
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

package org.chromium.components.browser_ui.site_settings;


import androidx.annotation.Nullable;

import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.components.browser_ui.settings.ManagedPreferenceDelegate;
import org.chromium.components.browsing_data.content.BrowsingDataModel;
import org.chromium.components.content_settings.ContentSettingsType;
import org.chromium.components.embedder_support.util.Origin;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.BrowserContextHandle;
import org.chromium.url.GURL;

import java.util.Set;

 * An interface implemented by the embedder that allows the Site Settings UI to access
 * embedder-specific logic.
public interface SiteSettingsDelegate {
     * @return The BrowserContextHandle that should be used to read and update settings.
    BrowserContextHandle getBrowserContextHandle();

     * @return the ManagedPreferenceDelegate instance that should be used when rendering
     *     Preferences.
    ManagedPreferenceDelegate getManagedPreferenceDelegate();

     * Asynchronously looks up the locally cached favicon image for the given URL, generating a
     * fallback if one isn't available.
     * @param faviconUrl The URL of the page to get the favicon for. If a favicon for the full URL
     *     can't be found, the favicon for its host will be used as a fallback.
     * @param callback A callback that will be called with the favicon bitmap, or null if no favicon
     *     could be found or generated.
    void getFaviconImageForURL(GURL faviconUrl, Callback<Drawable> callback);

     * @return true if the BrowsingDataModel Feature is enabled.
    boolean isBrowsingDataModelFeatureEnabled();

     * @return true if the given category type should be shown in the SiteSettings Fragment.
    boolean isCategoryVisible(@SiteSettingsCategory.Type int type);

     * @return true if Incognito mode is enabled.
    boolean isIncognitoModeEnabled();

     * @return true if the QuietNotificationPrompts Feature is enabled.
    boolean isQuietNotificationPromptsFeatureEnabled();

    boolean isPermissionDedicatedCpssSettingAndroidFeatureEnabled();

     * @return true if the PrivacySandboxFirstPartySetsUI Feature is enabled.
    boolean isPrivacySandboxFirstPartySetsUIFeatureEnabled();

     * @return The id of the notification channel associated with the given origin.
    // TODO( Remove this once WebLayer supports notifications.
    String getChannelIdForOrigin(String origin);

     * @return The name of the app the settings are associated with.
    String getAppName();

     * @return The user visible name of the app that will handle permission delegation for the
     *     origin and content setting type.
    String getDelegateAppNameForOrigin(Origin origin, @ContentSettingsType.EnumType int type);

     * @return The package name of the app that should handle permission delegation for the origin
     *     and content setting type.
    String getDelegatePackageNameForOrigin(Origin origin, @ContentSettingsType.EnumType int type);

     * @return true if Help and Feedback links and menu items should be shown to the user.
    boolean isHelpAndFeedbackEnabled();

     * Launches a support page relevant to settings UI pages.
     * @see
    void launchSettingsHelpAndFeedbackActivity(Activity currentActivity);

     * Launches a support page related to protected content.
     * @see
    void launchProtectedContentHelpAndFeedbackActivity(Activity currentActivity);

    /** Launches the Storage Access API help center link in a Chrome Custom Tab. */
    void launchStorageAccessHelpActivity(Activity currentActivity);

     * @return The set of all origins that have a WebAPK or TWA installed.
    Set<String> getOriginsWithInstalledApp();

     * @return The set of all origins whose notification permissions are delegated to another app.
    Set<String> getAllDelegatedNotificationOrigins();

     * Displays a snackbar, informing the user about the Privacy Sandbox settings page, when the
     * corresponding flag is enabled.
    void maybeDisplayPrivacySandboxSnackbar();

    /** Dismisses the Privacy Sandbox snackbar, if active. */
    void dismissPrivacySandboxSnackbar();

     * @return true if Related Website Sets data access is enabled.
    boolean isRelatedWebsiteSetsDataAccessEnabled();

     * @return true if Related Website Sets data access is managed.
    boolean isRelatedWebsiteSetsDataAccessManaged();

     * @param origin to check.
     * @return true if the origin is part of the managed RelatedWebsiteSet.
    boolean isPartOfManagedRelatedWebsiteSet(String origin);

     * @return true if the Tracking Protection UI should be displayed.
    boolean shouldShowTrackingProtectionUI();

     * @return true if the IP Protection UI should be displayed in User Bypass.
    boolean shouldDisplayIpProtection();

     * @return true if the Fingerprinting Protection UI should be displayed in User
     *         Bypass.
    boolean shouldDisplayFingerprintingProtection();

     * @return whether the 100% 3PCD Tracking Protection with ACT features UI should be shown.
    boolean shouldShowTrackingProtectionACTFeaturesUI();

     * @return true if all third-party cookies are blocked when Tracking Protection
     *         is on.
    boolean isBlockAll3PCDEnabledInTrackingProtection();

     * @return Enables/disables Related Website Sets data access.
    void setRelatedWebsiteSetsDataAccessEnabled(boolean enabled);

     * Gets the Related Website Sets owner hostname given a RWS member origin.
     * @param memberOrigin RWS member origin.
     * @return A string containing the owner hostname, null if it doesn't exist.
    String getRelatedWebsiteSetOwner(String memberOrigin);

     * Returns whether the current implementation of the delegate is able to launch the Clear
     * Browsing Data dialog in Settings.
    boolean canLaunchClearBrowsingDataDialog();

    /** Launches the Clear Browsing Data dialog in Settings, if that is possible. */
    void launchClearBrowsingDataDialog(Activity currentActivity);

    /** Called when the desktop site settings page is opened. */
    void notifyRequestDesktopSiteSettingsPageOpened();

    /** Called when the view this delegate is assigned to gets destroyed. */
    void onDestroyView();

     * Builds a browsing data model for BrowserContext if not already built and runs the callback.
     * @param callback Callback runs with the BrowsingDataModel object when the model is built.
    void getBrowsingDataModel(Callback<BrowsingDataModel> callback);

     * @return whether the Privacy Sandbox Rws UI should be shown in the Settings.
    boolean shouldShowPrivacySandboxRwsUi();

     * @return whether the Safety Hub is enabled.
    boolean isSafetyHubEnabled();

     * @return whether the unused site permission autorevocation is enabled.
    boolean isPermissionAutorevocationEnabled();

    /** Enable/Disable unused site permission autorevocation. */
    void setPermissionAutorevocationEnabled(boolean isEnabled);