
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/autofill/core/browser/randomized_encoder.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <string_view>

#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/format_macros.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/metrics/sparse_histogram.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/unguessable_token.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_features.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_prefs.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_switches.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/signatures.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
#include "crypto/hkdf.h"

namespace autofill {

namespace {

const RandomizedEncoder::EncodingInfo kEncodingInfo[] =;

// Size related constants.
constexpr size_t kBitsPerByte =;
constexpr size_t kEncodedChunkLengthInBytes =;
constexpr size_t kMaxChunks =;

// Find the EncodingInfo struct for |encoding_type|, else return nullptr.
const RandomizedEncoder::EncodingInfo* GetEncodingInfo(
    AutofillRandomizedValue_EncodingType encoding_type) {}

// Get the |i|-th bit of |s| where |i| counts up from the 0-bit of the first
// character in |s|. It is expected that the caller guarantees that |i| is a
// valid bit-offset into |s|
inline uint8_t GetBit(std::string_view s, size_t i) {}

// Set the |i|-th bit of |s| where |i| counts up from the 0-bit of the first
// character in |s|. It is expected that the caller guarantees that |i| is a
// valid bit-offset into |s|.
inline void SetBit(size_t i, uint8_t bit_value, std::string* s) {}
// Returns a pseudo-random value of length |encoding_length_in_bytes| that is
// derived from |secret|, |purpose|, |form_signature|, |field_signature| and
// |data_type|.
std::string GetPseudoRandomBits(std::string_view secret,
                                std::string_view purpose,
                                FormSignature form_signature,
                                FieldSignature field_signature,
                                std::string_view data_type,
                                int encoding_length_in_bytes) {}

// Returns the "random" encoding type to use for encoding.
AutofillRandomizedValue_EncodingType GetEncodingType(const std::string& seed) {}

// Returns the "random" seed to use for encoding.
std::string GetEncodingSeed(PrefService* pref_service) {}

}  // namespace

const char RandomizedEncoder::FORM_ID[] =;
const char RandomizedEncoder::FORM_NAME[] =;
const char RandomizedEncoder::FORM_ACTION[] =;
const char RandomizedEncoder::FORM_URL[] =;
const char RandomizedEncoder::FORM_CSS_CLASS[] =;
const char RandomizedEncoder::FORM_BUTTON_TITLES[] =;

const char RandomizedEncoder::FIELD_ID[] =;
const char RandomizedEncoder::FIELD_NAME[] =;
const char RandomizedEncoder::FIELD_CONTROL_TYPE[] =;
const char RandomizedEncoder::FIELD_LABEL[] =;
const char RandomizedEncoder::FIELD_ARIA_LABEL[] =;
const char RandomizedEncoder::FIELD_ARIA_DESCRIPTION[] =;
const char RandomizedEncoder::FIELD_CSS_CLASS[] =;
const char RandomizedEncoder::FIELD_PLACEHOLDER[] =;
const char RandomizedEncoder::FIELD_INITIAL_VALUE_HASH[] =;
const char RandomizedEncoder::FIELD_AUTOCOMPLETE[] =;

// Copy of components/unified_consent/
// We could not use the constant from components/unified_constants because of a
// circular dependency.
// TODO( resolve circular dependency and remove
// hardcoded constant
const char RandomizedEncoder::kUrlKeyedAnonymizedDataCollectionEnabled[] =;

// static
std::unique_ptr<RandomizedEncoder> RandomizedEncoder::Create(
    PrefService* pref_service) {}

    std::string seed,
    AutofillRandomizedValue_EncodingType encoding_type,
    bool anonymous_url_collection_is_enabled)

std::string RandomizedEncoder::Encode(FormSignature form_signature,
                                      FieldSignature field_signature,
                                      std::string_view data_type,
                                      std::string_view data_value) const {}

std::string RandomizedEncoder::EncodeForTesting(
    FormSignature form_signature,
    FieldSignature field_signature,
    std::string_view data_type,
    std::u16string_view data_value) const {}

std::string RandomizedEncoder::GetCoins(FormSignature form_signature,
                                        FieldSignature field_signature,
                                        std::string_view data_type,
                                        int encoding_length_in_bytes) const {}

// Get the pseudo-random string to use at the noise bit-field.
std::string RandomizedEncoder::GetNoise(FormSignature form_signature,
                                        FieldSignature field_signature,
                                        std::string_view data_type,
                                        int encoding_length_in_bytes) const {}

int RandomizedEncoder::GetChunkCount(std::string_view data_value,
                                     std::string_view data_type) const {}

}  // namespace autofill