// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.components.background_task_scheduler.internal;
import android.app.job.JobInfo;
import android.app.job.JobParameters;
import android.app.job.JobScheduler;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.PersistableBundle;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.core.os.BuildCompat;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.ResettersForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.components.background_task_scheduler.TaskInfo;
import org.chromium.components.background_task_scheduler.TaskParameters;
import java.util.List;
* An implementation of {@link BackgroundTaskSchedulerDelegate} that uses the system
* {@link JobScheduler} to schedule jobs.
class BackgroundTaskSchedulerJobService implements BackgroundTaskSchedulerDelegate {
private static final String TAG = "BkgrdTaskSchedulerJS";
/** Delta time for expiration checks. Used to make checks after the end time. */
static final long DEADLINE_DELTA_MS = 1000;
/** Clock to use so we can mock time in tests. */
public interface Clock {
long currentTimeMillis();
private static Clock sClock = System::currentTimeMillis;
static void setClockForTesting(Clock clock) {
var oldValue = sClock;
sClock = clock;
ResettersForTesting.register(() -> sClock = oldValue);
* Checks if a task expired, based on the current time of the service.
* @param jobParameters parameters sent to the service, which contain the scheduling information
* regarding expiration.
* @param currentTimeMs the current time of the service.
* @return true if the task expired and false otherwise.
static boolean didTaskExpire(JobParameters jobParameters, long currentTimeMs) {
PersistableBundle extras = jobParameters.getExtras();
if (extras == null || !extras.containsKey(BACKGROUND_TASK_SCHEDULE_TIME_KEY)) {
return false;
long scheduleTimeMs = extras.getLong(BACKGROUND_TASK_SCHEDULE_TIME_KEY);
if (extras.containsKey(BACKGROUND_TASK_END_TIME_KEY)) {
long endTimeMs = extras.getLong(BACKGROUND_TASK_END_TIME_KEY);
return TaskInfo.OneOffInfo.getExpirationStatus(
scheduleTimeMs, endTimeMs, currentTimeMs);
} else {
long intervalTimeMs = extras.getLong(BACKGROUND_TASK_INTERVAL_TIME_KEY);
// Based on the JobInfo documentation, attempting to declare a smaller period than
// this when scheduling a job will result in a job that is still periodic, but will
// run with this effective period.
if (intervalTimeMs < JobInfo.getMinPeriodMillis()) {
intervalTimeMs = JobInfo.getMinPeriodMillis();
// Since Android N, there was a minimum of 5 min set for the flex value. This
// value is considerably lower from the previous one, since the minimum value
// allowed for the interval time is of 15 min:
// https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/refs/heads/oreo-release/core/java/android/app/job/JobInfo.java.
long flexTimeMs =
/* defaultValue= */ JobInfo.getMinFlexMillis());
return TaskInfo.PeriodicInfo.getExpirationStatus(
scheduleTimeMs, intervalTimeMs, flexTimeMs, currentTimeMs);
* Retrieves the {@link TaskParameters} from the {@link JobParameters}, which are passed as
* one of the keys. Only values valid for {@link android.os.BaseBundle} are supported, and other
* values are stripped at the time when the task is scheduled.
* @param jobParameters the {@link JobParameters} to extract the {@link TaskParameters} from.
* @return the {@link TaskParameters} for the current job.
static TaskParameters getTaskParametersFromJobParameters(JobParameters jobParameters) {
TaskParameters.Builder builder = TaskParameters.create(jobParameters.getJobId());
PersistableBundle jobExtras = jobParameters.getExtras();
PersistableBundle persistableTaskExtras =
PersistableBundle taskExtras = new PersistableBundle();
return builder.build();
static JobInfo createJobInfoFromTaskInfo(Context context, TaskInfo taskInfo) {
PersistableBundle jobExtras = new PersistableBundle();
PersistableBundle persistableBundle = taskInfo.getExtras();
jobExtras.putPersistableBundle(BACKGROUND_TASK_EXTRAS_KEY, persistableBundle);
JobInfo.Builder builder =
new JobInfo.Builder(
new ComponentName(context, BackgroundTaskJobService.class))
if (BuildCompat.isAtLeastU()) {
JobInfoBuilderVisitor jobInfoBuilderVisitor = new JobInfoBuilderVisitor(builder, jobExtras);
builder = jobInfoBuilderVisitor.getBuilder();
return builder.build();
private static class JobInfoBuilderVisitor implements TaskInfo.TimingInfoVisitor {
private final JobInfo.Builder mBuilder;
private final PersistableBundle mJobExtras;
JobInfoBuilderVisitor(JobInfo.Builder builder, PersistableBundle jobExtras) {
mBuilder = builder;
mJobExtras = jobExtras;
// Only valid after a TimingInfo object was visited.
JobInfo.Builder getBuilder() {
return mBuilder;
public void visit(TaskInfo.OneOffInfo oneOffInfo) {
if (oneOffInfo.expiresAfterWindowEndTime()) {
if (oneOffInfo.hasWindowStartTimeConstraint()) {
long latency = oneOffInfo.getWindowStartTimeMs();
if (latency < 0) {
latency = 0;
if (oneOffInfo.hasWindowEndTimeConstraint()) {
long windowEndTimeMs = oneOffInfo.getWindowEndTimeMs();
if (oneOffInfo.expiresAfterWindowEndTime()) {
windowEndTimeMs += DEADLINE_DELTA_MS;
public void visit(TaskInfo.PeriodicInfo periodicInfo) {
if (periodicInfo.expiresAfterWindowEndTime()) {
mJobExtras.putLong(BACKGROUND_TASK_SCHEDULE_TIME_KEY, sClock.currentTimeMillis());
mJobExtras.putLong(BACKGROUND_TASK_INTERVAL_TIME_KEY, periodicInfo.getIntervalMs());
if (periodicInfo.hasFlex()) {
mJobExtras.putLong(BACKGROUND_TASK_FLEX_TIME_KEY, periodicInfo.getFlexMs());
if (periodicInfo.hasFlex()) {
mBuilder.setPeriodic(periodicInfo.getIntervalMs(), periodicInfo.getFlexMs());
private static int getJobInfoNetworkTypeFromTaskNetworkType(
@TaskInfo.NetworkType int networkType) {
// The values are hard coded to represent the same as the network type from JobService.
return networkType;
public boolean schedule(Context context, TaskInfo taskInfo) {
JobInfo jobInfo = createJobInfoFromTaskInfo(context, taskInfo);
JobScheduler jobScheduler =
(JobScheduler) context.getSystemService(Context.JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE);
if (!taskInfo.shouldUpdateCurrent() && hasPendingJob(jobScheduler, taskInfo.getTaskId())) {
return true;
// This can fail on heavily modified android builds. Catch so we don't crash.
try {
return jobScheduler.schedule(jobInfo) == JobScheduler.RESULT_SUCCESS;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Typically we don't catch RuntimeException, but this time we do want to catch it
// because we are worried about android as modified by device manufacturers.
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to schedule with Android.", e);
return false;
public void cancel(Context context, int taskId) {
JobScheduler jobScheduler =
(JobScheduler) context.getSystemService(Context.JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE);
try {
} catch (NullPointerException exception) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to cancel task: " + taskId);
private boolean hasPendingJob(JobScheduler jobScheduler, int jobId) {
List<JobInfo> pendingJobs = jobScheduler.getAllPendingJobs();
for (JobInfo pendingJob : pendingJobs) {
if (pendingJob.getId() == jobId) return true;
return false;