// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.components.browser_ui.notifications;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.util.Pair;
import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
* On Android, notification updates will be dropped if there are too many updates within a second.
* This class throttles all the notifications that will be sent to the NotificationManager. One
* notification update will be sent on each |UPDATE_DELAY_MILLIS| interval. Notification tasks with
* high priorities will be sent first, and arriving order matters too. To use this class, create a
* {@link PendingNotificationTask} that handles notification creation and posting, and call the
* addPendingNotificationTask() method. Before canceling a notification, call
* cancelPendingNotificationTask() to ensure all the pending tasks are removed.
* TODO(qinmin): convert all notification code to use this class instead of directly sending
* notifications to the NotificationManager.
public class ThrottlingNotificationScheduler {
// To avoid notification updates being throttled by Android, using 350 ms as the interval
// so that no more than 3 updates are posted per second.
public static final long UPDATE_DELAY_MILLIS = 350;
// Priority queue hold all the pending notifications.
private final PriorityQueue<PendingNotificationTask> mPendingNotificationTasks =
new PriorityQueue<PendingNotificationTask>(5, PendingNotificationTask::compare);
private final Handler mHandler;
private boolean mScheduled;
// Initialization on demand holder idiom
private static class LazyHolder {
private static final ThrottlingNotificationScheduler INSTANCE =
new ThrottlingNotificationScheduler();
* Get the singleton instance of ThrottlingNotificationScheduler.
* @return the instance of ThrottlingNotificationScheduler
public static ThrottlingNotificationScheduler getInstance() {
return LazyHolder.INSTANCE;
ThrottlingNotificationScheduler() {
mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
* Add a new pending notification task to be throttled.
* @param task Task to run when throttler finishes all tasks before it.
public void addPendingNotificationTask(PendingNotificationTask task) {
PendingNotificationTask oldTask = removePendingNotificationTask(task.taskId);
// Use the old timestamp, so the pending task won't starve.
if (oldTask != null) task.timestamp = oldTask.timestamp;
if (mScheduled) {
} else {
mScheduled = true;
mHandler.postDelayed(this::pumpQueue, UPDATE_DELAY_MILLIS);
* Convenient method, use this if nothing else needs to be handled when notification
* is actually posted.
* @param notificationWrapper Weapper containing the notification to be posted.
public void addPendingNotification(NotificationWrapper notificationWrapper) {
Pair<String, Integer> taskId =
PendingNotificationTask task =
new PendingNotificationTask(
() -> {
* Removes a pending task from the throttler.
* @param taskId ID of the task.
public void cancelPendingNotificationTask(Object taskId) {
* Convenient method, removes a pending task from the throttler and cancels the notification.
* @param tag Tag of the notification.
* @param id ID of the notification.
public void cancelPendingNotification(String tag, int id) {
Pair<String, Integer> taskId = Pair.create(tag, Integer.valueOf(id));
.cancel(tag, id);
/** Clear the pending task queue. */
public void clear() {
mScheduled = false;
* Removes a pending task from the task queue and return it.
* @param taskId ID of the task.
private PendingNotificationTask removePendingNotificationTask(Object taskId) {
Iterator<PendingNotificationTask> iter = mPendingNotificationTasks.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
PendingNotificationTask task = iter.next();
if (task.taskId.equals(taskId)) {
return task;
return null;
/** Get the next task from the queue, and schedule another task |UPDATE_DELAY_MILLIS| later. */
private void pumpQueue() {
PendingNotificationTask task = mPendingNotificationTasks.poll();
if (task != null) {
mHandler.postDelayed(this::pumpQueue, UPDATE_DELAY_MILLIS);
} else {
mScheduled = false;