
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace autofill {
// Enum that describes different outcomes to an attempt of triggering the
// FastCheckout bottomsheet.
// Do not remove or renumber entries in this enum. It needs to be kept in
// sync with the enum of the same name in `enums.xml`.
// The enum values are not exhaustive to avoid excessive metric collection.
// Instead focus on the most interesting abort cases and only deal with cases
// in which the FastCheckout feature is enabled and a script exists for the
// form in question.
enum class FastCheckoutTriggerOutcome {};

// Enum defining possible outcomes of a Fast Checkout run.
enum class FastCheckoutRunOutcome {};

// Represents the state of the bottomsheet.
enum class FastCheckoutUIState {};

}  // namespace autofill