
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/breadcrumbs/core/breadcrumbs_status.h"

#include "base/test/task_environment.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/prefs/testing_pref_service.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace breadcrumbs {

class BreadcrumbsStatusTest : public testing::Test {};

// Tests that the ScopedEnableBreadcrumbsForTesting object enables breadcrumbs
// while it is in scope, and returns it to its default state when deleted.
TEST_F(BreadcrumbsStatusTest, ScopedEnableForTesting) {}

// Tests that if breadcrumbs is enabled in user prefs and the prefs' timestamp
// is current, breadcrumbs will be enabled without changing the prefs.
TEST_F(BreadcrumbsStatusTest, EnabledFromPrefs) {}

// Tests that if breadcrumbs is disabled in user prefs and the prefs' timestamp
// is current, breadcrumbs will be disabled without changing the prefs.
TEST_F(BreadcrumbsStatusTest, DisabledFromPrefs) {}

// Tests that if breadcrumbs is enabled in user prefs but the prefs' timestamp
// has expired, the prefs will be overwritten and the timestamp updated.
TEST_F(BreadcrumbsStatusTest, OverwriteExpiredPrefs) {}

// Tests that if breadcrumbs is enabled in user prefs but the prefs' timestamp
// is in the future, the prefs will be overwritten and the timestamp updated.
TEST_F(BreadcrumbsStatusTest, OverwriteInvalidPrefs) {}

// Tests that if breadcrumbs' user prefs have not been set, the prefs will be
// written and the timestamp set to the current time.
TEST_F(BreadcrumbsStatusTest, OverwriteMissingPrefs) {}

}  // namespace breadcrumbs