// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "components/autofill/core/common/field_data_manager.h"
#import "ios/web/public/js_messaging/web_frame_user_data.h"
namespace web {
class WebFrame;
} // namespace web
namespace autofill {
// Interface to create or provide a FieldDataManager to classes that need one.
// Always returns the same instance for a given WebFrame, for the lifetime of
// that frame.
class FieldDataManagerFactoryIOS {
// Creates or returns a FieldDataManager corresponding to the given frame.
// Both pointers must be valid.
static FieldDataManager* FromWebFrame(web::WebFrame* frame);
// Creates or returns a FieldDataManager corresponding to the given frame.
// `frame` must be valid at the time this is called; however, callers may hold
// the scoped_refptr to prolong the lifetime of the FieldDataManager beyond
// that of the frame.
static const scoped_refptr<FieldDataManager> GetRetainable(
web::WebFrame* frame);
// This factory is stateless and does not need to be instantiated.
FieldDataManagerFactoryIOS() = default;
// Holds a refptr to an instance of `FieldDataManager`, scoped to the lifetime
// of the corresponding WebFrame. Should not be accessed directly; use the
// factory methods above instead.
class FieldDataManagerHolderIOS
: public web::WebFrameUserData<FieldDataManagerHolderIOS> {
FieldDataManagerHolderIOS(const FieldDataManagerHolderIOS&) = delete;
FieldDataManagerHolderIOS& operator=(const FieldDataManagerHolderIOS&) =
~FieldDataManagerHolderIOS() override;
friend class FieldDataManagerFactoryIOS;
friend class web::WebFrameUserData<FieldDataManagerHolderIOS>;
FieldDataManager* get() { return manager_.get(); }
const scoped_refptr<FieldDataManager> GetRetainable() { return manager_; }
FieldDataManagerHolderIOS(web::WebFrame* frame);
const scoped_refptr<FieldDataManager> manager_;
} // namespace autofill