// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.components.browser_ui.media;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.chromium.services.media_session.MediaMetadata;
import org.chromium.services.media_session.MediaPosition;
import java.util.Set;
/** Exposes information about the current media notification to the external clients. */
public class MediaNotificationInfo {
// Bits defining various user actions supported by the media notification.
/** If set, play/pause controls are shown and handled via notification UI and MediaSession. */
public static final int ACTION_PLAY_PAUSE = 1 << 0;
/** If set, a stop button is shown and handled via the notification UI. */
public static final int ACTION_STOP = 1 << 1;
* If set, a user can swipe the notification away when it's paused.
* If notification swipe is not supported, it will behave like {@link #ACTION_STOP}.
public static final int ACTION_SWIPEAWAY = 1 << 2;
/** A value that represents an invalid ID. */
public static final int INVALID_ID = -1;
/** Use this class to construct an instance of {@link MediaNotificationInfo}. */
public static final class Builder {
private MediaMetadata mMetadata;
private boolean mIsPaused;
private String mOrigin = "";
private int mInstanceId = INVALID_ID;
private boolean mIsPrivate = true;
private int mNotificationSmallIcon;
private Bitmap mNotificationLargeIcon;
private int mDefaultNotificationLargeIcon;
private Bitmap mMediaSessionImage;
private int mId = INVALID_ID;
private Intent mContentIntent;
private MediaNotificationListener mListener;
private Set<Integer> mMediaSessionActions;
private @Nullable MediaPosition mMediaPosition;
/** Initializes the builder with the default values. */
public Builder() {}
public MediaNotificationInfo build() {
assert mMetadata != null;
assert mOrigin != null;
assert mListener != null;
return new MediaNotificationInfo(
public Builder setMetadata(MediaMetadata metadata) {
mMetadata = metadata;
return this;
public Builder setPaused(boolean isPaused) {
mIsPaused = isPaused;
return this;
public Builder setOrigin(String origin) {
mOrigin = origin;
return this;
public Builder setInstanceId(int instanceId) {
mInstanceId = instanceId;
return this;
public Builder setPrivate(boolean isPrivate) {
mIsPrivate = isPrivate;
return this;
public Builder setNotificationSmallIcon(int icon) {
mNotificationSmallIcon = icon;
return this;
public Builder setNotificationLargeIcon(Bitmap icon) {
mNotificationLargeIcon = icon;
return this;
public Builder setDefaultNotificationLargeIcon(int icon) {
mDefaultNotificationLargeIcon = icon;
return this;
public Builder setMediaSessionImage(Bitmap image) {
mMediaSessionImage = image;
return this;
public Builder setActions(int actions) {
mActions = actions;
return this;
public Builder setId(int id) {
mId = id;
return this;
public Builder setContentIntent(Intent intent) {
mContentIntent = intent;
return this;
public Builder setListener(MediaNotificationListener listener) {
mListener = listener;
return this;
public Builder setMediaSessionActions(Set<Integer> actions) {
mMediaSessionActions = actions;
return this;
public Builder setMediaPosition(@Nullable MediaPosition position) {
mMediaPosition = position;
return this;
/** The bitset defining user actions handled by the notification. */
private final int mActions;
/** The metadata associated with the media. */
public final MediaMetadata metadata;
/** The current state of the media, paused or not. */
public final boolean isPaused;
/** The origin of the tab containing the media. */
public final String origin;
* An identifier that helps distinguish different instances of the same type of media
* notification. The {@link id} is shared by different MediaNotificationInfo instances for the
* same media type, but this identifier provides an extra layer of differentiation. In Chrome,
* for example, this corresponds to the source tab.
public final int instanceId;
/** Whether the media notification should be considered as private. */
public final boolean isPrivate;
/** The id of the notification small icon from R.drawable. */
public final int notificationSmallIcon;
/** The Bitmap resource used as the notification large icon. */
public final Bitmap notificationLargeIcon;
/** The id of the default notification large icon from R.drawable. */
public final int defaultNotificationLargeIcon;
* The Bitmap resource used for Android MediaSession image, which will be used on lock screen
* and wearable devices.
public final Bitmap mediaSessionImage;
/** The id to use for the Android Notification. */
public final int id;
/** The intent to send when the notification is selected. */
public final Intent contentIntent;
/** The listener for the control events. */
public final MediaNotificationListener listener;
* The actions enabled in MediaSession. If null, the notification is not associated with a web
* Media Session.
public final @Nullable Set<Integer> mediaSessionActions;
/** The current position of the media session. */
public final @Nullable MediaPosition mediaPosition;
/** @return if play/pause actions are supported by this notification. */
public boolean supportsPlayPause() {
return (mActions & ACTION_PLAY_PAUSE) != 0;
/** @return if stop action is supported by this notification. */
public boolean supportsStop() {
return (mActions & ACTION_STOP) != 0;
/** @return if notification should be dismissable by swiping it away when paused. */
public boolean supportsSwipeAway() {
return (mActions & ACTION_SWIPEAWAY) != 0;
* Create a new MediaNotificationInfo.
* @param metadata The metadata associated with the media.
* @param isPaused The current state of the media, paused or not.
* @param origin The origin of the tab containing the media.
* @param instanceId The id of the tab containing the media.
* @param isPrivate Whether the media notification should be considered as private.
* @param notificationSmallIcon The small icon used in the notification.
* @param notificationLargeIcon The large icon used in the notification.
* @param defaultNotificationLargeIcon The fallback large icon when |notificationLargeIcon| is
* improper to use.
* @param mediaSessionImage The artwork image to be used in Android MediaSession.
* @param actions The actions supported in this notification.
* @param id The id of this notification, which is used for distinguishing media playback, cast
* and media remote.
* @param contentIntent The intent to send when the notification is selected.
* @param listener The listener for the control events.
* @param mediaSessionActions The actions supported by the page.
* @param mediaPosition The current position of the media.
private MediaNotificationInfo(
MediaMetadata metadata,
boolean isPaused,
String origin,
int instanceId,
boolean isPrivate,
int notificationSmallIcon,
Bitmap notificationLargeIcon,
int defaultNotificationLargeIcon,
Bitmap mediaSessionImage,
int actions,
int id,
Intent contentIntent,
MediaNotificationListener listener,
Set<Integer> mediaSessionActions,
@Nullable MediaPosition mediaPosition) {
this.metadata = metadata;
this.isPaused = isPaused;
this.origin = origin;
assert instanceId != INVALID_ID;
this.instanceId = instanceId;
this.isPrivate = isPrivate;
this.notificationSmallIcon = notificationSmallIcon;
this.notificationLargeIcon = notificationLargeIcon;
this.defaultNotificationLargeIcon = defaultNotificationLargeIcon;
this.mediaSessionImage = mediaSessionImage;
this.mActions = actions;
assert id != INVALID_ID;
this.id = id;
this.contentIntent = contentIntent;
this.listener = listener;
this.mediaSessionActions = mediaSessionActions;
this.mediaPosition = mediaPosition;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == this) return true;
if (!(obj instanceof MediaNotificationInfo)) return false;
MediaNotificationInfo other = (MediaNotificationInfo) obj;
return isPaused == other.isPaused
&& isPrivate == other.isPrivate
&& instanceId == other.instanceId
&& notificationSmallIcon == other.notificationSmallIcon
&& (notificationLargeIcon == other.notificationLargeIcon
|| (notificationLargeIcon != null
&& notificationLargeIcon.sameAs(other.notificationLargeIcon)))
&& defaultNotificationLargeIcon == other.defaultNotificationLargeIcon
&& mediaSessionImage == other.mediaSessionImage
&& mActions == other.mActions
&& id == other.id
&& (metadata == other.metadata
|| (metadata != null && metadata.equals(other.metadata)))
&& TextUtils.equals(origin, other.origin)
&& (contentIntent == other.contentIntent
|| (contentIntent != null && contentIntent.equals(other.contentIntent)))
&& (listener == other.listener
|| (listener != null && listener.equals(other.listener)))
&& (mediaSessionActions == other.mediaSessionActions
|| (mediaSessionActions != null
&& mediaSessionActions.equals(other.mediaSessionActions)))
&& mediaPosition == other.mediaPosition;
public int hashCode() {
int result = isPaused ? 1 : 0;
result = 31 * result + (isPrivate ? 1 : 0);
result = 31 * result + (metadata == null ? 0 : metadata.hashCode());
result = 31 * result + (origin == null ? 0 : origin.hashCode());
result = 31 * result + (contentIntent == null ? 0 : contentIntent.hashCode());
result = 31 * result + instanceId;
result = 31 * result + notificationSmallIcon;
result =
31 * result
+ (notificationLargeIcon == null ? 0 : notificationLargeIcon.hashCode());
result = 31 * result + defaultNotificationLargeIcon;
result = 31 * result + (mediaSessionImage == null ? 0 : mediaSessionImage.hashCode());
result = 31 * result + mActions;
result = 31 * result + id;
result = 31 * result + listener.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + (mediaSessionActions == null ? 0 : mediaSessionActions.hashCode());
result = 31 * result + (mediaPosition == null ? 0 : mediaPosition.hashCode());
return result;