
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

  <!-- TODO( Remove when Undo launches on iOS. -->
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_CLEAR_FORM_MENU_ITEM" desc="iOS: The entry in the suggestions keyboard accessory that clears an auto-filled form. Title-cased.">
    Clear Form

  <if expr="not is_ios">
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_UNDO_MENU_ITEM" desc="The entry in the suggestions dropdown that undoes the last filling operation on a field.">
      Undo autofill
  <if expr="is_ios">
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_UNDO_MENU_ITEM" desc="iOS: The entry in the suggestions keyboard accessory that undoes the last filling operation on a field. Title-cased.">
      Undo Autofill

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_WARNING_INSECURE_CONNECTION" desc="Warning text to show when credit card autofill is disabled because the website is not using a secure connection.">
    Automatic credit card filling is disabled because this form does not use a secure connection.
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_WARNING_MIXED_FORM" desc="Warning text shown when autofill is disabled due to a form on a secure site being submitted over an insecure connection.">
    This form is not secure. Autofill has been turned off.
  <if expr="_google_chrome">
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_DELETE_AUTOCOMPLETE_SUGGESTION_CONFIRMATION_BODY" desc="Text in a dialog to confirm that the user wants to delete an autocomplete form history suggestion.">
      Remove form suggestion from Chrome?
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_DELETE_CREDIT_CARD_SUGGESTION_CONFIRMATION_BODY" desc="Text in a dialog to confirm that the user wants to delete a credit card from Autofill.">
      Remove credit card from Chrome?
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_DELETE_PROFILE_SUGGESTION_CONFIRMATION_BODY" desc="Text in a dialog to confirm that the user wants to delete an address from Autofill.">
      Remove address from Chrome?
  <if expr="not _google_chrome">
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_DELETE_AUTOCOMPLETE_SUGGESTION_CONFIRMATION_BODY" desc="Text in a dialog to confirm that the user wants to delete an autocomplete form history suggestion.">
      Remove form suggestion from Chromium?
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_DELETE_CREDIT_CARD_SUGGESTION_CONFIRMATION_BODY" desc="Text in a dialog to confirm that the user wants to delete a credit card from Autofill.">
      Remove credit card from Chromium?
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_DELETE_PROFILE_SUGGESTION_CONFIRMATION_BODY" desc="Text in a dialog to confirm that the user wants to delete an address from Autofill.">
      Remove address from Chromium?
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_DELETE_AUTOCOMPLETE_SUGGESTION_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip shown when hovering over a small button with a trash-can logo next to an Autocomplete entry in the Autofill popup.">
    Delete entry
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_AUTOCOMPLETE_ENTRY_DELETED_A11Y_HINT" desc="Voice over text that is read out when the delete button next to an Autocomplete entry is selected.">
    Entry <ph name="ENTRY_VOICEOVER">$1<ex>Jane Doe</ex></ph> has been deleted
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_DELETE_AUTOCOMPLETE_SUGGESTION_A11Y_HINT" desc="Voice over text that is read out when the delete button next to an Autocomplete entry is selected.">
    Delete entry <ph name="ENTRY_VOICEOVER">$1<ex>Jane Doe</ex></ph>
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_CC_AMEX" desc="Full American Express credit card name.">
    American Express
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_CC_AMEX_SHORT" desc="Shorter name for American Express credit card.">
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_CC_DINERS" desc="Diners Club credit card name.">
    Diners Club
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_CC_DISCOVER" desc="Discover credit card name.">
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_CC_ELO" desc="Elo credit card name.">
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_CC_GOOGLE_PAY" desc="Google pay brand name">
    Google Pay
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_CC_JCB" desc="JCB credit card name.">
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_CC_MASTERCARD" desc="Mastercard credit card name.">
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_CC_MIR" desc="Mir credit card name.">
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_CC_TROY" desc="Troy credit card name.">
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_CC_UNION_PAY" desc="China UnionPay credit card name.">
    China UnionPay
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_CC_VERVE" desc="Verve credit card name.">
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_CC_VISA" desc="Visa credit card name.">
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_CC_GENERIC" desc="Generic credit card name.">
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ADDRESS_SUMMARY_SEPARATOR" desc="The separator character used in the summary of an address." formatter_data="android_java">
    , '''
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_DEVELOPER_TOOLS" desc="Displayed as the main text in the top level devtools suggestion.">
    Developer tools
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_TEST_ADDRESS_BY_COUNTRY" desc="The text displayed as the main text in the second level popup for a devtools suggestion. Used to give developers about which countries Autofill has test addresses available.">
    Test address by country
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_TEST_ADDRESS_SELECTED_A11Y_HINT" desc="Voice over text that is read out when a test address is accepted from the subpopup." translateable="false">
    Test address from <ph name="ENTRY_VOICEOVER">$1<ex>United states</ex></ph> selected.

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_A11Y_ANNOUNCE_FILLED_FORM" desc="Screen reader announcement indicating that current form was autofilled.">
    The form was filled in
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_A11Y_ANNOUNCE_EXPANDABLE_ONLY_ENTRY" desc="Screen reader announcement used for non-expandable Autofill popup entries.">
    You are currently on a menu
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_A11Y_ANNOUNCE_VIRTUAL_CARD_MANUAL_FALLBACK_ENTRY" desc="Screen reader announcement used for virtual credit card suggestions that do not fill the web form.">
    Dialog with credit card details was shown

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_A11Y_ANNOUNCE_EDIT_ADDRESS_PROFILE_POPUP_OPTION_SELECTED" desc="Screen reader announcement indicating that edit autofill profile option was selected.">
    The edit address option was selected

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_A11Y_ANNOUNCE_DELETE_ADDRESS_PROFILE_POPUP_OPTION_SELECTED" desc="Screen reader announcement indicating that delete autofill profile option was selected.">
    The delete address option was selected

  <!-- TODO( Update when Undo launches on iOS. -->
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_A11Y_ANNOUNCE_CLEARED_FORM" desc="Screen reader announcement indicating that current form autofilled values were cleared.">
    The autofilled info was cleared from the form

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_A11Y_ANNOUNCE_FILL_ADDRESS_GROUP_POPUP_OPTION_SELECTED" desc="Screen reader announcement indicating that filling address fields option was selected.">
    The fill address option was selected

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_FILL_ADDRESS_GROUP_POPUP_OPTION_SELECTED" desc="The text displayed at one of the autofill submenus options allowing the users to fill all address related fields at once." meaning="Fills all address related fields">
    Fill address

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_A11Y_ANNOUNCE_FILL_NAME_GROUP_POPUP_OPTION_SELECTED" desc="Screen reader announcement indicating that filling name fields option was selected.">
    The fill full name option was selected

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_FILL_NAME_GROUP_POPUP_OPTION_SELECTED" desc="The text displayed at one of the autofill submenus options allowing the users to fill all name related fields at once." meaning="Fills all name related fields">
    Fill full name

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_A11Y_ANNOUNCE_FILL_EVERYTHING_FROM_ADDRESS_PROFILE_POPUP_OPTION_SELECTED" desc="Screen reader announcement indicating that the fill everything option was selected.">
    The fill everything option was selected

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_HIDE_SUGGESTIONS" desc="The text displayed at the Autofill popup to allow the user to hide the suggestions menu." meaning="Hides the suggestion list.">
    Hide suggestions

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_EDIT_ADDRESS_PROFILE_POPUP_OPTION_SELECTED" desc="The text displayed at the bottom of the Autofill sub meny to open the edit address profile dialog." meaning="Entry point to address profile deletion.">
    Edit address

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_DELETE_ADDRESS_PROFILE_POPUP_OPTION_SELECTED" desc="The text displayed at the bottom of the Autofill sub menu to open the delete address profile dialog." meaning="Entry point to address profile deletion.">
    Delete address

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_HOUSE_NUMBER_SUGGESTION_SECONDARY_TEXT_OPTION_SELECTED" desc="The secondary text displayed on a house number suggestion was selected." meaning="The label for the house number field type store by autofill has been selected in the subpopup.">
    House number option selected

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_STREET_NAME_SUGGESTION_SECONDARY_TEXT_OPTION_SELECTED" desc="The secondary text displayed on a street name suggestion was selected." meaning="The label for the street namefield type store by autofill has been selected in the subpopup.">
    Street name option selected

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_HOUSE_NUMBER_SUGGESTION_SECONDARY_TEXT" desc="The secondary text displayed on a house number suggestion." meaning="The label for the house number field type store by autofill.">
    House number

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_STREET_NAME_SUGGESTION_SECONDARY_TEXT" desc="The secondary text displayed on a street name suggestion." meaning="The label for the street namefield type store by autofill.">
    Street name

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_FILL_EVERYTHING_FROM_ADDRESS_PROFILE_POPUP_OPTION_SELECTED" desc="The text displayed at the footer of the Autofill sub menu to fill everything from the address profile." meaning="Fill every available information from the address profile.">
    Fill everything

  <if expr="not use_titlecase">
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_MANAGE_ADDRESSES" desc="The text displayed at the bottom of the Autofill popup to allow the user to manage their Autofill preferences for addresses. Imperative. When the user clicks on it, opens the Autofill settings page." meaning="Manage addresses in the user profile that can be used by Chrome Autofill.">
      Manage addresses...

    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_MANAGE_PAYMENT_METHODS" desc="The text displayed at the bottom of the Autofill popup to allow the user to manage their Autofill preferences for payment methods like credit cards/debit cards. Imperative. When the user clicks on it, opens the Autofill settings page." meaning="Manage the payment methods in the user profile that can be used by Chrome Autofill.">
      Manage payment methods...

    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_MANAGE_PASSWORDS" desc="The text displayed at the bottom of the Autofill popup to allow the user to manage passwords that can be used by Chrome Autofill. Imperative. When the user clicks on it, opens the Passwords section of the Settings page." meaning="Manage passwords in the user profile that can be used by Chrome Autofill.">
      Manage passwords...
  <if expr="use_titlecase">
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_MANAGE_ADDRESSES" desc="In Title Case: The text displayed at the bottom of the Autofill popup to allow the user to manage their Autofill preferences for addresses. Imperative. When the user clicks on it, opens the Autofill settings page." meaning="Manage addresses in the user profile that can be used by Chrome Autofill.">
      Manage Addresses...

    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_MANAGE_PAYMENT_METHODS" desc="In Title Case: The text displayed at the bottom of the Autofill popup to allow the user to manage their Autofill preferences for payment methods like credit cards/debit cards. Imperative. When the user clicks on it, opens the Autofill settings page." meaning="Manage the payment methods in the user profile that can be used by Chrome Autofill.">
      Manage Payment Methods...

    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_MANAGE_PASSWORDS" desc="In Title Case: The text displayed at the bottom of the Autofill popup to allow the user to manage passwords that can be used by Chrome Autofill. Imperative. When the user clicks on it, opens the Passwords section of the Settings page." meaning="Manage passwords in the user profile that can be used by Chrome Autofill.">
      Manage Passwords...

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SCAN_CREDIT_CARD" desc="An item in the autofill popup that triggers a new credit card to be scanned using the camera on the device." formatter_data="android_java">
    Scan new card

  <if expr="not use_titlecase">
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SHOW_ALL_SAVED_FALLBACK" desc="The text shown as an option in the suggestion drop down when a password field is clicked">
    Show all saved passwords
  <if expr="use_titlecase">
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SHOW_ALL_SAVED_FALLBACK" desc="In Title Case: The text shown as an option in the suggestion drop down when a password field is clicked">
    Show All Saved Passwords

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_CARDS" desc="Text shown as an option in the Autofill dropdown. Imperative. When clicked, additional payment cards (e.g., credit/debit cards) that were previously saved in the user's Google Account will be added to the list of suggestions being displayed.">
    Show cards from your Google Account

  <if expr="not is_android">
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_POPUP_ACCESSIBLE_NODE_DATA" desc="The accessibility text to speak when we display an autofill popup.">

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_IPH_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_PROFILE_SUGGESTION" desc="IPH bubble for a suggestion item with an account profile that was created somewhere outside Chrome (e.g. Google Pay)." formatter_data="android_java">
    You can now use addresses from your Google Account
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_IPH_MANUAL_FALLBACK" desc="IPH bubble for triggering autofill from the context menu.">
    Right click to autofill saved info, like your name or address, on any form
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_IPH_MANUAL_FALLBACK_SCREENREADER" is_accessibility_with_no_ui="true" desc="Screenreader text for the IPH bubble for triggering autofill from the context menu.">
    Right click to autofill saved info, like your name or address, on any form

  <!-- Autofill suggestion label separator -->
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SUGGESTION_LABEL_SEPARATOR" desc="A separator to place between different elements of a suggestion's label. Labels sometimes have more than one type of information, such as a phone number and an email address or a street address, a phone number, and an email address. A symbol, in this case a bullet •, with a white space before it and a white space after it, is used to separate the parts of the label that appear on the same line, e.g. (877) 733-7699 • [email protected] or 465 Huntington Ave • (617) 267-9300 • [email protected]. A bullet • is preferred for separating the label parts; however, if the bullet • resembles another symbol in the language, please translate the bullet • as a symbol (A) that is not easily mistaken for a number or letter in the language and (B) that is typically used to separate elements.">
  ''' • '''</message>

  <!-- Autofill credit card suggestion popup -->
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_DATE_ABBR" desc="Abbreviated label for credit card expiration date. [CHAR_LIMIT=32]">
    Exp: <ph name="EXPIRATION_MONTH">$1<ex>06</ex></ph>/<ph name="EXPIRATION_YEAR">$2<ex>17</ex></ph>
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_DATE_ABBR_V2" desc="Abbreviated label for credit card expiration date. Please translate the date as either YY/MM or MM/YY depending on how credit card expiration dates are more commonly presented in your locale. [CHAR_LIMIT=32]" meaning="Label for credit card expiration date for the save card dialog.">
    <ph name="EXPIRATION_MONTH">$1<ex>06</ex></ph>/<ph name="EXPIRATION_YEAR">$2<ex>17</ex></ph>

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_CREDIT_CARD_TWO_LINE_LABEL_FROM_NAME" desc="Second line label for the autofill credit card popup when the name is selected. This text will appear below the cardholder name. [CHAR_LIMIT=32]">
    <ph name="CREDIT_CARD">$1<ex>Visa  ••••5679</ex></ph>, expires on <ph name="EXPIRATION_DATE_ABBR">$2<ex>06/17</ex></ph>
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_CREDIT_CARD_TWO_LINE_LABEL_FROM_CARD_NUMBER" desc="Second line label for the autofill credit card popup when the card number is selected. This text will appear below the credit card number. [CHAR_LIMIT=32]">
    Expires on <ph name="EXPIRATION_DATE_ABBR">$1<ex>06/17</ex></ph>

  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_LOADING_REGIONS" desc="The string to display in the regions combobox while loading the region data.">
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SELECT" desc="The string to display in comboboxes when nothing got selected yet.">
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_NO_SAVED_ADDRESS" desc="The string to display in comboboxes when no addresses are available.">
    No saved addresses

  <!-- Autofill settings -->
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ADDRESSES" desc="Title for the list of addresses that chrome has saved for use in filling in forms.">
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ADDRESSES_TABLE_ARIA_LABEL" is_accessibility_with_no_ui="true" desc="Aria label for the list of addresses that chrome has saved for use in filling forms.">
    Saved addresses table
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ENABLE_PROFILES_TOGGLE_SUBLABEL" desc="Sublabel for a toggle that allows users to control whether addresses should be saved and forms should be autofilled with them." formatter_data="android_java">
    Includes information like phone numbers, email addresses, and shipping addresses
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_LOCAL_PROFILE_ACCESSIBILITY_LABEL" desc="Accessibility label for icon used to identify user's local address profile"  formatter_data="android_java">
    Local address
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ENABLE_CREDIT_CARDS_TOGGLE_SUBLABEL" desc="Sublabel for a toggle that allows users to control whether credit cards should be saved and forms should be autofilled with it." formatter_data="android_java">
    Fills in payment forms with your saved payment methods
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_DELETE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS_SOURCE_NOTICE" desc="The notice/warning for the user before the address deletion." formatter_data="android_java">
    This address will be deleted from your Google Account, <ph name="ACCOUNT">$1<ex>[email protected]</ex></ph>
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_DELETE_SYNC_ADDRESS_SOURCE_NOTICE" desc="The notice/warning for the user before the address deletion (with syncing enabled)." formatter_data="android_java">
    This address will be deleted from this and your other signed-in devices
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_DELETE_LOCAL_ADDRESS_SOURCE_NOTICE" desc="The notice/warning for the user before a local (syncing is disabled) address deletion." formatter_data="android_java">
    This address will be deleted from this device
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_IN_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE_ADDRESS_SOURCE_NOTICE" desc="The notice/warning message for the user that this address is going to be stored in their account.">
    In your Google Account, <ph name="ACCOUNT">$1<ex>[email protected]</ex></ph>
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_IN_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE_ADDRESS_MIGRATION_SOURCE_NOTICE" desc="The notice/warning message for the user that this address is going to be migrated in their account.">
    You will be able to use it across Google products
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ADDRESS_ALREADY_SAVED_IN_ACCOUNT_SOURCE_NOTICE" desc="The footer message used to notify user that their address is stored in their account." formatter_data="android_java">
    You can use saved addresses across Google products. This address is saved in your Google Account, <ph name="ACCOUNT">$1<ex>[email protected]</ex></ph>.
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ADDRESS_WILL_BE_SAVED_IN_ACCOUNT_SOURCE_NOTICE" desc="The footer message used to notify user that their address will be saved in their account." formatter_data="android_java">
    You can use saved addresses across Google products. This address will be saved in your Google Account, <ph name="ACCOUNT">$1<ex>[email protected]</ex></ph>.
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_EDIT_ADDRESS_REQUIRED_FIELD_FORM_ERROR" desc="The form error message shown to the user in case of a single required field missing.">
    A required field is empty. Fill it before saving.
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_EDIT_ADDRESS_REQUIRED_FIELDS_FORM_ERROR" desc="The form error message shown to the user in case of multiple required fields missing.">
    Some required fields are empty. Fill them before saving.
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_LOCAL_ADDRESS_ICON_A11Y_LABEL" desc="The a11y label for the 'no-cloud' address icon in Settings.">
    Address is available only on this device
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SYNC_TOGGLE_LABEL" desc="The Sync Autofill toggle label on the Autofill Settings page.">
    Use and save Addresses from your Google Account
  <if expr="not is_ios">
      <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ADDRESSES_SETTINGS_TITLE" desc="Title for the Autofill settings page that allows user to manage their list of saved addresses and Autofill preferences for addresses. Sentence-Cased." formatter_data="android_java">
        Addresses and more
      <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ADDRESSES_SETTINGS_SUBLABEL" desc="Description shown below the link to the Autofill settings page for managing addresses and more." translateable="false">
        Phone numbers, email addresses, shipping addresses, and plus addresses
      <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_PAYMENT_METHODS" desc="Title for the list of saved payment methods that can be used to fill in forms. Also used as the title for the Autofill settings page that allows user to manage their list of saved payment methods and Autofill preferences for payment methods. Sentence-Cased." formatter_data="android_java">
        Payment methods
      <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_PAYMENT_METHODS_TABLE_ARIA_LABEL" is_accessibility_with_no_ui="true" desc="Aria label for the list of saved payment methods that can be used to fill in forms.">
        Saved payment methods table
      <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ENABLE_PROFILES_TOGGLE_LABEL" desc="Label for a toggle that allows users to control whether addresses should be saved and forms should be autofilled with them. Sentence-Cased." formatter_data="android_java">
        Save and fill addresses
      <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ENABLE_CREDIT_CARDS_TOGGLE_LABEL" desc="Label for a toggle that allows users to control whether credit cards should be saved and forms should be autofilled with it. Sentence-Cased." formatter_data="android_java">
        Save and fill payment methods
      <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_DELETE_ADDRESS_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title of the remove address confimation dialog" formatter_data="android_java">
        Delete address
      <if expr="is_android">
        <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_EDIT_ADDRESS_REQUIRED_FIELD_ERROR" desc="Validation error message for missing required address field." formatter_data="android_java">
          Enter <ph name="FIELD">$1<ex>ZIP code</ex></ph>
      <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ADDRESSES_SETTINGS_TITLE" desc="Title for the Autofill settings page that allows user to manage their list of saved addresses and Autofill preferences for addresses. Title-Cased.">
        Addresses and More
      <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_PAYMENT_METHODS" desc="Title for the list of saved payment methods that can be used to fill in forms. Also used as the title for the Autofill settings page that allows user to manage their list of saved payment methods and Autofill preferences for payment methods. Title-Cased.">
        Payment Methods
      <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ENABLE_PROFILES_TOGGLE_LABEL" desc="Label for a toggle that allows users to control whether addresses should be saved and forms should be autofilled with them. Title-Cased.">
        Save and Fill Addresses
      <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ENABLE_CREDIT_CARDS_TOGGLE_LABEL" desc="Label for a toggle that allows users to control whether credit cards should be saved and forms should be autofilled with it. Title-Cased.">
        Save and Fill Payment Methods
  <if expr="is_android">
    <!-- TODO( Use finalized string.-->
    <message translateable="false" name="IDS_AUTOFILL_THIRD_PARTY_FILLING_DEFAULT" desc="Title of the option to use the default Chrome autofill experience." formatter_data="android_java">
    <!-- TODO( Use finalized string.-->
    <message translateable="false" name="IDS_AUTOFILL_THIRD_PARTY_FILLING_OPT_IN" desc="Title of the option to use third-party autofill in Chrome." formatter_data="android_java">
      Use other providers
    <!-- TODO( Use finalized string.-->
    <message translateable="false" name="IDS_AUTOFILL_THIRD_PARTY_FILLING_DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description shown on the option to use the default Chrome autofill experience." formatter_data="android_java">
      Use Google Password Manager and Chrome Autofill to save and fill passwords, passkeys, payment methods, and addresses
    <!-- TODO( Use finalized string.-->
    <message translateable="false" name="IDS_AUTOFILL_THIRD_PARTY_FILLING_OPT_IN_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description shown on the option enabling the use of third-party autofill in Chrome." formatter_data="android_java">
      Use password managers and autofill services that are turned on in Android Settings

  <!-- Autofill/Wallet integration preferences -->
  <if expr="not is_ios">
      <message name="IDS_SYNC_DATATYPE_PAYMENTS" desc="Label for the checkbox that controls the Autofill/Payments integration feature used for Autofill Home. 'Google Pay' should not be translated as it is the product name. Sentence-Cased.">
        Payment methods, offers, and addresses using Google Pay
      <message name="IDS_SYNC_DATATYPE_PAYMENTS" desc="Label for the checkbox that controls the Autofill/Payments integration feature used for Autofill Home. 'Google Pay' should not be translated as it is the product name. Title-Cased.">
        Payment Methods, Offers, and Addresses Using Google Pay

  <!-- Manual filling (keyboard accessory) strings -->
  <if expr="is_android">
    <message name="IDS_MANUAL_FILLING_CREDIT_CARD_SHEET_ALL_ADDRESSES_LINK" desc="The text of the link in the address sheet that opens the address management section.">
      Manage payment methods
    <message name="IDS_MANUAL_FILLING_CREDIT_CARD_SHEET_EMPTY_MESSAGE" desc="Message indicating that no payment methods (e.g., credit cards) are available for filling.">
      No saved payment methods
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ADDRESS_SHEET_EMPTY_MESSAGE" desc="Message indicating that no addresses are available for filling.">
      No saved addresses
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ADDRESS_SHEET_ALL_ADDRESSES_LINK" desc="The text of the link in the address sheet that opens the address management section.">
      Manage addresses

  <!-- Explicit save/update address prompt strings -->
  <!-- Common on all platforms (platform-specific defined later): -->
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_ADDRESS_PROMPT_OK_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label of the OK button in the prompt that offers the user to save a new address.">
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_ADDRESS_PROMPT_MIGRATION_OK_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label of the OK button in the prompt that offers the user to migrate a new address to their Google account.">
    Save in account
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ACCOUNT_MIGRATE_ADDRESS_PROMPT_TITLE" desc="Title shown at the top of prompt that offers the user to save existing address into account.">
    Save address in account?
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_UPDATE_ADDRESS_PROMPT_OK_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label of the OK button in the prompt that offers the user to update an existing address.">
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ADDRESS_MIGRATION_TO_ACCOUNT_PROMPT_OK_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label of the OK button in the prompt that offers the user the prompt to migrate the profile to the account.">
    Save in Account
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ADDRESS_MIGRATION_TO_ACCOUNT_PROMPT_CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label of the No thanks button in the prompt that offers the user the prompt to migrate the profile to the account.">
    No Thanks
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_UPDATE_ADDRESS_PROMPT_NEW_VALUES_SECTION_LABEL" meaning="In the address update prompt" desc="Label shown next to the section that displays the new address values in the prompt that offers the user to update an existing address." formatter_data="android_java">
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_UPDATE_ADDRESS_PROMPT_OLD_VALUES_SECTION_LABEL" meaning="In the address update prompt" desc="Label shown next to the section that displays the old address values in the prompt that offers the user to update an existing address." formatter_data="android_java">
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_MIGRATE_ADDRESS_PROMPT_CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label of the Cancel button in the prompt that offers the user to migrate an existing address profile in their Google account." meaning="Don't migrate this address">
    No thanks
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_IN_ACCOUNT_PROMPT_ADDRESS_SOURCE_NOTICE" desc="The footer message in the 'Save address' prompt informing the user that this address will be stored in their account.">
    You can use saved addresses across Google products. This address will be saved in your Google Account, <ph name="ACCOUNT">$1<ex>[email protected]</ex></ph>.
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_UPDATE_PROMPT_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS_SOURCE_NOTICE" desc="The footer message in the 'Update address' prompt informing the user that this address is stored in their account.">
    You can use saved addresses across Google products. This address is saved in your Google Account, <ph name="ACCOUNT">$1<ex>[email protected]</ex></ph>.
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SYNCABLE_PROFILE_MIGRATION_PROMPT_NOTICE" desc="The syncable profile prompt body text.">
    This address is currently saved to Chrome. To use it across Google products, save it in your Google Account, <ph name="ACCOUNT">$1<ex>[email protected]</ex></ph>.
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_LOCAL_PROFILE_MIGRATION_PROMPT_NOTICE" desc="The local profile prompt body text.">
    This address is currently saved to this device. To use it across Google products, save it in your Google Account, <ph name="ACCOUNT">$1<ex>[email protected]</ex></ph>.
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_PROMPT_ADDRESS_SECTION_A11Y_LABEL" desc="The 'Save address' prompt address summary section a11y announcement, accompanied with a label to make it clear that the content being read is an address.">
    Address: <ph name="ADDRESS">$1<ex>345 Spear street</ex></ph>.
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_PROMPT_PHONE_SECTION_A11Y_LABEL" desc="The 'Save address' phone number section a11y announcement, accompanied with a label to make it clear that the content being read is a phone number.">
    Phone number: <ph name="PHONE">$1<ex>+49 105 807 202 55</ex></ph>.
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_PROMPT_EMAIL_SECTION_A11Y_LABEL" desc="The 'Save address' email section a11y announcement, accompanied with a label to make it clear that the content being read is an email.">
    Email: <ph name="EMAIL">$1<ex>[email protected]</ex></ph>.
  <!-- Used on Android: -->
  <if expr="is_android">
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_ADDRESS_PROMPT_TITLE" desc="Title shown at the top of prompt that offers the user to save a new address.">
      Save address?
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_ADDRESS_MIGRATION_PROMPT_TITLE" desc="Title shown at the top of prompt that offers the user to migrate a new address in their Google Account.">
      Save in account?
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_UPDATE_ADDRESS_PROMPT_TITLE" desc="Title shown at the top of prompt that offers the user to update an existing address.">
      Update address?
    <message name="IDS_ANDROID_AUTOFILL_SAVE_ADDRESS_PROMPT_CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label of the negative button in the modal dialog that offers the user to save a new address.">
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_ADDRESS_PROMPT_EDIT_BUTTON_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip of the Edit button in the prompt that offers the user to save a new address." formatter_data="android_java">
      Edit address
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_EDIT_ADDRESS_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title shown at the top of dialog that edits an address before saving it" formatter_data="android_java">
      Edit address
  <!-- Used on iOS: -->
  <if expr="is_ios">
    <message name="IDS_IOS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_ADDRESS_MESSAGE_TITLE" desc="In Title Case: Title shown in the message that offers the user to proceed with saving a new address." meaning="In Title Case for iOS">
      Save Address?
   <message name="IDS_IOS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_ADDRESS_IN_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE_TITLE" desc="In Title Case: Title shown in the message that offers the user to proceed with saving a new address in the google account" meaning="In Title Case for iOS">
      Save Address in Account?
    <message name="IDS_IOS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_ADDRESS_MESSAGE_PRIMARY_ACTION" desc="Label of the primary action button in the message that offers the user to proceed with saving a new address.">
    <message name="IDS_IOS_AUTOFILL_UPDATE_ADDRESS_MESSAGE_TITLE" desc="In Title Case: Title shown in the message that offers the user to proceed with updating an existing address." meaning="In Title Case for iOS">
      Update Address?
    <message name="IDS_IOS_AUTOFILL_UPDATE_ADDRESS_MESSAGE_PRIMARY_ACTION" desc="Label of the primary action button in the message that offers the user to proceed with updating an existing address.">
    <message name="IDS_IOS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_ADDRESS_PROMPT_TITLE" desc="In Title Case: Title shown at the top of modal dialog that offers the user to save a new address." meaning="In Title Case for iOS">
      Save Address
   <message name="IDS_IOS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_ADDRESS_IN_ACCOUNT_PROMPT_TITLE" desc="In Title Case: Title shown at the top of modal dialog that offers the user to save a new address in Google Account." meaning="In Title Case for iOS">
      Save in Account
    <message name="IDS_IOS_AUTOFILL_UPDATE_ADDRESS_PROMPT_TITLE" desc="In Title Case: Title shown at the top of modal dialog that offers the user to update an existing address." meaning="In Title Case for iOS">
      Update Address
    <message name="IDS_IOS_AUTOFILL_ADDRESS_MIGRATION_TO_ACCOUNT_PROMPT_TITLE" desc="In Title Case: Title shown at the top of modal dialog that offers the user to migrate the profile to account." meaning="In Title Case for iOS">
      Save Address in Account
    <message name="IDS_IOS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_ADDRESS_IN_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE_SUBTITLE" desc="Subtitle shown in the messages UI view when a new profile is asked to be saved in the Google Account">
       In your Google Account, <ph name="USER_EMAIL">$1<ex>[email protected]</ex></ph>
    <message name="IDS_IOS_AUTOFILL_MIGRATE_ADDRESS_IN_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE_SUBTITLE" desc="Subtitle shown in the messages UI view when an existing profile is asked to be migrated to the Google Account">
       You can use it across Google products
    <message name="IDS_IOS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_ADDRESS_IN_ACCOUNT_FOOTER" desc="Footer text shown in the save modal for saving a new address profile or migrating it in the Google Account">
      You can use saved addresses across Google products. This address will be saved in your Google Account, <ph name="USER_EMAIL">$1<ex>[email protected]</ex></ph>.
  <!-- Used on Desktop: -->
  <if expr="not is_android and not is_ios">
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_ADDRESS_PROMPT_TITLE" desc="Title shown at the top of prompt that offers the user to save a new address.">
      Save address?
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_ADDRESS_PROMPT_CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label of the Cancel button in the prompt that offers the user to save a new address.">
      No thanks
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SAVE_ADDRESS_PROMPT_EDIT_BUTTON_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip of the Edit button in the prompt that offers the user to save a new address.">
      Edit address
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_UPDATE_ADDRESS_PROMPT_TITLE" desc="Title shown at the top of prompt that offers the user to update an existing address.">
      Update address?
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ADD_NEW_ADDRESS_PROMPT_TITLE" desc="The 'Add new address' bubble title.">
      Fill your address with less typing
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ADD_NEW_ADDRESS_EDITOR_TITLE" desc="The title of the editor dialog called after the 'Add new address' prompt is accepted.">
      Add address
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ADD_NEW_ADDRESS_INTO_CHROME_PROMPT_BODY_TEXT" desc="The 'Add new address' bubble body text if the address will be saved in Chrome (locally or syncable among Chromes on different devices).">
      You don't have any addresses saved. Add an address to use it in Chrome.
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ADD_NEW_ADDRESS_INTO_ACCOUNT_PROMPT_BODY_TEXT" desc="The 'Add new address' bubble body text if the address will be save in the user's Google account.">
      You don't have any addresses saved. Add an address to use it across Google products.
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_UPDATE_ADDRESS_PROMPT_CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label of the Cancel button in the prompt that offers the user to update an existing address.">
      No thanks
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_EDIT_ADDRESS_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title shown at the top of dialog that edits an address before saving it">
      Edit address
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_EDIT_ADDRESS_DIALOG_OK_BUTTON_LABEL_SAVE" desc="Label of the OK button in the dialog that edits the address before saving it as a new address.">
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_MIGRATE_ADDRESS_DIALOG_OK_BUTTON_LABEL_SAVE" desc="Label of the OK button in the prompt to migrate existing profile into account.">
      Save in account
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_EDIT_ADDRESS_DIALOG_OK_BUTTON_LABEL_UPDATE" desc="Label of the OK button in the dialog that edits the address before using it to update an existing address.">
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ADD_NEW_ADDRESS_DIALOG_OK_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label of the OK button in the dialog that promts the user to add a new address.">
      Add address
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_EDIT_ADDRESS_DIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label of the Cancel button in the dialog that edits an address before saving it.">
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_EXPANDABLE_SUGGESTION_FILL_ADDRESS_A11Y_ADDON" desc="Autofill desktop popup: call to action message part for expandable address suggestions.">
      Fill address
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_EXPANDABLE_SUGGESTION_EXPAND_SHORTCUT" desc="Autofill desktop popup: the shortcut used to focus the expanding control and effectively open the sub-menu, used in IDS_AUTOFILL_EXPANDABLE_SUGGESTION_SUBMENU_HINT.">
      right key
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_EXPANDABLE_SUGGESTION_EXPAND_SHORTCUT_RTL" desc="Autofill desktop popup: the shortcut used to focus the expanding control and effectively open the sub-menu, used in IDS_AUTOFILL_EXPANDABLE_SUGGESTION_SUBMENU_HINT, for RTL languages.">
      left key
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_EXPANDABLE_SUGGESTION_SUBMENU_HINT" desc="Autofill desktop popup: additional screen reader info to let the user know that the suggestion can be expanded into a sub-menu.">
      Submenu available, use <ph name="SHORTCUT">$1<ex>right key</ex></ph> to navigate to additional options.
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_SIGNIN_PROMO_TITLE_PASSWORD" desc="This is the body text of a confirmation message and means that the password was only saved locally to the user's device (not in their Google Account). It appears after a password save if the user is not signed in to Chrome or their sign-in credentials have expired. If the user wants to save this data to their Google Account, they can click the button at the bottom of this message. The tone should be motivating.">
    Password saved to this device
    <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_VERIFY_PROMO_SUBTITLE_PASSWORD" desc="This is the body text of a confirmation message and means that the password is in an account-pending storage. In other words, it's waiting to be uploaded to the user's Google Account. It appears when the user was signed in to Chrome but their sign-in credentials have expired; now, they need to sign back in to Chrome. The string is after the 'Password saved' string. If the user wants to save this data to their Google Account, they can click the 'Verify it's you' button at the bottom of this message. The tone should be motivating.">
    To save and use this password on all your devices, verify it's you

  <!-- Autofill Address Edit Dialog -->
  <!-- Common on all platforms -->
  <message name="IDS_AUTOFILL_ADDRESS_EDIT_DIALOG_HISPANIC_MUNICIPIO" desc="The label shown in address edit dialogs representing a municipio (Spanish) / município (Portuguese) in an address, see This is a subdivision of a state and currently introduced for Mexico.">