
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/form_field_data.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/mojom/autofill_types.mojom-shared.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/unique_ids.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"

namespace autofill_prediction_improvements {
class AutofillPredictionImprovementsFillingEngineImpl;
}  // namespace autofill_prediction_improvements

namespace autofill {

class LogBuffer;
namespace internal {
class FormForest;

// Pair of a button title (e.g. "Register") and its type (e.g.

// List of button titles of a given form.


// Element of FormData::child_frames.
struct FrameTokenWithPredecessor {};

// Autofill represents forms and fields as FormData and FormFieldData objects.
// On the renderer side, there are roughly one-to-one correspondences
//  - between FormData and blink::WebFormElement, and
//  - between FormFieldData and blink::WebFormControlElement,
// where the Blink classes directly correspond to DOM elements.
// On the browser side, there are one-to-one correspondences
//  - between FormData and FormStructure, and
//  - between FormFieldData and AutofillField,
// where AutofillField and FormStructure hold additional information, such as
// Autofill type predictions and sectioning.
// A FormData is essentially a collection of FormFieldDatas with additional
// metadata.
// FormDatas and FormFieldDatas are used in the renderer-browser communication:
//  - The renderer passes a FormData and/or FormFieldData to the browser when it
//    has found a new form in the DOM, a form was submitted, etc. (see
//    mojom::AutofillDriver).
//  - The browser passes a FormData and/or FormFieldData to the renderer for
//    preview, filling, etc. (see mojom::AutofillAgent). In the preview and
//    filling cases, the browser sets the field values to the values to be
//    previewed or filled.
// There are a few exceptions to the aforementioned one-to-one correspondences
// between Autofill's data types and Blink's:
// - Autofill only supports certain types of WebFormControlElements: select,
//   textarea, and input elements whose type [4] is one of the following:
//   checkbox, email, month, number, password, radio, search, tel, text, url
//   (where values not listed in [4] default to "text", and "checkbox" and
//   "radio" inputs are currently not filled). In particular, form-associated
//   custom elements [3] are not supported.
// - Autofill has the concept of an unowned form, which does not correspond to
//   an existing blink::WebFormElement.
// - Autofill may move FormFieldDatas to other FormDatas across shadow/main
//   DOMs and across frames.
// In Blink, a field can, but does not have to be associated with a form. A
// field is *associated* with a form iff either:
// - it is a descendant of a <form> element, or
// - it has its "form" attribute set to the ID of a <form> element.
// Note that this association does not transcend DOMs. See [1] for details.
// In Autofill, we lift Blink's form association across DOMs. We say a field is
// *owned* by a form iff:
// - the field is associated with that form, or
// - the field is unassociated and the form is its nearest shadow-including
//   ancestor [2].
// So the difference between the two terms is that a field in a shadow DOM may
// be unassociated but owned (by a <form> in an ancestor DOM).
// Example:
// <body>
//   <form>
//     <input id=A>
//   </form>
//   <input id=B>
//   <form>
//     #shadow-root
//       <input id=C>
//   </form>
// </body>
// The input A is an associated and owned field.
// The input B is an unassociated and unowned field.
// The input C is an unassociated but an owned field.
// TODO( Currently, Autofill ignores unowned fields in
// shadow DOMs.
// The unowned fields of the frame constitute that frame's *unowned form*.
// Forms from different frames of the same WebContents may furthermore be
// merged. For details, see AutofillDriverRouter.
// clang-format off
// [1]
// [2]
// [3]
// [4]
// clang-format on
class FormData {};

// Whether any of the fields in |form| is a non-empty password field.
bool FormHasNonEmptyPasswordField(const FormData& form);

// For testing.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const FormData& form);

#if defined(UNIT_TEST)
inline bool operator==(const FormData& lhs, const FormData& rhs) {
  return FormData::DeepEqual(lhs, rhs);
#endif  // defined(UNIT_TEST)

// Serialize FormData. Used by the PasswordManager to persist FormData
// pertaining to password forms. Serialized data is appended to |pickle|.
void SerializeFormData(const FormData& form_data, base::Pickle* pickle);
// Deserialize FormData. This assumes that |iter| is currently pointing to
// the part of a pickle created by SerializeFormData. Returns true on success.
bool DeserializeFormData(base::PickleIterator* iter, FormData* form_data);

LogBuffer& operator<<(LogBuffer& buffer, const FormData& form);

}  // namespace autofill