
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <deque>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>

#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/types/expected.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/proto/api_v1.pb.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/signatures.h"

namespace autofill {


// Attempts to parse an override specification string into
// `ServerPredictionOverrides`.
// These overrides can be specified as follows:
//   chrome --enable-features=AutofillOverridePredictions:spec/SPECIFICATION
// or, if you also want to specify alternative signature overrides, as:
//   chrome --enable-features=AutofillOverridePredictions:\
//   spec/SPECIFICATION/alternative_signature_spec/SPECIFICATION2
// Here SPECIFICATION AND SPECIFICATION2 are strings of the following format:
// override1-override2-override3-...
// where each override has the following structure:
// formsignature_fieldsignature_typeprediction1_typeprediction2_...
// Here formsignature is the decimal representation of a `FormSignature`,
// fieldsignature is a decimal representation of a `FieldSignature` and
// typeprediction is the decimal representation of a FieldType (see
// components/autofill/core/browser/field_types.h). Any number of type
// predictions is permitted, including zero. If there are zero type predictions,
// i.e. the override is formsignature_fieldsignature, then the override acts as
// a "pass through", i.e. it defaults to server / local predictions (more
// details in the examples).
// Example 1: Overrides for a single field:
// Specification:
//   10011880710453506489_1654523497_3
// Effect:
//   The prediction for the field with signature 1654523497 in the form
//   with signature 10011880710453506489 is overridden to 3, i.e. NAME_FIRST.
// Example 2: Overrides for multiple fields:
// Specification:
//   10011880710453506489_1654523497_90-10011880710345406489_2001230230_9_100
// Effect:
//   The prediction for the field with signature 1654523497 in the form
//   with signature 10011880710453506489 is overridden to 90, i.e.
//   The prediction for the field with signature 2001230230 in the form with
//   signature 10011880710345406489 is overridden to two predictions, 9
// The more complex cases occur when there are multiple fields with the same
// form and field signature. In this case, the server can send multiple
// `FieldSuggestion`s per (form signature, field signature) pair and they are
// matched to the fields in the order in which they appear in the form. If there
// are more fields (with this signature pair) in the form than there are server
// predictions, then all additional fields will receive the last server
// prediction. Manual overrides follow the same behavior.
// Example 3: Signature collision
// Specification:
//   10011880710453506489_1654523497_3-10011880710453506489_1654523497_5
// Effect:
//   The first field with field signature 1654523497 in the form with signature
//   10011880710453506489 has type prediction 3 (NAME_FIRST), the second field
//   with the same signatures has type prediction 5 (NAME_LAST), and if there
//   are any further fields with the same signatures, they also receive type
//   prediction 5.
// Finally, when there are signature collisions, it may be desirable to only
// override some of the predictions. This can be achieved by using "pass
// through"s, i.e. omitting a field type prediction.
// Example 4: Signature collision and pass through for initial field
// Specification:
//   10011880710453506489_1654523497-10011880710453506489_1654523497_5
// Effect:
//   The first field with field signature 1654523497 in the form with signature
//   10011880710453506489 has no manually overridden type specification - it
//   will be whatever the server or the local heuristics specify. The second
//   field with the same signatures has type prediction 5 (NAME_LAST), and if
//   there are any further fields with the same signatures, they also receive
//   type prediction 5.
// Example 5: Signature collision and pass through for last field
// Specification:
//   10011880710453506489_1654523497_3-10011880710453506489_1654523497
// Effect:
//   The first field with field signature 1654523497 in the form with signature
//   10011880710453506489 has its type specification manually overridden to 3.
//   The second field and all other fields that follow will have whatever type
//   the server (or the local heuristics) prescribe.
// Example 6: Overriding formsignatures and alternativeformsignatures at the
// same time:
// --enable-features=AutofillOverridePredictions:spec/
//     10011880710453506489_1654523497_3/alternative_signature_spec/
//     10488510731126445485_4130863203_100
// Will override field 1654523497 in the form with formsignature
// 10011880710453506489 to 3 and field 4130863203 in the form with
// alternativeformsignature 10488510731126445485 to 100.
base::expected<ServerPredictionOverrides, std::string>
ParseServerPredictionOverrides(std::string_view specification);

}  // namespace autofill