// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* This file specifies the glyphs and labels to be applied to keys in the
* keyboard-diagram component, for all markets in which ChromeOS devices are
* shipped.
* Entries in layout descriptions should be ordered by key location, from top to
* bottom and then left to right.
* Key labels that are words (such as "shift" or "échap") are not set to
* localized strings, as the objective here is to match the labels on the
* physical keyboard in front of the user, not what they would be labelled in
* the current system language.
const kAzertyLetters = [
[16, 'a'],
[17, 'z'],
[18, 'e'],
[19, 'r'],
[20, 't'],
[21, 'y'],
[22, 'u'],
[23, 'i'],
[24, 'o'],
[25, 'p'],
[30, 'q'],
[31, 's'],
[32, 'd'],
[33, 'f'],
[34, 'g'],
[35, 'h'],
[36, 'j'],
[37, 'k'],
[38, 'l'],
[39, 'm'],
[44, 'w'],
[45, 'x'],
[46, 'c'],
[47, 'v'],
[48, 'b'],
[49, 'n'],
const kQwertyLetters = [
[16, 'q'],
[17, 'w'],
[18, 'e'],
[19, 'r'],
[20, 't'],
[21, 'y'],
[22, 'u'],
[23, 'i'],
[24, 'o'],
[25, 'p'],
[30, 'a'],
[31, 's'],
[32, 'd'],
[33, 'f'],
[34, 'g'],
[35, 'h'],
[36, 'j'],
[37, 'k'],
[38, 'l'],
[44, 'z'],
[45, 'x'],
[46, 'c'],
[47, 'v'],
[48, 'b'],
[49, 'n'],
[50, 'm'],
const kQwertzLetters = [
[16, 'q'],
[17, 'w'],
[18, 'e'],
[19, 'r'],
[20, 't'],
[21, 'z'],
[22, 'u'],
[23, 'i'],
[24, 'o'],
[25, 'p'],
[30, 'a'],
[31, 's'],
[32, 'd'],
[33, 'f'],
[34, 'g'],
[35, 'h'],
[36, 'j'],
[37, 'k'],
[38, 'l'],
[44, 'y'],
[45, 'x'],
[46, 'c'],
[47, 'v'],
[48, 'b'],
[49, 'n'],
[50, 'm'],
const kUsEnglishNoSideLabels = [
[41, {bottomLeft: '`', topLeft: '~'}],
[ 2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!'}],
[ 3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '@'}],
[ 4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '#'}],
[ 5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$'}],
[ 6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%'}],
[ 7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '^'}],
[ 8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '&'}],
[ 9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '*'}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: '('}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: ')'}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '=', topLeft: '+'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: '[', topLeft: '{'}],
[27, {bottomLeft: ']', topLeft: '}'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: '\\', topLeft: '|'}],
[39, {bottomLeft: ';', topLeft: ':'}],
[40, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '"'}],
[86, {bottomLeft: '<', topLeft: '>'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: '<'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: '>'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '/', topLeft: '?'}],
const kUsEnglish = [
[14, 'backspace'],
[15, 'tab'],
[28, 'enter'],
[42, 'shift'],
[54, 'shift'],
const kUsEnglishInternational = [
[6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%', bottomRight: '€'}],
[100, 'alt gr'],
const kGbEnglish = [
[41, {bottomLeft: '`', topLeft: '¬', bottomRight: '¦'}],
[ 3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '"'}],
[ 4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '£'}],
[ 5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$', bottomRight: '€'}],
[40, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '@'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: '#', topLeft: '~'}],
[86, {bottomLeft: '\\', topLeft: '|'}],
[100, 'alt gr'],
const kLatamSpanish = [
[41, {bottomLeft: '|', topLeft: '°', bottomRight: '¬'}],
[ 2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!'}],
[ 3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '"'}],
[ 4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '#'}],
[ 5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$'}],
[ 6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%'}],
[ 7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '&'}],
[ 8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '/'}],
[ 9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '('}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: ')'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: '='}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '?', bottomRight: '\\'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '¿', topLeft: '¡'}],
[16, {main: 'q', bottomRight: '@'}],
[18, {main: 'e', bottomRight: '€'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: '◌́', topLeft: '◌̈'}],
[27, {bottomLeft: '+', topLeft: '*', bottomRight: '~'}],
[28, 'intro'],
[39, 'ñ'],
[40, {bottomLeft: '{', topLeft: '[', bottomRight: '◌̂'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: '}', topLeft: ']', bottomRight: '◌̂'}],
[42, 'mayús'],
[86, {bottomLeft: '<', topLeft: '>'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: ';'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: ':'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_'}],
[54, 'mayús'],
[100, 'alt gr'],
const kBrPortuguese = [
* Depending on the variant, this layout might have symbols or text labels on
* Tab, Shift, and Backspace. Since there is no way for code to distinguish
* between them, err on the side of symbols.
[41, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '"'}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!', bottomRight: '¹'}],
[3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '@', bottomRight: '²'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '#', bottomRight: '³'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$', bottomRight: '£'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%', bottomRight: '¢'}],
[7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '◌̈', bottomRight: '¬'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '&'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '*'}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: '('}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: ')'}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '=', topLeft: '+', bottomRight: '§'}],
[16, {main: 'q', bottomRight: '/'}],
[17, {main: 'w', bottomRight: '?'}],
[18, {main: 'e', bottomRight: '°'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: '◌́', topLeft: '◌̀'}],
[27, {bottomLeft: '[', topLeft: '{', bottomRight: 'ª'}],
[39, 'ç'],
[40, {bottomLeft: '~', topLeft: '◌̂'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: ']', topLeft: '}', bottomRight: 'º'}],
[86, {bottomLeft: '\\', topLeft: '|'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: '<'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: '>'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: ';', topLeft: ':'}],
[100, 'alt gr'],
const kCaFrench = [
[41, {bottomLeft: '◌̀', topLeft: '~', bottomRight: '#', topRight: '|'}],
[ 2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!', bottomRight: '±', topRight: '"'}],
[ 3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '@', bottomRight: '@', topRight: '/'}],
[ 4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '#', bottomRight: '£'}],
[ 5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$', bottomRight: '¢'}],
[ 6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%', bottomRight: '¤'}],
[ 7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '◌̂', bottomRight: '¬', topRight: '?'}],
[ 8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '&', bottomRight: '¦'}],
[ 9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '*', bottomRight: '²'}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: '(', bottomRight: '³'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: ')', bottomRight: '¼'}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_', bottomRight: '½'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '=', topLeft: '+', bottomRight: '¾'}],
[24, {main: 'o', bottomRight: '§'}],
[25, {main: 'p', bottomRight: '¶'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: '[', topLeft: '{', bottomRight: '◌̂'}],
[27, {bottomLeft: ']', topLeft: '}', bottomRight: '◌̧'}],
[39, {bottomLeft: ';', topLeft: ':', bottomRight: '~'}],
[40, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '"', bottomRight: '◌̀'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: '\\', topLeft: '|', bottomRight: '<', topRight: '>'}],
[86, {bottomLeft: '\\', topLeft: '|', bottomRight: '«', topRight: '»'}],
[50, {main: 'm', bottomRight: 'µ'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: '<', topRight: '\''}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: '>', topRight: ' '}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '/', topLeft: '?', bottomRight: 'é'}],
[100, 'alt gr'],
const kRoRomanian = [
[41, {bottomLeft: '◌̀', topLeft: '~'}],
[ 7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '◌̂'}],
[16, {main: 'q', bottomRight: 'â'}],
[20, {main: 't', bottomRight: 'ț'}],
[23, {main: 'i', bottomRight: 'î'}],
[30, {main: 'a', bottomRight: 'ă'}],
[31, {main: 's', bottomRight: 'ș'}],
[100, 'alt gr'],
const kNordic = [
// Note: this layout has some keys with more glyphs than can be represented
// by keyboard-key (e.g. specifically the key below escape, the one to the
// left of backspace, and the ISO key). In those cases the glyphs on the
// left of the key have been omitted.
[41, {bottomLeft: '½', topLeft: '§', bottomRight: '|'}],
[ 2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!'}],
[ 3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '"', bottomRight: '@'}],
[ 4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '#', bottomRight: '£'}],
[ 5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '¤', bottomRight: '$'}],
[ 6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%', bottomRight: '€'}],
[ 7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '&'}],
[ 8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '/', bottomRight: '{'}],
[ 9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '(', bottomRight: '['}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: ')', bottomRight: ']'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: '=', bottomRight: '}'}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '+', topLeft: '?', bottomRight: '\\'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '◌́', topLeft: '◌̀', bottomRight: '|'}],
[26, 'å'],
[27, {bottomLeft: '◌̈', topLeft: '◌̂', bottomRight: '~'}],
[39, {bottomLeft: 'æ', topLeft: 'ö', topRight: 'ø'}],
[40, {bottomLeft: 'ø', topLeft: 'ä', topRight: 'æ'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '*'}],
[86, {bottomLeft: '\\', topLeft: '>', bottomRight: '|'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: ';'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: ':'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_'}],
[100, 'alt gr'],
const kDeGerman = [
[41, {bottomLeft: '◌̂', topLeft: '°'}],
[ 2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!'}],
[ 3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '"', bottomRight: '²'}],
[ 4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '§', bottomRight: '³'}],
[ 5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$'}],
[ 6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%'}],
[ 7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '&'}],
[ 8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '/', bottomRight: '{'}],
[ 9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '(', bottomRight: '['}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: ')', bottomRight: ']'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: '=', bottomRight: '}'}],
[12, {bottomLeft: 'ß', topLeft: '?', bottomRight: '\\'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '◌́', topLeft: '◌̀'}],
[16, {main: 'q', bottomRight: '@'}],
[18, {main: 'e', bottomRight: '€'}],
[26, 'ü'],
[27, {bottomLeft: '+', topLeft: '*', bottomRight: '~'}],
[39, 'ö'],
[40, 'ä'],
[43, {bottomLeft: '#', topLeft: '\''}],
[50, {main: 'm', bottomRight: 'µ'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: ';'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: ':'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_'}],
[86, {bottomLeft: '<', topLeft: '>', bottomRight: '|'}],
[29, 'strg'],
[100, 'alt gr'],
[97, 'strg'],
const kArabic = [
[41, {bottomLeft: '◌̀', topLeft: '~', bottomRight: 'ذ', topRight: '◌ّ'}],
[ 2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!', bottomRight: '١'}],
[ 3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '@', bottomRight: '٢'}],
[ 4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '#', bottomRight: '٣'}],
[ 5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$', bottomRight: '٤'}],
[ 6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%', bottomRight: '٥'}],
[ 7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '◌̂', bottomRight: '٦'}],
[ 8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '&', bottomRight: '٧'}],
[ 9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '*', bottomRight: '٨'}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: '(', bottomRight: '٩'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: ')', bottomRight: '٠'}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_', bottomRight: ' '}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '=', topLeft: '+', bottomRight: ' '}],
[16, {bottomLeft: 'q', bottomRight: 'ض', topRight: '◌َ'}],
[17, {bottomLeft: 'w', bottomRight: 'ص', topRight: '◌ً'}],
[18, {bottomLeft: 'e', bottomRight: 'ث', topRight: '◌ُ'}],
[19, {bottomLeft: 'r', bottomRight: 'ق', topRight: '◌ٌ'}],
[20, {bottomLeft: 't', bottomRight: 'ف', topRight: 'لإ'}],
[21, {bottomLeft: 'y', bottomRight: 'غ', topRight: 'إ'}],
[22, {bottomLeft: 'u', bottomRight: 'ع', topRight: '‘'}],
[23, {bottomLeft: 'i', bottomRight: 'ه', topRight: '÷'}],
[24, {bottomLeft: 'o', bottomRight: 'خ', topRight: '×'}],
[25, {bottomLeft: 'p', bottomRight: 'ح', topRight: '؛'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: '[', topLeft: '{', bottomRight: 'ج', topRight: '<'}],
[27, {bottomLeft: ']', topLeft: '}', bottomRight: 'د', topRight: '>'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: '\\', topLeft: '|'}],
[30, {bottomLeft: 'a', bottomRight: 'ش', topRight: '◌ِ'}],
[31, {bottomLeft: 's', bottomRight: 'س', topRight: '◌ٍ'}],
[32, {bottomLeft: 'd', bottomRight: 'ي', topRight: '['}],
[33, {bottomLeft: 'f', bottomRight: 'ب', topRight: ']'}],
[34, {bottomLeft: 'g', bottomRight: 'ل', topRight: 'لأ'}],
[35, {bottomLeft: 'h', bottomRight: 'ا', topRight: 'أ'}],
[36, {bottomLeft: 'j', bottomRight: 'ت', topRight: 'ـ'}],
[37, {bottomLeft: 'k', bottomRight: 'ن', topRight: '،'}],
[38, {bottomLeft: 'l', bottomRight: 'م', topRight: '/'}],
[39, {bottomLeft: ';', topLeft: ':', bottomRight: 'ك'}],
[40, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '"', bottomRight: 'ط'}],
[44, {bottomLeft: 'z', bottomRight: 'ئ', topRight: '~'}],
[45, {bottomLeft: 'x', bottomRight: 'ء', topRight: '°'}],
[46, {bottomLeft: 'c', bottomRight: 'ؤ', topRight: '}'}],
[47, {bottomLeft: 'v', bottomRight: 'ر', topRight: '{'}],
[48, {bottomLeft: 'b', bottomRight: 'لا', topRight: 'لآ'}],
[49, {bottomLeft: 'n', bottomRight: 'ى', topRight: 'آ'}],
[50, {bottomLeft: 'm', bottomRight: 'ة', topRight: '\''}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: '<', bottomRight: 'و', topRight: ','}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: '>', bottomRight: 'ز', topRight: '.'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '/', topLeft: '?', bottomRight: 'ظ', topRight: '؟'}],
const kTraditionalChinese = [
[41, {bottomLeft: '`', topLeft: '~'}],
[ 2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!', topRight: 'ㄅ'}],
[ 3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '@', topRight: 'ㄉ'}],
[ 4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '#', topRight: '◌̌'}],
[ 5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$', topRight: '◌̀'}],
[ 6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%', topRight: 'ㄓ'}],
[ 7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '◌̂', topRight: '◌́'}],
[ 8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '&', topRight: '◌̇'}],
[ 9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '*', topRight: 'ㄚ'}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: '(', topRight: 'ㄞ'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: ')', topRight: 'ㄢ'}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_', topRight: '儿'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '=', topLeft: '+'}],
[14, 'backspace'],
[15, 'tab'],
[16, {bottomLeft: 'q', bottomRight: '手', topRight: 'ㄆ'}],
[17, {bottomLeft: 'w', bottomRight: '田', topRight: 'ㄊ'}],
[18, {bottomLeft: 'e', bottomRight: '水', topRight: 'ㄍ'}],
[19, {bottomLeft: 'r', bottomRight: '口', topRight: 'ㄐ'}],
[20, {bottomLeft: 't', bottomRight: '廿', topRight: 'ㄔ'}],
[21, {bottomLeft: 'y', bottomRight: '卜', topRight: 'ㄗ'}],
[22, {bottomLeft: 'u', bottomRight: '山', topRight: 'ㄧ'}],
[23, {bottomLeft: 'i', bottomRight: '戈', topRight: 'ㄛ'}],
[24, {bottomLeft: 'o', bottomRight: '人', topRight: 'ㄟ'}],
[25, {bottomLeft: 'p', bottomRight: '心', topRight: 'ㄣ'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: '[', topLeft: '{'}],
[27, {bottomLeft: ']', topLeft: '}'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: '\\', topLeft: '|', bottomRight: '₩'}],
[30, {bottomLeft: 'a', bottomRight: '日', topRight: 'ㄇ'}],
[31, {bottomLeft: 's', bottomRight: '尸', topRight: 'ㄋ'}],
[32, {bottomLeft: 'd', bottomRight: '木', topRight: 'ㄎ'}],
[33, {bottomLeft: 'f', bottomRight: '火', topRight: 'ㄑ'}],
[34, {bottomLeft: 'g', bottomRight: '土', topRight: 'ㄕ'}],
[35, {bottomLeft: 'h', bottomRight: '竹', topRight: 'ㄘ'}],
[36, {bottomLeft: 'j', bottomRight: '十', topRight: 'ㄨ'}],
[37, {bottomLeft: 'k', bottomRight: '大', topRight: 'ㄜ'}],
[38, {bottomLeft: 'l', bottomRight: '中', topRight: 'ㄠ'}],
[39, {bottomLeft: ';', topLeft: ':', topRight: 'ㄤ'}],
[40, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '"'}],
[42, 'shift'],
[44, {bottomLeft: 'z', bottomRight: '重', topRight: 'ㄈ'}],
[45, {bottomLeft: 'x', bottomRight: '難', topRight: 'ㄌ'}],
[46, {bottomLeft: 'c', bottomRight: '金', topRight: 'ㄏ'}],
[47, {bottomLeft: 'v', bottomRight: '女', topRight: 'ㄒ'}],
[48, {bottomLeft: 'b', bottomRight: '月', topRight: 'ㄖ'}],
[49, {bottomLeft: 'n', bottomRight: '弓', topRight: 'ㄙ'}],
[50, {bottomLeft: 'm', bottomRight: '一', topRight: 'ㄩ'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: '<', topRight: 'ㄝ'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: '>', topRight: 'ㄡ'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '/', topLeft: '?', topRight: 'ㄥ'}],
[54, 'shift'],
const kSpainSpanish = [
[41, {bottomLeft: 'º', topLeft: 'ª', bottomRight: '\\'}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!', bottomRight: '|'}],
[3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '"', bottomRight: '@'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '·', bottomRight: '#'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$', bottomRight: '~'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%'}],
[7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '&', bottomRight: '¬'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '/'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '('}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: ')'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: '='}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '?'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '¡', topLeft: '¿'}],
[18, {main: 'e', bottomRight: '€'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: '◌̀', topLeft: '◌̂'}],
[27, {bottomLeft: '+', topLeft: '*', bottomRight: '~'}],
[28, 'intro'],
[39, 'ñ'],
[40, {bottomLeft: '◌́', topLeft: '◌̈', bottomRight: '{'}],
[43, {main: 'ç', bottomRight: '◌̂'}],
[42, 'mayús'],
[86, {bottomLeft: '<', topLeft: '>'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: ';'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: ':'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_'}],
[54, 'mayús'],
[100, 'alt gr'],
* A hard-coded collection of glyphs to be shown on keys for a given region
* code. Region codes are taken from a table in the factory docs [0]. For each
* region code, the object contains pairs of evdev codes and glyphs or glyph
* sets, which are applied to the keyboard diagram when it loads. See the KEY_
* constants in input-event-codes.h in the Linux Kernel sources [1] for the
* evdev codes, and the file overview comment in keyboard_key.js for how the
* glyphs are laid out.
* [0]:
* https://storage.googleapis.com/chromeos-factory-docs/sdk/regions.html#available-regions
* [1]:
* https://source.chromium.org/chromiumos/chromiumos/codesearch/+/main:src/third_party/kernel/upstream/include/uapi/linux/input-event-codes.h
* @const {!Object<string, !Array<!Array<(number|string|!{
* main: ?string,
* icon: ?string,
* topLeft: ?string,
* topRight: ?string,
* bottomLeft: ?string,
* bottomRight: ?string,
* ariaNameI18n: ?string,
* })>>>}
const kLayouts = {
/* United Arab Emirates */
'ae': kUsEnglish,
/* Argentina */
'ar': kLatamSpanish,
/* Austria */
'at': kDeGerman,
/* Australia */
'au': kUsEnglish,
/* Belgium */
'be': [
[41, {bottomLeft: '²', topLeft: '³'}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '&', topLeft: '1', bottomRight: '|'}],
[3, {bottomLeft: 'é', topLeft: '2', bottomRight: '@'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: '"', topLeft: '3', bottomRight: '#'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '4'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: '(', topLeft: '5'}],
[7, {bottomLeft: '§', topLeft: '6', bottomRight: '◌̂'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: 'è', topLeft: '7'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: '!', topLeft: '8'}],
[10, {bottomLeft: 'ç', topLeft: '9', bottomRight: '{'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: 'à', topLeft: '0', bottomRight: '}'}],
[12, {bottomLeft: ')', topLeft: '°'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: '◌̂', topLeft: '◌̈', bottomRight: '['}],
[27, {bottomLeft: '$', topLeft: '*', bottomRight: ']'}],
[40, {bottomLeft: 'ù', topLeft: '%', bottomRight: '◌́'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: 'µ', topLeft: '£', bottomRight: '◌̀'}],
[86, {bottomLeft: '<', topLeft: '>', bottomRight: '\\'}],
[50, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: '?'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ';', topLeft: '.'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: ':', topLeft: '/'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '=', topLeft: '+', bottomRight: '~'}],
[100, 'alt gr'],
/* Bulgaria */
'bg': [
[41, {bottomLeft: '`', topLeft: '~', topRight: ' '}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!', topRight: ' '}],
[3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '@', topRight: '?'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '#', topRight: '+'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$', topRight: '"'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%', topRight: ' '}],
[7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '^', topRight: '='}],
[8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '&', topRight: ':'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '*', topRight: '/'}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: '(', topRight: '_'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: ')', topRight: '№'}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_', topRight: '|'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '=', topLeft: '+', topRight: 'V', bottomRight: '.'}],
[14, 'backspace'],
[15, 'tab'],
[16, {topLeft: 'q', bottomRight: ',', topRight: 'ы'}],
[17, {topLeft: 'w', bottomRight: 'у'}],
[18, {topLeft: 'e', bottomRight: 'е'}],
[19, {topLeft: 'r', bottomRight: 'и'}],
[20, {topLeft: 't', bottomRight: 'ш'}],
[21, {topLeft: 'y', bottomRight: 'щ'}],
[22, {topLeft: 'u', bottomRight: 'к'}],
[23, {topLeft: 'i', bottomRight: 'с'}],
[24, {topLeft: 'o', bottomRight: 'д'}],
[25, {topLeft: 'p', bottomRight: 'з'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: '[', topLeft: '{', bottomRight: 'ц'}],
[27, {bottomLeft: ']', topLeft: '}', topRight: '§', bottomRight: ';'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: '\\', topLeft: '|', topRight: '(', bottomRight: ')'}],
[30, {topLeft: 'a', bottomRight: 'ь', topRight: 'ѝ'}],
[31, {topLeft: 's', bottomRight: 'я'}],
[32, {topLeft: 'd', bottomRight: 'а'}],
[33, {topLeft: 'f', bottomRight: 'о'}],
[34, {topLeft: 'g', bottomRight: 'ж'}],
[35, {topLeft: 'h', bottomRight: 'г'}],
[36, {topLeft: 'j', bottomRight: 'т'}],
[37, {topLeft: 'k', bottomRight: 'н'}],
[38, {topLeft: 'l', bottomRight: 'в'}],
[39, {bottomLeft: ';', topLeft: ':', bottomRight: 'м'}],
[40, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '"', bottomRight: 'ч'}],
[28, 'enter'],
[42, 'shift'],
[44, {topLeft: 'z', bottomRight: 'ю'}],
[45, {topLeft: 'x', bottomRight: 'й'}],
[46, {topLeft: 'c', bottomRight: 'ъ'}],
[47, {topLeft: 'v', bottomRight: 'э'}],
[48, {topLeft: 'b', bottomRight: 'ф'}],
[49, {topLeft: 'n', bottomRight: 'х'}],
[50, {topLeft: 'm', bottomRight: 'п'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: '<', bottomRight: 'р'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: '>', bottomRight: 'л'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '/', topLeft: '?', bottomRight: 'б'}],
[54, 'shift'],
/* Bahrain */
'bh': kArabic,
/* Brazil (ABNT2) */
'br': kBrPortuguese,
/* Brazil (ABNT) */
'br.abnt': kBrPortuguese,
/* Brazil (US Intl) */
'br.usintl': kUsEnglishInternational,
/* Canada (US keyboard) */
'ca.ansi': kUsEnglish,
/* Canada (French keyboard) */
'ca.fr': kCaFrench,
/* Canada (Hybrid ISO Keyboard) */
'ca.hybrid': kCaFrench,
/* Canada (Hybrid Ansi keyboard) */
'ca.hybridansi': kCaFrench,
/* Canada (Multilingual ISO, Probably not in use) */
'ca.multix': kCaFrench,
/* Switzerland */
'ch': [
[41, {bottomLeft: '§', topLeft: '°'}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '+', bottomRight: '¦'}],
[3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '"', bottomRight: '@'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '*', bottomRight: '#'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: 'ç'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%'}],
[7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '&', bottomRight: '¬'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '/', bottomRight: '|'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '(', bottomRight: '¢'}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: ')'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: '='}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '?', bottomRight: '◌́'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '◌̂', topLeft: '◌̀', bottomRight: '~'}],
[14, 'backspace'],
[15, 'tab'],
[18, {main: 'e', bottomRight: '€'}],
[26, {main: 'ü è', bottomRight: '['}],
[27, {bottomLeft: '◌̈', topLeft: '!', bottomRight: ']'}],
[39, 'ö é'],
[40, {main: 'ä à', bottomRight: '{'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: '$', topLeft: '£', bottomRight: '}'}],
[42, 'shift'],
[86, {bottomLeft: '<', topLeft: '>', bottomRight: '\\'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: ';'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: ':'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_'}],
[54, 'shift'],
[100, 'alt gr'],
/* Switzerland (US Intl) */
'ch.usintl': kUsEnglishInternational,
/* Chile */
'cl': kLatamSpanish,
/* Colombia */
'co': kLatamSpanish,
/* Czech Republic */
'cz': [
[41, {bottomLeft: ';', topLeft: '°'}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '+', topLeft: '1', bottomRight: '!'}],
[3, {bottomLeft: 'ě', topLeft: '2', bottomRight: '@'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: 'š', topLeft: '3', bottomRight: '#'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: 'č', topLeft: '4', bottomRight: '$'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: 'ř', topLeft: '5', bottomRight: '%'}],
[7, {bottomLeft: 'ž', topLeft: '6', bottomRight: '^'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: 'ý', topLeft: '7', bottomRight: '&'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: 'á', topLeft: '8', bottomRight: '*'}],
[10, {bottomLeft: 'í', topLeft: '9', bottomRight: '{'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: 'é', topLeft: '0', bottomRight: '}'}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '=', topLeft: '%', bottomRight: '\\'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '◌́', topLeft: '◌̌'}],
[14, 'backspace'],
[15, 'tab'],
[18, {main: 'e', bottomRight: '€'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: 'ú', topLeft: '/', bottomRight: '['}],
[27, {bottomLeft: ')', topLeft: '(', bottomRight: ']'}],
[39, {bottomLeft: 'ů', topLeft: '¨'}],
[40, {bottomLeft: '§', topLeft: '!', bottomRight: '\''}],
[43, {topLeft: '\'', bottomRight: '\\'}],
[42, 'shift'],
[86, {bottomLeft: '\\', topLeft: '|', bottomRight: '/'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: '?', bottomRight: '<'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: ':', bottomRight: '>'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_', bottomRight: '*'}],
[54, 'shift'],
[100, 'alt gr'],
/* Germany */
'de': kDeGerman,
/* Denmark */
'dk': kNordic,
/* Estonia */
'ee': [
[41, {bottomLeft: '◌̌', topLeft: '~'}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!'}],
[3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '"', bottomRight: '@'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '#', bottomRight: '£'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '¤', bottomRight: '$'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%'}],
[7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '&'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '/', bottomRight: '{'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '(', bottomRight: '['}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: ')', bottomRight: ']'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: '=', bottomRight: '}'}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '+', topLeft: '?', bottomRight: '\\'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '◌́', topLeft: '◌̀'}],
[18, {main: 'e', bottomRight: '€'}],
[26, 'ü'],
[27, {main: 'õ', bottomRight: '§'}],
[31, {main: 's', bottomRight: 'š'}],
[39, 'ö'],
[40, {main: 'ä', bottomRight: '◌̂'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '*', bottomRight: '½'}],
[86, {bottomLeft: '<', topLeft: '>', bottomRight: '|'}],
[44, {main: 'z', bottomRight: 'ž'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: ';'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: ':'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_'}],
[100, 'alt gr'],
/* Spain */
'es': kSpainSpanish,
/* Finland */
'fi': kNordic,
/* France */
'fr': [
[1, 'échap'],
[41, {bottomLeft: '²'}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '&', topLeft: '1'}],
[3, {bottomLeft: 'é', topLeft: '2'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: '"', topLeft: '3'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '4'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: '(', topLeft: '5'}],
[7, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '6'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: 'è', topLeft: '7'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: '_', topLeft: '8'}],
[10, {bottomLeft: 'ç', topLeft: '9'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: 'à', topLeft: '0'}],
[12, {bottomLeft: ')', topLeft: '°'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '=', topLeft: '+'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: '◌̂', topLeft: '◌̈'}],
[27, {bottomLeft: '$', topLeft: '£'}],
[40, {bottomLeft: 'ù', topLeft: '%'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: '*', topLeft: 'µ'}],
[86, {bottomLeft: '<', topLeft: '>'}],
[50, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: '?'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ';', topLeft: '.'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: ':', topLeft: '/'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '!', topLeft: '§'}],
[100, 'alt gr'],
/* United Kingdom */
'gb': kGbEnglish,
/* United Kingdom (US extended keyboard) */
'gb.usext': kUsEnglishInternational,
/* Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) */
'gcc': kArabic,
/* Greece */
'gr': [
[41, {bottomLeft: '◌̀', topLeft: '~'}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!'}],
[3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '@'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '#'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%'}],
[7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '◌̂'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '&'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '*'}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: '('}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: ')'}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '=', topLeft: '+'}],
[14, 'backspace'],
[15, 'tab'],
[16, {topLeft: 'q', bottomRight: ';', topRight: ':'}],
[17, {topLeft: 'w', bottomRight: 'ς'}],
[18, {topLeft: 'e', bottomRight: 'ε'}],
[19, {topLeft: 'r', bottomRight: 'ρ'}],
[20, {topLeft: 't', bottomRight: 'τ'}],
[21, {topLeft: 'y', bottomRight: 'υ'}],
[22, {topLeft: 'u', bottomRight: 'θ'}],
[23, {topLeft: 'i', bottomRight: 'ι'}],
[24, {topLeft: 'o', bottomRight: 'ο'}],
[25, {topLeft: 'p', bottomRight: 'π'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: '[', topLeft: '{'}],
[27, {bottomLeft: ']', topLeft: '}'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: '\\', topLeft: '|'}],
[30, {topLeft: 'a', bottomRight: 'α'}],
[31, {topLeft: 's', bottomRight: 'σ'}],
[32, {topLeft: 'd', bottomRight: 'δ'}],
[33, {topLeft: 'f', bottomRight: 'φ'}],
[34, {topLeft: 'g', bottomRight: 'γ'}],
[35, {topLeft: 'h', bottomRight: 'η'}],
[36, {topLeft: 'j', bottomRight: 'ξ'}],
[37, {topLeft: 'k', bottomRight: 'κ'}],
[38, {topLeft: 'l', bottomRight: 'λ'}],
[39, {bottomLeft: ';', topLeft: ':', topRight: '◌̈', bottomRight: '◌́'}],
[40, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '"'}],
[28, 'enter'],
[42, 'shift'],
[44, {topLeft: 'z', bottomRight: 'ζ'}],
[45, {topLeft: 'x', bottomRight: 'χ'}],
[46, {topLeft: 'c', bottomRight: 'ψ'}],
[47, {topLeft: 'v', bottomRight: 'ω'}],
[48, {topLeft: 'b', bottomRight: 'β'}],
[49, {topLeft: 'n', bottomRight: 'ν'}],
[50, {topLeft: 'm', bottomRight: 'μ'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: '<'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: '>'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '/', topLeft: '?'}],
[54, 'shift'],
[100, 'alt gr'],
/* Hong Kong */
'hk': kTraditionalChinese,
/* Croatia */
'hr': [
[41, {bottomLeft: '◌̧', topLeft: '◌̈'}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!', bottomRight: '~'}],
[3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '"', bottomRight: '◌̌'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '#', bottomRight: '◌̂'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$', bottomRight: '◌̆'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%', bottomRight: '◌̊'}],
[7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '&', bottomRight: '◌̢'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '/', bottomRight: '◌̀'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '(', bottomRight: '◌̇'}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: ')', bottomRight: '◌́'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: '=', bottomRight: '◌̋'}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '?', bottomRight: '◌̈'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '+', topLeft: '*', bottomRight: '◌̧'}],
[16, {main: 'q', bottomRight: '\\'}],
[17, {main: 'w', bottomRight: '|'}],
[18, {main: 'e', bottomRight: '€'}],
[26, {main: 'š', bottomRight: '÷'}],
[27, {main: 'đ', bottomRight: '×'}],
[33, {main: 'f', bottomRight: '['}],
[34, {main: 'g', bottomRight: ']'}],
[37, {main: 'k', bottomRight: 'ł'}],
[38, {main: 'l', bottomRight: 'Ł'}],
[39, 'č'],
[40, {main: 'ć', bottomRight: 'ß'}],
[43, {main: 'ž', bottomRight: '¤'}],
[86, {bottomLeft: '<', topLeft: '>'}],
[47, {main: 'v', bottomRight: '@'}],
[48, {main: 'b', bottomRight: '{'}],
[49, {main: 'n', bottomRight: '}'}],
[50, {main: 'm', bottomRight: '§'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: ';'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: ':'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_'}],
[100, 'alt gr'],
/* Indonesia */
'id': kUsEnglish,
/* Ireland */
'ie': kGbEnglish,
/* Israel */
'il': [
[41, {bottomLeft: '`', topLeft: '~'}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!'}],
[3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '@'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '#', bottomRight: '€'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$', bottomRight: '₪'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%'}],
[7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '^'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '&'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '*'}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: ')'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: '('}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '=', topLeft: '+'}],
[16, {bottomLeft: '/', topLeft: 'q'}],
[17, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: 'w'}],
[18, {bottomLeft: 'ק', topLeft: 'e'}],
[19, {bottomLeft: 'ר', topLeft: 'r'}],
[20, {bottomLeft: 'א', topLeft: 't'}],
[21, {bottomLeft: 'ט', topLeft: 'y'}],
[22, {bottomLeft: 'ו', topLeft: 'u'}],
[23, {bottomLeft: 'ן', topLeft: 'i'}],
[24, {bottomLeft: 'ם', topLeft: 'o'}],
[25, {bottomLeft: 'פ', topLeft: 'p'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: '[', topLeft: '{'}],
[27, {bottomLeft: ']', topLeft: '}'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: '\\', topLeft: '|'}],
[30, {bottomLeft: 'ש', topLeft: 'a'}],
[31, {bottomLeft: 'ד', topLeft: 's'}],
[32, {bottomLeft: 'ג', topLeft: 'd'}],
[33, {bottomLeft: 'כ', topLeft: 'f'}],
[34, {bottomLeft: 'ע', topLeft: 'g'}],
[35, {bottomLeft: 'י', topLeft: 'h'}],
[36, {bottomLeft: 'ח', topLeft: 'j'}],
[37, {bottomLeft: 'ל', topLeft: 'k'}],
[38, {bottomLeft: 'ך', topLeft: 'l'}],
[39, {bottomLeft: 'ף', topLeft: ':'}],
[40, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: '"'}],
[44, {bottomLeft: 'ז', topLeft: 'z'}],
[45, {bottomLeft: 'ס', topLeft: 'x'}],
[46, {bottomLeft: 'ב', topLeft: 'c'}],
[47, {bottomLeft: 'ה', topLeft: 'v'}],
[48, {bottomLeft: 'נ', topLeft: 'b'}],
[49, {bottomLeft: 'מ', topLeft: 'n'}],
[50, {bottomLeft: 'צ', topLeft: 'm'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: 'ת', topLeft: '<'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: 'ץ', topLeft: '>'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: '?'}],
[100, 'alt gr'],
/* India */
'in': kUsEnglish,
/* Iceland */
'is': [
[41, {bottomLeft: '◌̊', topLeft: '◌̈'}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!'}],
[3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '"'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '#'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%'}],
[7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '&'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '/', bottomRight: '{'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '(', bottomRight: '['}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: ')', bottomRight: ']'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: '=', bottomRight: '}'}],
[12, {main: 'ö', bottomRight: '\\'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_'}],
[16, {main: 'q', bottomRight: '@'}],
[18, {main: 'e', bottomRight: '€'}],
[26, 'ð'],
[27, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '?', bottomRight: '~'}],
[39, 'æ'],
[40, {bottomLeft: '◌́', topLeft: ' ', bottomRight: '◌̂'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: '+', topLeft: '*', bottomRight: '◌̀'}],
[86, {bottomLeft: '<', topLeft: '>', bottomRight: '|'}],
[50, {main: 'm', bottomRight: 'µ'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: ';'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: ':'}],
[53, 'þ'],
[100, 'alt gr'],
/* Italy */
'it': [
[41, {bottomLeft: '\\', topLeft: '|'}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!'}],
[3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '"'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '£'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%'}],
[7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '&'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '/'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '('}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: ')'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: '='}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '?'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: 'ì', topLeft: '◌̂'}],
[18, {main: 'e', bottomRight: '€'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: 'è', topLeft: 'é', bottomRight: '['}],
[27, {bottomLeft: '+', topLeft: '*', bottomRight: ']'}],
[28, 'invio'],
[39, {bottomLeft: 'ò', topLeft: 'ç', bottomRight: '@'}],
[40, {bottomLeft: 'à', topLeft: '°', bottomRight: '#'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: 'ù', topLeft: '§'}],
[42, 'maiusc'],
[86, {bottomLeft: '<', topLeft: '>'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: ';'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: ':'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_'}],
[54, 'maiusc'],
[100, 'alt gr'],
/* Japan */
'jp': [
icon: 'keyboard:jis-letter-switch',
ariaNameI18n: 'keyboardDiagramAriaNameJisLetterSwitch',
[2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!', bottomRight: 'ぬ'}],
[3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '"', bottomRight: 'ふ'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '#', bottomRight: 'あ'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$', bottomRight: 'う'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%', bottomRight: 'え'}],
[7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '&', bottomRight: 'お'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '\'', bottomRight: 'や'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '(', bottomRight: 'ゆ'}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: ')', bottomRight: 'よ'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: ' ', topRight: 'を', bottomRight: 'わ'}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '=', bottomRight: 'ほ'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '^', topLeft: '~', bottomRight: 'へ'}],
[124, {bottomLeft: '¥', topLeft: '|', bottomRight: 'ー'}],
[16, {topLeft: 'q', bottomRight: 'た'}],
[17, {topLeft: 'w', bottomRight: 'て'}],
[18, {topLeft: 'e', bottomRight: 'い'}],
[19, {topLeft: 'r', bottomRight: 'す'}],
[20, {topLeft: 't', bottomRight: 'か'}],
[21, {topLeft: 'y', bottomRight: 'ん'}],
[22, {topLeft: 'u', bottomRight: 'な'}],
[23, {topLeft: 'i', bottomRight: 'に'}],
[24, {topLeft: 'o', bottomRight: 'ら'}],
[25, {topLeft: 'p', bottomRight: 'せ'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: '@', topLeft: '`', bottomRight: '゛'}],
[27, {bottomLeft: '[', topLeft: '{', bottomRight: '゜'}],
[30, {topLeft: 'a', bottomRight: 'ち'}],
[31, {topLeft: 's', bottomRight: 'と'}],
[32, {topLeft: 'd', bottomRight: 'し'}],
[33, {topLeft: 'f', bottomRight: 'は'}],
[34, {topLeft: 'g', bottomRight: 'き'}],
[35, {topLeft: 'h', bottomRight: 'く'}],
[36, {topLeft: 'j', bottomRight: 'ま'}],
[37, {topLeft: 'k', bottomRight: 'の'}],
[38, {topLeft: 'l', bottomRight: 'り'}],
[39, {bottomLeft: ';', topLeft: '+', bottomRight: 'れ'}],
[40, {bottomLeft: ':', topLeft: '*', bottomRight: 'け'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: ']', topLeft: '}', bottomRight: 'む'}],
[44, {topLeft: 'z', bottomRight: 'つ'}],
[45, {topLeft: 'x', bottomRight: 'さ'}],
[46, {topLeft: 'c', bottomRight: 'そ'}],
[47, {topLeft: 'v', bottomRight: 'ひ'}],
[48, {topLeft: 'b', bottomRight: 'こ'}],
[49, {topLeft: 'n', bottomRight: 'み'}],
[50, {topLeft: 'm', bottomRight: 'も'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: '<', topRight: '、', bottomRight: 'ね'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: '>', topRight: '。', bottomRight: 'る'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '/', topLeft: '?', topRight: '•', bottomRight: 'め'}],
[89, {bottomLeft: '\\', topLeft: '_', bottomRight: 'ろ'}],
/* Japan with US keyboard */
'jp.us': kUsEnglish,
/* South Korea */
'kr': [
[41, {bottomLeft: '◌̀', topLeft: '~'}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!'}],
[3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '@'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '#'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%'}],
[7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '^'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '&'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '*'}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: '('}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: ')'}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '=', topLeft: '+'}],
[16, {topLeft: 'q', bottomRight: 'ㅂ', topRight: 'ㅃ'}],
[17, {topLeft: 'w', bottomRight: 'ㅈ', topRight: 'ㅉ'}],
[18, {topLeft: 'e', bottomRight: 'ㄷ', topRight: 'ㄸ'}],
[19, {topLeft: 'r', bottomRight: 'ㄱ', topRight: 'ㄲ'}],
[20, {topLeft: 't', bottomRight: 'ㅅ', topRight: 'ㅆ'}],
[21, {topLeft: 'y', bottomRight: 'ㅛ'}],
[22, {topLeft: 'u', bottomRight: 'ㅕ'}],
[23, {topLeft: 'i', bottomRight: 'ㅑ'}],
[24, {topLeft: 'o', bottomRight: 'ㅐ', topRight: 'ㅒ'}],
[25, {topLeft: 'p', bottomRight: 'ㅔ', topRight: 'ㅖ'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: '[', topLeft: '{'}],
[27, {bottomLeft: ']', topLeft: '}'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: '\\', topLeft: '|', bottomRight: '₩'}],
[30, {topLeft: 'a', bottomRight: 'ㅁ'}],
[31, {topLeft: 's', bottomRight: 'ㄴ'}],
[32, {topLeft: 'd', bottomRight: 'ㅇ'}],
[33, {topLeft: 'f', bottomRight: 'ㄹ'}],
[34, {topLeft: 'g', bottomRight: 'ㅎ'}],
[35, {topLeft: 'h', bottomRight: 'ㅗ'}],
[36, {topLeft: 'j', bottomRight: 'ㅓ'}],
[37, {topLeft: 'k', bottomRight: 'ㅏ'}],
[38, {topLeft: 'l', bottomRight: 'ㅣ'}],
[39, {bottomLeft: ';', topLeft: ':'}],
[40, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '"'}],
[44, {topLeft: 'z', bottomRight: 'ㅋ'}],
[45, {topLeft: 'x', bottomRight: 'ㅌ'}],
[46, {topLeft: 'c', bottomRight: 'ㅊ'}],
[47, {topLeft: 'v', bottomRight: 'ㅍ'}],
[48, {topLeft: 'b', bottomRight: 'ㅠ'}],
[49, {topLeft: 'n', bottomRight: 'ㅜ'}],
[50, {topLeft: 'm', bottomRight: 'ㅡ'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: '<'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: '>'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '/', topLeft: '?'}],
// TODO(b/221928190): find a way to distinguish between the "compact" and
// "normal" variants, rather than assuming that the compact one is in use.
[100, '한/영'],
[97, '한자'],
/* Kuwait */
'kw': kArabic,
/* Kazakhstan */
'kz': kUsEnglish,
/* Hispanophone Latin America */
'latam-es-419': kSpainSpanish,
/* Mexico */
'mx': kLatamSpanish,
/* Malaysia */
'my': kUsEnglish,
/* Nigeria */
'ng': kUsEnglishInternational,
/* Netherlands */
'nl': kUsEnglishInternational,
/* Norway */
'no': kNordic,
/* Nordics */
'nordic': kNordic,
/* New Zealand */
'nz': kUsEnglish,
/* Oman */
'om': kArabic,
/* Peru */
'pe': kLatamSpanish,
/* Philippines */
'ph': kUsEnglish,
/* Poland */
'pl': [
* Depending on the variant, this layout might have symbols or text labels
* on Tab, Shift, and Backspace. Since there is no way for code to
* distinguish between them, err on the side of symbols.
[100, 'alt gr'],
/* Portugal */
'pt': [
[41, {bottomLeft: '\\', topLeft: '|'}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!'}],
[3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '"', bottomRight: '@'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '#', bottomRight: '£'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$', bottomRight: '§'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%'}],
[7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '&'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '/', bottomRight: '{'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '(', bottomRight: '['}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: ')', bottomRight: ']'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: '=', bottomRight: '}'}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '?'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '«', topLeft: '»'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: '+', topLeft: '*', bottomRight: '~'}],
[27, {bottomLeft: '◌́', topLeft: '◌̀'}],
[39, 'ç'],
[40, {bottomLeft: 'º', topLeft: 'ª'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: '~', topLeft: '◌̂'}],
[86, {bottomLeft: '<', topLeft: '>'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: ';'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: ':'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_'}],
[100, 'alt gr'],
/* Qatar */
'qa': kArabic,
/* Romania */
'ro': kRoRomanian,
/* Romania with US keyboard */
'ro.us': kUsEnglish,
/* Russia */
'ru': [
[41, {bottomLeft: '`', topLeft: '~', bottomRight: 'ë'}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!', topRight: ' '}],
[3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '@', topRight: '"'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '#', topRight: '№'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$', topRight: ';'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%', topRight: ' '}],
[7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '◌̂', topRight: ':'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '&', topRight: '?'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '*', topRight: ' '}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: '(', topRight: ' '}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: ')', topRight: ' '}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_', topRight: ' '}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '=', topLeft: '+', topRight: ' '}],
[16, {topLeft: 'q', bottomRight: 'й'}],
[17, {topLeft: 'w', bottomRight: 'ц'}],
[18, {topLeft: 'e', bottomRight: 'у'}],
[19, {topLeft: 'r', bottomRight: 'к'}],
[20, {topLeft: 't', bottomRight: 'е'}],
[21, {topLeft: 'y', bottomRight: 'н'}],
[22, {topLeft: 'u', bottomRight: 'г'}],
[23, {topLeft: 'i', bottomRight: 'ш'}],
[24, {topLeft: 'o', bottomRight: 'щ'}],
[25, {topLeft: 'p', bottomRight: 'з'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: '[', topLeft: '{', bottomRight: 'х'}],
[27, {bottomLeft: ']', topLeft: '}', bottomRight: 'ъ'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: '\\', topLeft: '|', topRight: '/'}],
[30, {topLeft: 'a', bottomRight: 'ф'}],
[31, {topLeft: 's', bottomRight: 'ы'}],
[32, {topLeft: 'd', bottomRight: 'в'}],
[33, {topLeft: 'f', bottomRight: 'а'}],
[34, {topLeft: 'g', bottomRight: 'п'}],
[35, {topLeft: 'h', bottomRight: 'р'}],
[36, {topLeft: 'j', bottomRight: 'о'}],
[37, {topLeft: 'k', bottomRight: 'л'}],
[38, {topLeft: 'l', bottomRight: 'д'}],
[39, {bottomLeft: ';', topLeft: ':', bottomRight: 'ж'}],
[40, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '"', bottomRight: 'э'}],
[44, {topLeft: 'z', bottomRight: 'я'}],
[45, {topLeft: 'x', bottomRight: 'ч'}],
[46, {topLeft: 'c', bottomRight: 'с'}],
[47, {topLeft: 'v', bottomRight: 'м'}],
[48, {topLeft: 'b', bottomRight: 'и'}],
[49, {topLeft: 'n', bottomRight: 'т'}],
[50, {topLeft: 'm', bottomRight: 'ь'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: '<', bottomRight: 'б'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: '>', bottomRight: 'ю'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '/', topLeft: '?', bottomRight: '.', topRight: ','}],
/* Saudi Arabia */
'sa': kUsEnglish,
/* Sweden */
'se': kNordic,
/* Singapore */
'sg': kUsEnglish,
/* Slovakia */
'sk': [
[41, {bottomLeft: ';', topLeft: '°'}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '+', topLeft: '1'}],
[3, {bottomLeft: 'ľ', topLeft: '2'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: 'š', topLeft: '3'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: 'č', topLeft: '4'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: 'ť', topLeft: '5'}],
[7, {bottomLeft: 'ž', topLeft: '6'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: 'ý', topLeft: '7'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: 'á', topLeft: '8'}],
[10, {bottomLeft: 'í', topLeft: '9'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: 'é', topLeft: '0'}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '=', topLeft: '%'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '◌́', topLeft: '◌̌'}],
[18, {main: 'e', bottomRight: '€'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: 'ú', topLeft: '/'}],
[27, {bottomLeft: 'ä', topLeft: '('}],
[39, {bottomLeft: 'ô', topLeft: '"'}],
[40, {bottomLeft: '§', topLeft: '!'}],
[43, {bottomLeft: 'ň', topLeft: '!'}],
[86, {bottomLeft: '&', topLeft: '*'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: '?'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: ':'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_'}],
[100, 'alt gr'],
/* Thailand */
'th': [
[41, {bottomLeft: '◌̀', topLeft: '~', bottomRight: '_', topRight: '%'}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!', bottomRight: 'ๅ', topRight: '+'}],
[3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '@', bottomRight: '/', topRight: '๑'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '#', bottomRight: '-', topRight: '๒'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$', bottomRight: 'ภ', topRight: '๓'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%', bottomRight: 'ถ', topRight: '๔'}],
[7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '◌̂', bottomRight: '◌ุ', topRight: '◌ู'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '&', bottomRight: '◌ึ', topRight: '฿'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '*', bottomRight: 'ค', topRight: '๕'}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: '(', bottomRight: 'ต', topRight: '๖'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: ')', bottomRight: 'จ', topRight: '๗'}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_', bottomRight: 'ข', topRight: '๘'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '=', topLeft: '+', bottomRight: 'ช', topRight: '๙'}],
[16, {bottomLeft: 'q', bottomRight: 'ๆ', topRight: '๐'}],
[17, {bottomLeft: 'w', bottomRight: 'ไ', topRight: '"'}],
[18, {bottomLeft: 'e', bottomRight: '◌ำ', topRight: 'ฎ'}],
[19, {bottomLeft: 'r', bottomRight: 'พ', topRight: 'ฑ'}],
[20, {bottomLeft: 't', bottomRight: 'ะ', topRight: 'ธ'}],
[21, {bottomLeft: 'y', bottomRight: '◌ั', topRight: '◌ํ'}],
[22, {bottomLeft: 'u', bottomRight: '◌ี', topRight: '◌๊'}],
[23, {bottomLeft: 'i', bottomRight: 'ร', topRight: 'ณ'}],
[24, {bottomLeft: 'o', bottomRight: 'น', topRight: 'ฯ'}],
[25, {bottomLeft: 'p', bottomRight: 'ย', topRight: 'ญ'}],
[26, {bottomLeft: '[', topLeft: '{', bottomRight: 'บ', topRight: 'ฐ'}],
[27, {bottomLeft: ']', topLeft: '}', bottomRight: 'ล', topRight: ','}],
[43, {bottomLeft: '\\', topLeft: '|', bottomRight: 'ฃ', topRight: 'ฅ'}],
[30, {bottomLeft: 'a', bottomRight: 'ฟ', topRight: 'ฤ'}],
[31, {bottomLeft: 's', bottomRight: 'ห', topRight: 'ฆ'}],
[32, {bottomLeft: 'd', bottomRight: 'ก', topRight: 'ฏ'}],
[33, {bottomLeft: 'f', bottomRight: 'ด', topRight: 'โ'}],
[34, {bottomLeft: 'g', bottomRight: 'เ', topRight: 'ฌ'}],
[35, {bottomLeft: 'h', bottomRight: '◌้', topRight: '◌็'}],
[36, {bottomLeft: 'j', bottomRight: '◌่', topRight: '◌๋'}],
[37, {bottomLeft: 'k', bottomRight: 'า', topRight: 'ษ'}],
[38, {bottomLeft: 'l', bottomRight: 'ส', topRight: 'ศ'}],
[39, {bottomLeft: ';', topLeft: ':', bottomRight: 'ว', topRight: 'ซ'}],
[40, {bottomLeft: '\'', topLeft: '"', bottomRight: 'ง', topRight: '.'}],
[44, {bottomLeft: 'z', bottomRight: 'ผ', topRight: '('}],
[45, {bottomLeft: 'x', bottomRight: 'ป', topRight: ')'}],
[46, {bottomLeft: 'c', bottomRight: 'แ', topRight: 'ฉ'}],
[47, {bottomLeft: 'v', bottomRight: 'อ', topRight: 'ฮ'}],
[48, {bottomLeft: 'b', bottomRight: '◌ิ', topRight: '◌ฺ'}],
[49, {bottomLeft: 'n', bottomRight: '◌ื', topRight: '◌์'}],
[50, {bottomLeft: 'm', bottomRight: 'ท', topRight: '?'}],
[51, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: '<', bottomRight: 'ม', topRight: 'ฒ'}],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: '>', bottomRight: 'ใ', topRight: 'ฬ'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: '/', topLeft: '?', bottomRight: 'ฝ', topRight: 'ฦ'}],
/* Turkey */
'tr': [
[41, {bottomLeft: '"', topLeft: 'é'}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!'}],
[3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '\''}],
[4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '◌̂'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '+'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%'}],
[7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '&'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '/'}],
[9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '('}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: ')'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: '='}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '*', topLeft: '?'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_'}],
[16, {main: 'q', bottomRight: '@'}],
[18, {main: 'e', bottomRight: '€'}],
[20, {main: 't', bottomRight: '₺'}],
[23, 'ı'],
[26, 'ğ'],
[27, 'ü'],
[39, 'ş'],
[40, 'i'],
[43, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: ';'}],
[51, 'ö'],
[52, 'ç'],
[53, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: ':'}],
[86, {bottomLeft: '<', topLeft: '>'}],
[100, 'alt gr'],
'tr.f': [
[41, {bottomLeft: '+', topLeft: '*'}],
[2, {bottomLeft: '1', topLeft: '!'}],
[3, {bottomLeft: '2', topLeft: '"'}],
[4, {bottomLeft: '3', topLeft: '◌̂'}],
[5, {bottomLeft: '4', topLeft: '$'}],
[6, {bottomLeft: '5', topLeft: '%'}],
[7, {bottomLeft: '6', topLeft: '&'}],
[8, {bottomLeft: '7', topLeft: '\''}],
[9, {bottomLeft: '8', topLeft: '('}],
[10, {bottomLeft: '9', topLeft: ')'}],
[11, {bottomLeft: '0', topLeft: '='}],
[12, {bottomLeft: '/', topLeft: '?'}],
[13, {bottomLeft: '-', topLeft: '_'}],
[16, 'f'],
[17, 'g'],
[18, 'ğ'],
[19, 'ı'],
[20, 'o'],
[21, 'd'],
[22, 'r'],
[23, 'n'],
[24, 'h'],
[25, 'p'],
[26, 'q'],
[27, 'w'],
[30, 'u'],
[31, 'i'],
[32, 'e'],
[33, 'a'],
[34, 'ü'],
[35, 't'],
[36, 'k'],
[37, 'm'],
[38, 'l'],
[39, 'y'],
[40, 'ş'],
[43, 'x'],
[44, 'j'],
[45, 'ö'],
[46, 'v'],
[47, 'c'],
[48, 'ç'],
[49, 'z'],
[50, 's'],
[51, 'b'],
[52, {bottomLeft: '.', topLeft: ':'}],
[53, {bottomLeft: ',', topLeft: ';'}],
[86, {bottomLeft: '<', topLeft: '>'}],
[100, 'alt gr'],
/* Taiwan */
'tw': kTraditionalChinese,
/* United States */
'us': kUsEnglish,
/* United States (English Intl) */
'us.intl': kUsEnglishInternational,
/* Uruguay */
'uy': kLatamSpanish,
/* Vietnam */
'vn': kUsEnglish,
/* South Africa */
'za': kGbEnglish,
/* South Africa */
'za.us': kUsEnglish,
export function getKeyboardLayoutForRegionCode(regionCode) {
if (regionCode in kLayouts) {
return new Map(kLayouts[regionCode]);
} else {
console.warn('No visual layout for region code ' + regionCode);
return null;