// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Data models to interface with Autofill API v1.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package autofill;
import "password_requirements.proto";
import "server.proto";
// Request to retrieve field suggestions from Autofill API for forms in a page
// that can be used as a resource ID in a RESTful interface.
message AutofillPageResourceQueryRequest {
// Serialized AutofillPageQueryRequest encoded in base64. We cannot use
// "bytes" because this is not supported by the API. The serialized_request is
// also a distinct signature that can be used for caching.
optional string serialized_request = 1;
// Request to retrieve field suggestions for multiple forms in a page. You can
// see this as batched form requests.
// Next ID: 4
message AutofillPageQueryRequest {
// Next ID: 5
message Form {
// Next ID: 5
message Field {
// Signature made of the field |name| and |control_type|.
optional fixed32 signature = 1;
// Name of the field (e.g., "First Name").
optional string name = 2;
// Type of the control (e.g., "email").
optional string control_type = 3;
// Metadata around the field.
optional AutofillRandomizedFieldMetadata metadata = 4;
// Signature of the form that is made of:
// - URL scheme (e.g., "http")
// - URL domain page (e.g., "google.com")
// - Form name (e.g., "Sign In")
// - Concatenated field names (e.g., "First Name", "Last Name")
optional fixed64 signature = 1;
// Fields of the form for which we want suggestions.
repeated Field fields = 2;
// Metadata around the form.
optional AutofillRandomizedFormMetadata metadata = 3;
// Alternative signature of the form that is made of:
// - URL scheme (e.g., "http")
// - URL domain page (e.g., "google.com")
// - Concatenated fields' form control types (e.g., "text", "password")
// - For forms with 1-2 fields, one of the following non-empty elements
// ordered by preference: path, reference, or query.
optional fixed64 alternative_signature = 4;
// Version of the client. Do not use, deprecated.
optional string client_version = 1 [deprecated = true];
// Forms in the same page for which we want fields suggestions.
repeated Form forms = 2;
// The collection of server-side experiments to use.
repeated int64 experiments = 3;
// Response containing field suggestions from Autofill API for
// AutofillPageQueryRequest request. Form and fields are in the exact same order
// as in the request that gave the response.
// Next ID: 2
message AutofillQueryResponse {
// Next ID: 3
message FormSuggestion {
// Next ID: 7
message FieldSuggestion {
// Prediction made on a field.
// Next ID: 5
message FieldPrediction {
// This lists all the different ways predictions can be provided,
// including some experiments.
enum Source {
// No source for this prediction. This is only valid for
// NO_SERVER_DATA predictions.
// The autofill prediction, with no experiments enabled.
// The password manager prediction, with no experiments enabled.
// The prediction came from an override list.
// The autofill prediction came from the experiment which combines all
// approved experiments.
// The autofill prediction came from the experiment which considers
// fields ranks.
// The prediction was specified as a command line override (used for
// testing purposes only).
// The predicted field type.
// See components/autofill/core/browser/field_types.h for defined types.
// It is not guaranteed that the value of |type| is known to the enum.
optional int32 type = 1;
// Indicates if the prediction is an override.
optional bool override = 2 [default = false];
// The source of the prediction. E.g. which pipeline, which experiment,
// etc.
optional Source source = 3;
reserved 4; // repeated .autofill.AlternativeType alternative_types
// Signature identifying the field that is the same as in the request.
optional fixed32 field_signature = 1;
reserved 2; // optional int32 primary_type_prediction
// Detailed list of all possible predictions. Contains an autofill and/or
// a password manager prediction.
repeated FieldPrediction predictions = 3;
// Whether the server-side classification believes that the field
// may be pre-filled with a placeholder in the value attribute.
optional bool may_use_prefilled_placeholder = 4;
// For fields of type NEW_PASSWORD and ACCOUNT_CREATION_PASSWORD, this may
// specify requirements for the generation of passwords.
optional .autofill.PasswordRequirementsSpec password_requirements = 5;
reserved 6; // optional bool primary_type_prediction_is_override
// Suggestions on the fields in the same form.
repeated FieldSuggestion field_suggestions = 1;
reserved 2; // repeated .autofill.Context contexts
// Suggestions for forms in the same page.
repeated FormSuggestion form_suggestions = 1;
// Next ID: 2
message AutofillUploadRequest {
// Content of the upload for voting.
optional AutofillUploadContents upload = 1;