
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package autofill;

// Requirements for generating passwords.
message PasswordRequirementsSpec {
  // A CharacterClass represents a type of characters (e.g. upper case,
  // lower case, numbers, special symbols, ...).
  // With min and max it is possible to specify the desired frequency:
  // - Allowed: min = 0, max = MAX_INT32
  // - Required: min = 1, max = MAX_INT32
  // - Prohibited: min = 0, max = 0
  // Note that character classes are meant to be handled independently of each
  // other. Therefore, it is recommended not to set max > 0 for two overlapping
  // character classes.
  // It is also possible to express special rules like "at least two numbers"
  // via min = 2, max = MAX_INT32, or "only numbers" by setting min = max = 0
  // for all other character classes.
  message CharacterClass {
    // This is the pool of characters that make up the character set. For
    // brevity, some defaults are assumed given the name/identity of the
    // character class member (i.e., lower case vs upper case).
    // Anything in UTF-8 is deemed acceptable here.
    optional string character_set = 1;
    // Minimum number of characters from this class.
    optional uint32 min = 2;
    // Maximum number of characters from this class.
    optional uint32 max = 3;

  // The priority of this specification.
  // Autofill uses crowdsourcing to learn the requirements of passwords.
  // It is possible to manually override the requirements for an entire domain
  // or for a specific form. The priority field can be used to determine which
  // specification wins. If multiple specificaitons are available, the one with
  // the highest priority value wins. In that case all other specifications
  // are discarded (i.e. completely overridden as if they were never there).
  // Values:
  // - 10 default for crowd sourced data.
  // - 20 for hard-coded overrides by domain.
  // - 30 for hard-coded overrides for a specific form.
  optional uint32 priority = 1;

  // A version number to allow older versions of Chrome to notice that they
  // don't understand a new revision of the requirements spec.
  optional uint32 spec_version = 2;

  // Minimum and maximum length of generated passwords for a site. Note that
  // these defaults may override the required minimum occurrences of character
  // classes if the two contradict.
  // Defaults may change over time.
  optional uint32 min_length = 4;
  optional uint32 max_length = 5;

  // The following fields allow overriding requirements for specific character
  // classes. If attributes of a CharacterClass are not set, the following
  // defaults apply:

  // All default character sets below are taken from 7-bit ASCII.

  // Default: character_set = [a-z], min = 1, max = MAX_INT32
  optional CharacterClass lower_case = 6;
  // Default: character_set = [A-Z], min = 1, max = MAX_INT32
  optional CharacterClass upper_case = 7;
  // Alphabetic should not be used together with lower_case and upper_case.
  // This is just an option for sites that don't differentiate the cases.
  // If you wish to use alphabetic, you should set lower_case and upper_case
  // to min = max = 0.
  // Default: character_set = [a-zA-Z], min = 0, max = 0
  optional CharacterClass alphabetic = 8;
  // Default: character_set = [0-9], min = 1, max = MAX_INT32
  optional CharacterClass numeric = 9;
  // Default: character_set = some default that works often
  // (e.g. [!@#$%^&*()_-+=]) but the default value may change over time!),
  // min = 0, max = 0
  optional CharacterClass symbols = 10;

// Response which contains what the server knows for a particular domain.
message DomainSuggestions {
  // Requirements that the website places on new passwords.
  optional PasswordRequirementsSpec password_requirements = 1;