
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <type_traits>

#include "base/types/cxx23_to_underlying.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/dense_set.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/html_field_types.h"

namespace autofill {

// NOTE: This list MUST not be modified except to keep it synchronized with the
// Autofill server's version. The server aggregates and stores these types over
// several versions, so we must remain fully compatible with the Autofill
// server, which is itself backward-compatible. The list must be kept up to
// date with the Autofill server list.
// NOTE: When deprecating field types, also update IsValidFieldType().
// This enum represents the list of all field types natively understood by the
// Autofill server. A subset of these types is used to store Autofill data in
// the user's profile.
// # Phone numbers
// Here are some examples for how to understand the field types for phone
// numbers:
// - US phone number: (650) 234-5678 - US has the country code +1.
// - German phone number: 089 123456 - Germany has the country code +49.
// In the following examples whitespaces are only added for readability
// purposes.
//   - US: 1
//   - DE: 49
// PHONE_HOME_CITY_CODE: City code without a trunk prefix. Used in combination
//   - US: 650
//   - DE: 89
//   with a trunk prefix, if applicable in the number's region. Used when no
//   PHONE_HOME_COUNTRY_CODE field is present.
//   - US: 650
//   - DE: 089
// PHONE_HOME_NUMBER: Local number without country code and city/area code
//   - US: 234 5678
//   - DE: 123456
//   For the US numbers (650) 234-5678 the types correspond to 234 and 5678.
//   The 650 is a PHONE_HOME_CITY_CODE or
//   The concept of prefix and suffix is not well defined in the standard
//   and based on observations from countries which use prefixes and suffixes we
//   chose that suffixes cover the last 4 digits of the home number and the
//   prefix the rest.
// PHONE_HOME_CITY_AND_NUMBER: city and local number with a local trunk prefix
//   where applicable. This is how one would dial the number from within its
//   country.
//   - US: 650 234 5678
//   - DE: 089 123456
//   PHONE_HOME_CITY_AND_NUMBER, but never includes a trunk prefix. Used in
//   combination with a PHONE_HOME_COUNTRY_CODE field.
//   - US: 650 234 5678
//   - DE: 89 123456
// PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER: The phone number in the internal storage
// representation, attempting to preserve the formatting the user provided. As
// such, this number can be in national and international representation.
// If the user made no attempt at formatting the number (it consists only of
// characters of the set [+0123456789], no whitespaces, no parentheses, no
// hyphens, no slashes, etc), we will make an attempt to format the number in a
// proper way. If AutofillInferCountryCallingCode is enabled, we will infer the
// country code and also store that in the formatted number.
// If a website contains <input autocomplete="tel"> this is what we fill. I.e.,
// the phone number representation the user tried to give us.
// With AutofillInferCountryCallingCode, the GetInfo() representation always
// contains a country code. So for filling purposes, PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER is
// in international format.
// If we reformat the number ourselves, the GetRawInfo() contains the inferred
// country code. If we don't reformat the number, the GetRawInfo()
// representation remains without one. In all countries but the US and Canada,
// formatting will put a + in front of the country code.
// TODO( Clean this up once AutofillInferCountryCallingCode
// is launched.
// PHONE_HOME_EXTENSION: Extensions are detected, but not filled. This would
//   be the part that comes after a PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER or
// The following would be reasonable representations of phone numbers:
// - International formats:
// - National formats:
// There are a few subtleties to be aware of:
// GetRawInfo() can only be used to access the PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER.
// It returns a formatted number. If the number was not preformatted by the user
// (i.e. containing formatting characters outside of [+0123456789], we format
// it ourselves.
// GetInfo() returns an unformatted number (digits only). It is used for
// filling!
// A Java counterpart will be generated for this enum.
// GENERATED_JAVA_ENUM_PACKAGE: org.chromium.components.autofill
// LINT.IfChange
// This enum set must be kept in sync with IDL enum used by JS code.
enum FieldType {};
// LINT.ThenChange(//chrome/common/extensions/api/autofill_private.idl)

enum class FieldTypeGroup {};

template <>
struct DenseSetTraits<FieldType> {};




std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, FieldTypeSet field_type_set);

// Returns whether the field can be filled with data.
bool IsFillableFieldType(FieldType field_type);

// Returns a string view describing `type`.
std::string_view FieldTypeToStringView(FieldType type);

// Returns a string describing `type`.
std::string FieldTypeToString(FieldType type);

// Inverse FieldTypeToStringView(). Checks that only valid FieldType string
// representations are being passed.
FieldType TypeNameToFieldType(std::string_view type_name);

// Returns a string view describing `type`. The devtools UI uses this string to
// give developers feedback about autofill's filling decision. Note that
// different field types can map to the same string representation for
// simplicity of the feedback. Returns an empty string if the type is not
// supported.
std::string_view FieldTypeToDeveloperRepresentationString(FieldType type);

// There's a one-to-many relationship between FieldTypeGroup and
// FieldType as well as HtmlFieldType.
FieldTypeSet GetFieldTypesOfGroup(FieldTypeGroup group);
FieldTypeGroup GroupTypeOfFieldType(FieldType field_type);
FieldTypeGroup GroupTypeOfHtmlFieldType(HtmlFieldType field_type);

// Not all HtmlFieldTypes have a corresponding FieldType.
FieldType HtmlFieldTypeToBestCorrespondingFieldType(HtmlFieldType field_type);

// Returns |raw_value| if it corresponds to a non-deprecated enumeration
// constant of FieldType other than MAX_VALID_FIELD_TYPE. Otherwise, returns
// |fallback_value|.
constexpr FieldType ToSafeFieldType(std::underlying_type_t<FieldType> raw_value,
                                    FieldType fallback_value) {}

constexpr HtmlFieldType ToSafeHtmlFieldType(
    std::underlying_type_t<HtmlFieldType> raw_value,
    HtmlFieldType fallback_value) {}

constexpr inline FieldTypeSet kAllFieldTypes =fields;
  for (std::underlying_type_t<FieldType> i =field_type =;

constexpr HtmlFieldTypeSet kAllHtmlFieldTypes =fields;
  using underlying_type_t =i =field_type =;

}  // namespace autofill