
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


// Logging macro in the style of LOG(INFO) intended for
// chrome://autofill-internals.
// In `LOG_AF(logger) << expression`, the `expression` is evaluated only
// if the `logger` is active. The expression `logger` must be of type
// `LogManager` or `LogBuffer` or `LogManager*` or `LogBuffer`*.
// Support for other types of `logger` can be added by adding template
// specializations of `LoggerTraits`.
#define LOG_AF(logger)

namespace autofill::internal {

// Traits for targets of LOG_AF(). There are currently specializations for
// `LogManager*` and `LogBuffer*`.
template <typename T>
struct LoggerTraits {};

// This class is used to explicitly ignore values in the conditional
// logging macros. This avoids compiler warnings like "value computed
// is not used" and "statement has no effect".
class Voidify {};

}  // namespace autofill::internal