
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <initializer_list>
#include <string>

#include "components/autofill/core/browser/proto/server.pb.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/signatures.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace autofill {

// Returns a container matcher that applies `matcher` to the first element of
// the container.
inline auto FirstElementIs(auto matcher) {
  return ::testing::AllOf(
      ResultOf([](const auto& container) { return container[0]; }, matcher));

// Matchers for `AutofillUploadContents`. These are in their own namespace to
// make their names briefer.
namespace upload_contents_matchers {

inline ::testing::Matcher<AutofillUploadContents> AutofillUsedIs(
    bool autofill_used) {}

// Creates a matcher for an `AutofillUploadContents`'s form_signature method
// against `form_signature`.
inline ::testing::Matcher<AutofillUploadContents> FormSignatureIs(
    FormSignature form_signature) {}

// Creates a matcher that matches `matchers` against the fields of an
// `AutofillUploadContents`. It requires that the match (and ordering) is exact.
template <typename... Matchers>
inline ::testing::Matcher<AutofillUploadContents> FieldsAre(
    Matchers... matchers) {}

// Creates a matcher that matches `matchers` against the fields of an
// `AutofillUploadContents`. It requires the fields in the proto contain (i.e.
// are a super set of) the provided `matchers`.
template <typename... Matchers>
  requires(sizeof...(Matchers) > 0)
inline ::testing::Matcher<AutofillUploadContents> FieldsContain(
    Matchers... matchers) {}

inline ::testing::Matcher<AutofillUploadContents> ObservedSubmissionIs(
    bool observed_submission) {}

inline ::testing::Matcher<AutofillUploadContents> SubmissionIndicatorEventIs(
    mojom::SubmissionIndicatorEvent event) {}

// Matchers for `AutofillUploadContents::Field`.
inline ::testing::Matcher<AutofillUploadContents::Field> FieldAutofillTypeIs(
    FieldTypeSet type_set) {}

inline ::testing::Matcher<AutofillUploadContents::Field> FieldSignatureIs(
    FieldSignature signature) {}

inline ::testing::Matcher<AutofillUploadContents> PasswordLengthIsPositive() {}

inline ::testing::Matcher<AutofillUploadContents> HasPasswordAttribute() {}

}  // namespace upload_contents_matchers

}  // namespace autofill