#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
from collections import defaultdict
import io
import re
import sys
import json
# Generates a function AreMatchingPatternsEqualImpl(a, b, lang_code), which
# tests whether the patterns for PatternSources a and b in language lang_code
# match. This can be used to avoid unnecessarily recomputing heuristics.
# All return values are precomputed, making this a constant time operation at
# runtime.
# - `name_to_lang_to_id_to_patternrefs`: See `generate_cpp_constants()` for a
# description.
# - `lang_array`: A sorted list language codes for which lookups should be
# precomputed.
# - [`min_pattern_id`, `max_pattern_id`] all valid PatternSources IDs for which
# lookups should be precomputed.
def generate_matching_pattern_equals(name_to_lang_to_id_to_patternrefs,
lang_array, min_pattern_id, max_pattern_id):
# Tests if all patterns of `lang` match between to pattern source ids.
# "PATTERN_SOURCE_DUMMY" is ignored, since it is only just to identify the
# patterns for debugging purposes.
def patterns_match(a_id, b_id, lang):
return all(lang_to_id_to_patternrefs[lang][a_id] ==
for name, lang_to_id_to_patternrefs in
yield '// Checks if all the matching patterns for the given PatternSources'
yield '// and language are the same - meaning that computing predictions for'
yield '// both is unnecessary, since it will yield the same result.'
yield 'constexpr bool AreMatchingPatternsEqualImpl(PatternSource a,'
yield ' PatternSource b,'
yield ' LanguageCode lang_code) {'
yield ' if (a == b) {'
yield ' return true;'
yield ' }'
yield ' auto a_id = base::to_underlying(a);'
yield ' auto b_id = base::to_underlying(b);'
yield ' if (a_id > b_id) {'
yield ' std::swap(a_id, b_id);'
yield ' }'
# Precompute the result for all provided pattern ids and languages.
for a_id in range(min_pattern_id, max_pattern_id + 1):
for b_id in range(a_id + 1, max_pattern_id + 1):
langs = [lang for lang in lang_array if patterns_match(a_id, b_id, lang)]
if langs == []:
yield f' if (a_id == {a_id} && b_id == {b_id}) {{'
if langs == lang_array:
yield ' return true;'
disjunction = " || ".join(f"*lang_code == \"{lang}\"" for lang in langs)
yield f' return {disjunction};'
yield ' }'
yield ' return false;'
yield '}'
# Generates a set of C++ constexpr constants to facilitate lookup of a set of
# MatchingPatterns by a given tuple (pattern name, language code).
# id_to_name_to_lang_to_patterns is a
# map from pattern source IDs to a
# map from pattern names to a
# map from language codes to a
# list of patterns,
# where the pattern source IDs are consecutive natural numbers identifying the
# input JSON files.
# The constants are:
# - kPatterns is an array of MatchingPatterns without duplicates.
# The array is not sorted. The patterns are condensed (see below).
# - kPatterns__<pattern source id>__<pattern name>__<language code> contains
# the indices of the pattterns that from the pattern source for that pattern
# name and language code.
# - kPatternMap is a fixed flat map from (pattern name, language code) tuples
# to arrays of spans of MatchPatternRefs; the indices of the array correspond
# to the pattern sources.
# - kLanguages is a fixed flat set of language codes across all pattern source
# ids and all pattern names.
# This representation has larger binary size on Android than using nested
# lookup pattern name -> language code -> span of MatchPatternRefs, but it's
# significantly simpler.
def generate_cpp_constants(id_to_name_to_lang_to_patterns):
# Stores a `key` in `dictionary` and assigns it a natural number.
# For example, after memoize("foo", d) and memoize("bar", d),
# d = {"foo": 0, "bar": 1}. This is useful to generate a C++ array
# {"foo", "bar"} and referring to these elements by their indices
# 0 and 1.
def memoize(key, dictionary):
if key not in dictionary:
dictionary[key] = len(dictionary)
return dictionary[key]
# Maps a Python Boolean to a C++ Boolean literal.
def python_bool_to_cpp(b):
return 'true' if b else 'false'
# Maps a string literal to a C++ string literal.
def json_to_cpp_string_literal(json_string_literal):
return json.dumps(json_string_literal or '')
# Maps a string literal to a C++ UTF-16 string literal.
def json_to_cpp_u16string_literal(json_string_literal):
return 'u'+ json.dumps(json_string_literal or '')
# Maps a list of strings to a DenseSet containing these values.
# The strings represents constants in the format FOO_BAR.
# They're translated to the C++ constant kFooBar.
def json_to_cpp_dense_set(json_enum_values, cpp_enum_type):
# Converts FOO_BAR into kFooBar.
def json_to_cpp_constant_symbol(json):
assert json.isupper()
return f'{cpp_enum_type}::k' + re.sub(
r'(^|_)([a-z])', lambda matched: matched.group(2).upper(),
cpp_enum_values = [json_to_cpp_constant_symbol(c) for c in json_enum_values]
return f'DenseSet<{cpp_enum_type}>{{' + ','.join(cpp_enum_values) + f'}}'
# Maps a list of strings to a DenseSet<MatchAttribute> expression.
# The strings must be the names of MatchAttribute constants, e.g., NAME.
# They're mapped to C++ constants, e.g., kName.
def json_to_cpp_match_field_attributes(enum_values):
return json_to_cpp_dense_set(enum_values, 'MatchAttribute')
# Maps a list of strings to a DenseSet<FormControlType> expression.
# The strings must be the names of FormControlType constants, e.g., TEXT_AREA.
# They're mapped to C++ constants, e.g., kTextArea.
def json_to_cpp_form_control_types(enum_values):
return json_to_cpp_dense_set(enum_values, 'FormControlType')
# Maps a JSON object representing a pattern to a C++ MatchingPattern
# expression.
def json_to_cpp_pattern(json):
positive_pattern = json_to_cpp_u16string_literal(json['positive_pattern'])
negative_pattern = json_to_cpp_u16string_literal(json['negative_pattern'])
positive_score = json['positive_score']
match_field_attributes = json_to_cpp_match_field_attributes(
form_control_types = json_to_cpp_form_control_types(
return f'MatchingPattern{{\n' \
f' .positive_pattern = {positive_pattern},\n' \
f' .negative_pattern = {negative_pattern},\n' \
f' .positive_score = {positive_score},\n' \
f' .match_field_attributes = {match_field_attributes},\n' \
f' .form_control_types = {form_control_types},\n' \
# Name of the auxiliary C++ constant.
def kPatterns(id, name, lang):
return (f"kPatterns__{id}__{name}__{lang.replace('-', '_')}"
if lang else f'kPatterns__{id}__{name}')
# Preprocess the patterns.
for id, name_to_lang_to_patterns in id_to_name_to_lang_to_patterns.items():
if "__comment__" in name_to_lang_to_patterns:
del name_to_lang_to_patterns["__comment__"]
# Validate the JSON input.
for name, lang_to_patterns in name_to_lang_to_patterns.items():
if '' in lang_to_patterns:
raise Exception('JSON format error: language is ""')
# Remember each pattern's language.
# To ease debugging, we shall sort patterns of equal positive_score by their
# language.
for lang_to_patterns in name_to_lang_to_patterns.values():
for lang, patterns in lang_to_patterns.items():
for pattern in patterns:
pattern['lang'] = lang
# For each name, collect the items of all languages and add them as a
# separate entry for the pseudo-language ''.
for name, lang_to_patterns in name_to_lang_to_patterns.items():
lang_to_patterns[''] = [
p.copy() for ps in lang_to_patterns.values() for p in ps
# Add the English patterns to all languages except for English itself and
# the catch-all language ''.
# The idea is that these patterns should be applied (only) to the HTML
# source code, i.e., not the user-visible labels. To this end, we mark the
# English patterns here "supplementary", which will in the subsequent step
# be encoded in the MatchPatternRef().
for lang_to_patterns in name_to_lang_to_patterns.values():
if 'en' not in lang_to_patterns:
def make_supplementary_pattern(p):
assert "NAME" in p['match_field_attributes']
p = p.copy()
p['supplementary'] = True
return p
for patterns in (patterns for lang, patterns in lang_to_patterns.items()
if lang not in ['', 'en']):
for p in lang_to_patterns['en']
if "NAME" in p['match_field_attributes'])
# Populate the two maps:
# - a map from C++ MatchingPattern expressions to their index.
# - a map from names and languages and IDs to the their MatchingPatterns,
# represented as list of tuples (is_supplementary, pattern_index).
pattern_to_index = {}
name_to_lang_to_id_to_patternrefs = defaultdict(
lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)))
for id, name_to_lang_to_patterns in id_to_name_to_lang_to_patterns.items():
for name, lang_to_patterns in sorted(name_to_lang_to_patterns.items()):
for lang, patterns in sorted(lang_to_patterns.items()):
patternrefs = name_to_lang_to_id_to_patternrefs[name][lang][id]
sort_key = lambda p: (-p['positive_score'], p['lang'])
for pattern in sorted(patterns, key=sort_key):
is_supplementary = ('supplementary' in pattern and
pattern_index = memoize(
json_to_cpp_pattern(pattern), pattern_to_index)
patternrefs.append((is_supplementary, pattern_index))
# Generate the C++ constants.
yield '// The patterns. Referred to by their index in MatchPatternRef.'
yield 'constexpr auto kPatterns = std::to_array<MatchingPattern>({'
for cpp_expr, index in sorted(
pattern_to_index.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]):
yield f'/*[{index}]=*/{cpp_expr},'
yield '});'
yield ''
min_pattern_id = min(id_to_name_to_lang_to_patterns.keys())
max_pattern_id = max(id_to_name_to_lang_to_patterns.keys())
yield '// The patterns for field types and languages.'
yield '// They are sorted by the patterns MatchingPattern::positive_score.'
for name, lang_to_id_to_patternrefs in (
for lang, id_to_patternrefs in lang_to_id_to_patternrefs.items():
for id, patternrefs in id_to_patternrefs.items():
# If another pattern source has the same patterns for this `name` and
# `lang`, we don't need to a new array; a reference suffices.
ids_with_the_same_patternrefs = [
i for i in range(min_pattern_id, id)
if i in name_to_lang_to_id_to_patternrefs[name][lang] and
patternrefs == name_to_lang_to_id_to_patternrefs[name][lang][i]
if ids_with_the_same_patternrefs != []:
other_id = ids_with_the_same_patternrefs[0]
yield (f'constexpr auto {kPatterns(id, name, lang)} = '
f'base::make_span({kPatterns(other_id, name, lang)});')
yield (f'constexpr MatchPatternRef {kPatterns(id, name, lang)}[] {{' +
f', '.join(
f'{python_bool_to_cpp(is_supplementary)}, {index})'
for is_supplementary, index in patternrefs) + f'}};')
yield ''
yield '// The lookup map for field types and langs.'
yield '//'
yield '// The key type in the map is essentially a pair of const char*.'
yield '// It also allows for lookup by std::string_view pairs (because the'
yield '// comparator transparently accepts std::string_view pairs).'
yield '//'
yield '// The value type is an array of spans of MatchPatternRefs. The'
yield '// indices of the array correspond to the pattern source: the patterns'
yield '// from the first input JSON file are stored at index 0, etc.'
yield '//'
yield '// This design exploits that the different JSON files by and large'
yield '// contain the same pattern names and languages. If instead we'
yield '// generated an individual map for each JSON file, then, assuming four'
yield '// JSON files, the duplicate keys would cause 60% overhead, which'
yield '// adds up to >10K binary size on Android.'
yield 'constexpr auto kPatternMap = base::MakeFixedFlatMap<' \
'NameAndLanguage, '\
'std::array<base::span<const MatchPatternRef>, ' \
f'{max_pattern_id - min_pattern_id + 1}' \
for name, lang_to_id_to_patternrefs in sorted(
for lang, id_to_patternrefs in sorted(lang_to_id_to_patternrefs.items()):
pattern_array = [
kPatterns(id, name, lang)
if id in id_to_patternrefs else 'base::span<const MatchPatternRef>{}'
for id in range(min_pattern_id, max_pattern_id + 1)
yield f' {{{{"{name}", "{lang}"}}, {{{", ".join(pattern_array)}}}}},'
yield '}, NameAndLanguageComparator());'
yield ''
language_array = sorted(
set(lang for lang_to_id_to_patternrefs in
for lang in lang_to_id_to_patternrefs.keys() if lang != ''))
yield '// The set of language codes across all language source ids and'
yield '// pattern names.'
yield 'constexpr auto kLanguages = base::MakeFixedFlatSet<const char*>({'
quoted_languages = [f'"{lang}"' for lang in language_array]
yield f' {", ".join(quoted_languages)}'
yield '}, LanguageComparator());'
yield ''
yield from generate_matching_pattern_equals(name_to_lang_to_id_to_patternrefs,
language_array, min_pattern_id, max_pattern_id)
def generate_cpp_lines(id_to_name_to_lang_to_patterns):
yield """// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <string_view>
#include "base/containers/fixed_flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/fixed_flat_set.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/types/cxx23_to_underlying.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/form_parsing/regex_patterns.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/dense_set.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/form_parsing/autofill_parsing_utils.h"
namespace autofill {
// Wrapper of MatchPatternRef's private constructor.
// It's a friend of MatchPatternRef.
constexpr MatchPatternRef MakeMatchPatternRef(
bool is_supplementary,
MatchPatternRef::UnderlyingType index) {
return MatchPatternRef(is_supplementary, index);
// A pair of const char* used as keys in the `kPatternMap`.
struct NameAndLanguage {
using StringViewPair = std::pair<std::string_view, std::string_view>;
// By this implicit conversion, the below comparator can be called for
// NameAndLanguageComparator and StringViewPairs alike.
constexpr operator StringViewPair() const {
return {std::string_view(name), std::string_view(lang)};
const char* name; // A pattern name.
const char* lang; // A language code.
// A less-than relation on NameAndLanguage and/or std::string_view pairs.
struct NameAndLanguageComparator {
using is_transparent = void;
// By way of the implicit conversion from NameAndLanguage to StringViewPair,
// this function also accepts NameAndLanguage.
// To implement constexpr lexicographic comparison of const char* with the
// standard library, we need to compute both the lengths of the strings before
// we can actually compare the strings. A simple way of doing so is to convert
// each const char* to a std::string_view and then comparing the
// std::string_views.
// This is exactly what the comparator does: when an argument is a
// NameAndLanguage, it is implicitly converted to a StringViewPair, which
// is then compared to the other StringViewPair.
constexpr bool operator()(
NameAndLanguage::StringViewPair a,
NameAndLanguage::StringViewPair b) const {
int cmp = a.first.compare(b.first);
return cmp < 0 || (cmp == 0 && a.second.compare(b.second) < 0);
// A less-than relation on const char* and std::string_view, in particular for
// language codes.
struct LanguageComparator {
using is_transparent = void;
// This function also accepts const char* by implicit conversion to
// std::string_view.
// This comparator facilitates constexpr comparison among const char*
// similarly to the above NameAndLanguageComparator.
constexpr bool operator()(std::string_view a, std::string_view b) const {
return a.compare(b) < 0;
yield from generate_cpp_constants(id_to_name_to_lang_to_patterns)
yield """
} // namespace autofill
def build_cpp_file(id_to_name_to_lang_to_patterns, output_handle):
for line in generate_cpp_lines(id_to_name_to_lang_to_patterns):
line += '\n'
# unicode() exists and is necessary only in Python 2, not in Python 3.
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
line = unicode(s, 'utf-8')
def parse_json(input_files, output_file):
id_to_name_to_lang_to_patterns = {}
for index, input_file in enumerate(input_files):
with io.open(input_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as input_handle:
id_to_name_to_lang_to_patterns[index] = json.load(input_handle)
with io.open(output_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as output_handle:
build_cpp_file(id_to_name_to_lang_to_patterns, output_handle)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Transpiles parsing patterns from JSON to C++.')
help='JSON file(s) containing patterns')
help='C++ header file to be generated')
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.input or not args.output:
parse_json(args.input, args.output)