// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {I18nBehavior, I18nBehaviorInterface} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/i18n_behavior.js';
import {html, mixinBehaviors, PolymerElement} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {getTemplate} from './keyboard_diagram.html.js';
import {KeyboardKeyState} from './keyboard_key.js';
import {getKeyboardLayoutForRegionCode} from './keyboard_layouts.js';
* @fileoverview
* 'keyboard-diagram' displays a diagram of a CrOS-style keyboard.
// Size ratios derived from diagrams in the Chromebook keyboard spec.
const HEIGHT_TO_WIDTH_RATIO = 663 / 1760;
/** The minimum diagram height at which key glyphs are legible. */
const MINIMUM_HEIGHT_PX = 250;
* Enum of mechanical layouts supported by the component.
* @enum {string}
export const MechanicalLayout = {
ANSI: 'ansi',
ISO: 'iso',
JIS: 'jis',
* Enum of physical styles supported by the component.
* @enum {string}
export const PhysicalLayout = {
CHROME_OS: 'chrome-os',
CHROME_OS_DELL_ENTERPRISE_WILCO: 'dell-enterprise-wilco',
CHROME_OS_DELL_ENTERPRISE_DRALLION: 'dell-enterprise-drallion',
* Enum of top-right keys supported by the component.
* @enum {string}
export const TopRightKey = {
POWER: 'power',
LOCK: 'lock',
CONTROL_PANEL: 'control-panel',
* Enum of action keys to be shown on the top row.
* @enum {!Object<string,
* !{icon: ?string, text: ?string, ariaNameI18n: ?string}>}
export const TopRowKey = {
kNone: {},
kBack: {icon: 'keyboard:back', ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameBack'},
kForward: {
icon: 'keyboard:forward',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameForward',
kRefresh: {
icon: 'keyboard:refresh',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameRefresh',
kFullscreen: {
icon: 'keyboard:fullscreen',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameFullscreen',
kOverview: {
icon: 'keyboard:overview',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameOverview',
kScreenshot: {
icon: 'keyboard:screenshot',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameScreenshot',
kScreenBrightnessDown: {
icon: 'keyboard:display-brightness-down',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameScreenBrightnessDown',
kScreenBrightnessUp: {
icon: 'keyboard:display-brightness-up',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameScreenBrightnessUp',
kPrivacyScreenToggle: {
icon: 'keyboard:electronic-privacy-screen',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNamePrivacyScreenToggle',
kMicrophoneMute: {
icon: 'keyboard:microphone-mute',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameMicrophoneMute',
kVolumeMute: {
icon: 'keyboard:volume-mute',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameMute',
kVolumeDown: {
icon: 'keyboard:volume-down',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameVolumeDown',
kVolumeUp: {
icon: 'keyboard:volume-up',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameVolumeUp',
kKeyboardBacklightToggle: {
icon: 'keyboard:keyboard-brightness-toggle',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameKeyboardBacklightToggle',
kKeyboardBacklightDown: {
icon: 'keyboard:keyboard-brightness-down',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameKeyboardBacklightDown',
kKeyboardBacklightUp: {
icon: 'keyboard:keyboard-brightness-up',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameKeyboardBacklightUp',
kNextTrack: {
icon: 'keyboard:next-track',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameTrackNext',
kPreviousTrack: {
icon: 'keyboard:last-track',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameTrackPrevious',
kPlayPause: {
icon: 'keyboard:play-pause',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNamePlayPause',
kScreenMirror: {
icon: 'keyboard:screen-mirror',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameScreenMirror',
// TODO(crbug.com/1207678): work out the localization scheme for keys like
// delete and unknown.
kDelete: {text: 'delete'},
kUnknown: {text: 'unknown'},
* @constructor
* @extends {PolymerElement}
* @implements {I18nBehaviorInterface}
const KeyboardDiagramElementBase =
mixinBehaviors([I18nBehavior], PolymerElement);
/** @polymer */
export class KeyboardDiagramElement extends KeyboardDiagramElementBase {
static get is() {
return 'keyboard-diagram';
static get template() {
return getTemplate();
static get properties() {
return {
* The mechanical layout to be displayed, or null for the default.
* @type {?MechanicalLayout}
mechanicalLayout: String,
* The physical style of the keyboard to be displayed, or null for the
* default.
* @type {?PhysicalLayout}
physicalLayout: String,
* For internal keyboards, the region code of the device, used to
* determine the key labels.
* @type {?string}
regionCode: {
type: String,
observer: 'regionCodeChanged_',
/** Whether to show the Assistant key (between Ctrl and Alt). */
showAssistantKey: Boolean,
/** Whether to show a Chrome OS-style number pad. */
showNumberPad: {
type: Boolean,
observer: 'updateHeight_',
/** @private {boolean} */
showFnAndGlobeKeys_: {
type: Boolean,
computed: 'computeShowFnAndGlobeKeys_(physicalLayout)',
* The keys to display on the top row.
* @type {!Array<!TopRowKey>}
topRowKeys: {
type: Array,
value: [],
* The icon to display on the top-right key.
* @type {?TopRightKey}
topRightKey: {
type: String,
value: TopRightKey.LOCK,
/** @protected {number} */
topRightKeyCode_: {
type: Number,
computed: 'computeTopRightKeyCode_(topRightKey)',
/** @protected {string} */
topRightKeyIcon_: {
type: String,
computed: 'computeTopRightKeyIcon_(topRightKey)',
/** @protected {string} */
topRightKeyAriaNameI18n_: {
type: String,
computed: 'computeTopRightKeyAriaNameI18n_(topRightKey)',
* @param {?PhysicalLayout} physicalLayout
* @return {boolean}
* @private
computeShowFnAndGlobeKeys_(physicalLayout) {
return physicalLayout == PhysicalLayout.CHROME_OS_DELL_ENTERPRISE_WILCO ||
physicalLayout == PhysicalLayout.CHROME_OS_DELL_ENTERPRISE_DRALLION;
* @param {?TopRightKey} topRightKey
* @return {number}
* @private
computeTopRightKeyCode_(topRightKey) {
return {
[TopRightKey.POWER]: 116,
[TopRightKey.LOCK]: 142,
[TopRightKey.CONTROL_PANEL]: 579,
* @param {?TopRightKey} topRightKey
* @return {string}
* @private
computeTopRightKeyIcon_(topRightKey) {
return 'keyboard:' + topRightKey;
* @param {?TopRightKey} topRightKey
* @return {string}
* @private
computeTopRightKeyAriaNameI18n_(topRightKey) {
return {
[TopRightKey.POWER]: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNamePower',
[TopRightKey.LOCK]: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameLock',
[TopRightKey.CONTROL_PANEL]: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameControlPanel',
constructor() {
/** @private */
this.resizeObserver_ = new ResizeObserver(this.onResize_.bind(this));
/** @private {?number} */
this.currentWidth_ = null;
ready() {
// We have to observe the size of an element other than the keyboard itself,
// to avoid ResizeObserver call loops when we change the width of the
// keyboard element.
* Utility method for the HTML template to check values are equal.
* @param {*} lhs
* @param {*} rhs
* @return {boolean}
* @private
isEqual_(lhs, rhs) {
return lhs === rhs;
* Utility method for the HTML template to retrieve a localized string, that
* returns null if the ID is null or undefined.
* @param {?string} stringId The ID to retrieve.
* @return {?string} The localized string, or null if stringId is null or
* undefined.
* @protected
optionalI18n_(stringId) {
if (!stringId) {
return null;
return this.i18n(stringId);
* @param {?string} newValue
* @param {?string} oldValue
* @private
regionCodeChanged_(newValue, oldValue) {
const layout = getKeyboardLayoutForRegionCode(newValue);
if (!layout) {
for (const [evdevCode, glyphs] of layout) {
// Exclude the lower part of the enter key, which has the data-code
// attribute for an enter key but shouldn't be labelled.
const keys = this.root.querySelectorAll(
for (const key of keys) {
if (typeof glyphs === 'string') {
key.ariaName = null;
key.topLeftGlyph = null;
key.topRightGlyph = null;
key.bottomLeftGlyph = null;
key.bottomRightGlyph = null;
key.icon = null;
key.mainGlyph = glyphs;
} else {
key.topLeftGlyph = glyphs.topLeft;
key.topRightGlyph = glyphs.topRight;
key.bottomLeftGlyph = glyphs.bottomLeft;
key.bottomRightGlyph = glyphs.bottomRight;
key.icon = glyphs.icon;
key.mainGlyph = glyphs.main;
if (glyphs.ariaNameI18n) {
key.ariaName = this.i18n(glyphs.ariaNameI18n);
/** @private */
updateHeight_() {
const width = this.$.keyboard.offsetWidth;
const widthToHeightRatio = this.showNumberPad ?
const height = Math.max(width * widthToHeightRatio, MINIMUM_HEIGHT_PX);
this.$.keyboard.style.height = `${height}px`;
/** @private */
onResize_() {
const newWidth = this.$.keyboard.offsetWidth;
if (newWidth !== this.currentWidth_) {
this.currentWidth_ = newWidth;
* Set the state of a given key.
* @param {number} evdevCode
* @param {!KeyboardKeyState} state
setKeyState(evdevCode, state) {
const keys = this.root.querySelectorAll(`[data-code="${evdevCode}"]`);
if (keys.length === 0) {
console.warn(`No keys found for evdev code ${evdevCode}.`);
for (const key of keys) {
key.state = state;
* Set the state of a top row key.
* @param {number} topRowPosition The position of the key on the top row,
* where 0 is the first key after escape (which is not counted as part of
* the top row).
* @param {!KeyboardKeyState} state
setTopRowKeyState(topRowPosition, state) {
if (topRowPosition < 0 || topRowPosition >= this.topRowKeys.length) {
throw new RangeError(
`Invalid top row position ${topRowPosition} ` +
`>= ${this.topRowKeys.length}`);
this.$.topRow.children[topRowPosition + 1].state = state;
/** Set any pressed keys to the "tested" state. */
clearPressedKeys() {
const keys = this.root.querySelectorAll(
for (const key of keys) {
key.state = KeyboardKeyState.TESTED;
/** Set all keys to the "not pressed" state. */
resetAllKeys() {
const keys = this.root.querySelectorAll(`keyboard-key`);
for (const key of keys) {
key.state = KeyboardKeyState.NOT_PRESSED;
customElements.define(KeyboardDiagramElement.is, KeyboardDiagramElement);