
// apartment and a floor) in a sequence of ExtractPart operations. It can also
// be fitted with a condition to only use it in case the condition is fulfilled.
// The lack of a condition is expressed by an empty string.
class ExtractParts : public AutofillParsingProcess {};

constexpr ExtractParts::~ExtractParts() = default;

}  // namespace autofill::i18n_model_definition