
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "components/background_task_scheduler/task_parameters.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/simple_factory_key.h"

namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
}  // namespace content

namespace background_task {

// Boolean parameter indicates whether the task needs to be rescheduled.
using TaskFinishedCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>;

// Entry point for callbacks from BackgroundTaskScheduler. Any classes
// implementing this interface must have a public constructor which takes no
// arguments. The callback will be executed on the main thread.
class BackgroundTask {
  // The following two methods represent the callback from
  // BackgroundTaskScheduler when your task should start processing. It is
  // invoked on the main thread, and after your task finishes, you should
  // run the |callback|, with a boolean parameter indicating whether the task
  // needs to be rescheduled. While this method is running the system holds a
  // wakelock and the wakelock is not released until either the |callback| is
  // invoked, or the system calls onStopTask. Depending on whether Chrome is
  // running in service manager only mode or full browser mode, one or both of
  // the following methods are invoked.

  // Callback invoked when chrome is running in service manager only mode. User
  // can start executing the task here or save the params and wait till full
  // browser is started and OnFullBrowserLoaded is invoked.
  virtual void OnStartTaskInReducedMode(const TaskParameters& task_params,
                                        TaskFinishedCallback callback,
                                        SimpleFactoryKey* key) {}

  // Callback invoked when Chrome is running in full browser mode. This is
  // invoked only if the chrome was started in full browser mode.
  virtual void OnStartTaskWithFullBrowser(
      const TaskParameters& task_params,
      TaskFinishedCallback callback,
      content::BrowserContext* browser_context) {}

  // Callback invoked whenever the full browser starts after starting first in
  // service manager only mode.
  virtual void OnFullBrowserLoaded(content::BrowserContext* browser_context) {}

  // Callback from BackgroundTaskScheduler when the system has determined that
  // the execution of the task must stop immediately, even before the
  // TaskFinishedCallback has been invoked. This will typically happen whenever
  // the required conditions for the task are no longer met. See TaskInfo for
  // more details. A wakelock is held by the system while this callback is
  // invoked, and immediately released after this method returns. If true is
  // returned from this method, the task will be rescheduled, for false, the
  // task will not be rescheduled.
  virtual bool OnStopTask(const TaskParameters& task_params) = 0;

  BackgroundTask(const BackgroundTask&) = delete;
  BackgroundTask& operator=(const BackgroundTask&) = delete;

  // Destructor.
  virtual ~BackgroundTask() {}

  BackgroundTask() = default;

}  // namespace background_task