// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Note: This file is deprecated, and should only be used by legacy code that
// has not yet finished migrating to TypeScript/Polymer class based syntax. New
// code should use focus_row_mixin.ts.
// clang-format off
import {afterNextRender} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/assert.js';
import {focusWithoutInk} from './focus_without_ink_js.js';
import {FocusRow, FocusRowDelegate} from './focus_row_js.js';
// clang-format on
/** @implements {FocusRowDelegate} */
class FocusRowBehaviorDelegate {
* @param {{lastFocused: Object,
* overrideCustomEquivalent: boolean,
* getCustomEquivalent: (Function|undefined)}} listItem
constructor(listItem) {
/** @private */
this.listItem_ = listItem;
* This function gets called when the [focus-row-control] element receives
* the focus event.
* @override
* @param {!FocusRow} row
* @param {!Event} e
onFocus(row, e) {
const element = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */ (e.composedPath()[0]);
const focusableElement = FocusRow.getFocusableElement(element);
if (element !== focusableElement) {
this.listItem_.lastFocused = focusableElement;
* @override
* @param {!FocusRow} row The row that detected a keydown.
* @param {!Event} e
* @return {boolean} Whether the event was handled.
onKeydown(row, e) {
// Prevent iron-list from changing the focus on enter.
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
return false;
/** @override */
getCustomEquivalent(sampleElement) {
return this.listItem_.overrideCustomEquivalent ?
this.listItem_.getCustomEquivalent(sampleElement) :
/** @extends {FocusRow} */
class VirtualFocusRow extends FocusRow {
* @param {!Element} root
* @param {FocusRowDelegate} delegate
constructor(root, delegate) {
super(root, /* boundary */ null, delegate);
/** @override */
getCustomEquivalent(sampleElement) {
return this.delegate.getCustomEquivalent(sampleElement) ||
* Any element that is being used as an iron-list row item can extend this
* behavior, which encapsulates focus controls of mouse and keyboards.
* To use this behavior:
* - The parent element should pass a "last-focused" attribute double-bound
* to the row items, to track the last-focused element across rows, and
* a "list-blurred" attribute double-bound to the row items, to track
* whether the list of row items has been blurred.
* - There must be a container in the extending element with the
* [focus-row-container] attribute that contains all focusable controls.
* - On each of the focusable controls, there must be a [focus-row-control]
* attribute, and a [focus-type=] attribute unique for each control.
* @polymerBehavior
export const FocusRowBehavior = {
properties: {
/** @private {VirtualFocusRow} */
row_: Object,
/** @private {boolean} */
mouseFocused_: Boolean,
/** Will be updated when |index| is set, unless specified elsewhere. */
id: {
type: String,
reflectToAttribute: true,
/** For notifying when the row is in focus. */
isFocused: {
type: Boolean,
notify: true,
/** Should be bound to the index of the item from the iron-list */
focusRowIndex: {
type: Number,
observer: 'focusRowIndexChanged',
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
lastFocused: {
type: Object,
notify: true,
* This is different from tabIndex, since the template only does a one-way
* binding on both attributes, and the behavior actually make use of this
* fact. For example, when a control within a row is focused, it will have
* tabIndex = -1 and ironListTabIndex = 0.
* @type {number}
ironListTabIndex: {
type: Number,
observer: 'ironListTabIndexChanged_',
listBlurred: {
type: Boolean,
notify: true,
* Returns an ID based on the index that was passed in.
* @param {?number} index
* @return {?string}
computeId_(index) {
return index !== undefined ? `frb${index}` : undefined;
* Sets |id| if it hasn't been set elsewhere. Also sets |aria-rowindex|.
* @param {number} newIndex
* @param {number} oldIndex
focusRowIndexChanged(newIndex, oldIndex) {
// focusRowIndex is 0-based where aria-rowindex is 1-based.
this.setAttribute('aria-rowindex', newIndex + 1);
// Only set ID if it matches what was previously set. This prevents
// overriding the ID value if it's set elsewhere.
if (this.id === this.computeId_(oldIndex)) {
this.id = this.computeId_(newIndex);
/** @private {?Element} */
firstControl_: null,
/** @private {!Array<!MutationObserver>} */
controlObservers_: [],
/** @override */
attached() {
afterNextRender(this, function() {
const rowContainer = this.root.querySelector('[focus-row-container]');
this.row_ = new VirtualFocusRow(
rowContainer, new FocusRowBehaviorDelegate(this));
// Adding listeners asynchronously to reduce blocking time, since this
// behavior will be used by items in potentially long lists.
this.listen(this, 'focus', 'onFocus_');
this.listen(this, 'dom-change', 'addItems_');
this.listen(this, 'mousedown', 'onMouseDown_');
this.listen(this, 'blur', 'onBlur_');
/** @override */
detached() {
this.unlisten(this, 'focus', 'onFocus_');
this.unlisten(this, 'dom-change', 'addItems_');
this.unlisten(this, 'mousedown', 'onMouseDown_');
this.unlisten(this, 'blur', 'onBlur_');
if (this.firstControl_) {
this.unlisten(this.firstControl_, 'keydown', 'onFirstControlKeydown_');
if (this.row_) {
/** @return {!FocusRow} */
getFocusRow() {
return assert(this.row_);
/** @private */
updateFirstControl_() {
const newFirstControl = this.row_.getFirstFocusable();
if (newFirstControl === this.firstControl_) {
if (this.firstControl_) {
this.unlisten(this.firstControl_, 'keydown', 'onFirstControlKeydown_');
this.firstControl_ = newFirstControl;
if (this.firstControl_) {
/** @type {!Element} */ (this.firstControl_), 'keydown',
/** @private */
removeObservers_() {
if (this.controlObservers_.length > 0) {
this.controlObservers_.forEach(observer => {
this.controlObservers_ = [];
/** @private */
addItems_() {
if (this.row_) {
const controls = this.root.querySelectorAll('[focus-row-control]');
controls.forEach(control => {
/** @type {!HTMLElement} */
* @return {!MutationObserver}
* @private
createObserver_() {
return new MutationObserver(mutations => {
const mutation = mutations[0];
if (mutation.attributeName === 'style' && mutation.oldValue) {
const newStyle = window.getComputedStyle(
/** @type {!Element} */ (mutation.target));
const oldDisplayValue = mutation.oldValue.match(/^display:(.*)(?=;)/);
const oldVisibilityValue =
// Return early if display and visibility have not changed.
if (oldDisplayValue &&
newStyle.display === oldDisplayValue[1].trim() &&
oldVisibilityValue &&
newStyle.visibility === oldVisibilityValue[1].trim()) {
* The first focusable control changes if hidden, disabled, or style.display
* changes for the control or any of its ancestors. Add mutation observers
* to watch for these changes in order to ensure the first control keydown
* listener is always on the correct element.
* @param {!Element} control
* @private
addMutationObservers_(control) {
let current = control;
while (current && current !== this.root) {
const currentObserver = this.createObserver_();
currentObserver.observe(current, {
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['hidden', 'disabled', 'style'],
attributeOldValue: true,
current = current.parentNode;
* This function gets called when the row itself receives the focus event.
* @param {!Event} e The focus event
* @private
onFocus_(e) {
if (this.mouseFocused_) {
this.mouseFocused_ = false; // Consume and reset flag.
// If focus is being restored from outside the item and the event is fired
// by the list item itself, focus the first control so that the user can
// tab through all the controls. When the user shift-tabs back to the row,
// or focus is restored to the row from a dropdown on the last item, the
// last child item will be focused before the row itself. Since this is
// the desired behavior, do not shift focus to the first item in these
// cases.
const restoreFocusToFirst =
this.listBlurred && e.composedPath()[0] === this;
if (this.lastFocused && !restoreFocusToFirst) {
} else {
const firstFocusable = assert(this.firstControl_);
this.listBlurred = false;
this.isFocused = true;
/** @param {!KeyboardEvent} e */
onFirstControlKeydown_(e) {
if (e.shiftKey && e.key === 'Tab') {
/** @private */
ironListTabIndexChanged_() {
if (this.row_) {
this.row_.makeActive(this.ironListTabIndex === 0);
// If a new row is being focused, reset listBlurred. This means an item
// has been removed and iron-list is about to focus the next item.
if (this.ironListTabIndex === 0) {
this.listBlurred = false;
/** @private */
onMouseDown_() {
this.mouseFocused_ = true; // Set flag to not do any control-focusing.
* @param {!Event} e
* @private
onBlur_(e) {
// Reset focused flags since it's not active anymore.
this.mouseFocused_ = false;
this.isFocused = false;
const node =
e.relatedTarget ? /** @type {!Node} */ (e.relatedTarget) : null;
if (!this.parentNode.contains(node)) {
this.listBlurred = true;
/** @interface */
export class FocusRowBehaviorInterface {
constructor() {
/** @type {string} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {number} */
/** @type {?HTMLElement} */
/** @type {number} */
/** @type {boolean} */
* @param {number} newIndex
* @param {number} oldIndex
focusRowIndexChanged(newIndex, oldIndex) {}
/** @return {!FocusRow} */
getFocusRow() {}