// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_drawer/cr_drawer.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/icons.html.js';
import 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/iron-icon/iron-icon.js';
import 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/iron-media-query/iron-media-query.js';
import './navigation_shared_vars.css.js';
import './page_toolbar.js';
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/assert.js';
import {PolymerElement} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {SelectorItem} from './navigation_selector.js';
import {getTemplate} from './navigation_view_panel.html.js';
const navigationPageChanged = 'onNavigationPageChanged';
* @fileoverview
* 'navigation-view-panel' manages the wiring between a display page and
* <navigation-selector>.
* Child pages that are interested in navigation page change events will need to
* implement a public function "onNavigationPageChanged()" to be notified of the
* event.
* To send events between pages, the component that has <navigation-view-panel>
* must call on "notifyEvent(functionName, params)". |params| is an optional
* parameter.
* To provide page components with initial data, include a "initialData" object
* as part of the "addSelector()" function. Page components will then have an
* implicit property, details, with the object provided.
export class NavigationViewPanelElement extends PolymerElement {
static get is() {
return 'navigation-view-panel';
static get template() {
return getTemplate();
static get properties() {
return {
* @type {?SelectorItem}
* Notifies parent elements of the the selected item.
selectedItem: {
type: Object,
observer: 'selectedItemChanged_',
value: null,
* @type {!Array<!SelectorItem>}
* @private
selectorItems_: {
type: Array,
value: () => [],
* This title only appears if |showToolBar| is True. Is otherwise a
* no-opt if title is set and |showToolbar| is False.
title: {
type: String,
value: '',
* If |hasSearch| is True, the toolbar internal widths will be adjusted
* to fit the search bar when |showNav| is False.
hasSearch: {
type: Boolean,
* Can only be set to True if specified from the parent element by
* adding show-banner as an attribute to <navigation-view-panel>. If
* True, a banner will appear above the 2 column view (sidebar +
* page). If False, banner grid-area will not show and regular grid
* layout will be used based on show-tool-bar property.
* @type {boolean}
showBanner: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
reflectToAttribute: true,
* Can only be set to True if specified from the parent element by
* adding show-tool-bar as an attribute to <navigation-view-panel>. If
* True, a toolbar will appear at the top of the navigation view panel
* with a 2 column view below it (sidebar + page). If False,
* navigation view panel will only be a 2 column view (sidebar +
* page).
showToolBar: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
/** @protected {boolean} */
showNav: {
type: Boolean,
/** @override */
constructor() {
window.addEventListener('menu-tap', () => this.onMenuButtonTap_());
'navigation-selected', () => this.onNavigationSelected_());
* Event callback for 'scroll'.
* @private {?Function}
this.scrollClassHandler_ = () => {
/** @override */
connectedCallback() {
window.addEventListener('scroll', this.scrollClassHandler_);
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} pageIs
* @param {string} icon
* @param {?string} id
* @param {?Object} initialData
* @return {!SelectorItem}
name, pageIs, icon = '', id = null, initialData = null) {
id = id || pageIs;
return {name, pageIs, icon, id, initialData};
* Set the initially active page (defaults to the first selector item),
* Callers can override this default behavior by providing a
* query param including the id of a specific page.
* @protected
setDefaultPage_() {
const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
for (const item of this.selectorItems_) {
if (params.has(item.id)) {
this.selectedItem = item;
// Default to first entry if query param isn't provided.
this.selectedItem = this.selectorItems_[0];
* @param {!Array<!SelectorItem>} pages
addSelectors(pages) {
this.set('selectorItems_', pages);
* Adds a new section to the top level navigation. The name and icon will
* be displayed in the side navigation. The content panel will create an
* instance of pageIs when navigated to. If id is null it will default to
* being equal to pageIs. In the case of adding multiple pages of the same
* type, id must be specified to distinguish them.
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} pageIs
* @param {string} icon
* @param {?string} id
* @param {?Object} initialData
addSelector(name, pageIs, icon = '', id = null, initialData = null) {
this.createSelectorItem(name, pageIs, icon, id, initialData));
* Adds a new section to the top level navigation. The name and icon will
* be displayed in the side navigation.
* @param {!SelectorItem} selectorItem
addSelectorItem(selectorItem) {
this.push('selectorItems_', selectorItem);
* Removes a section from the top level navigation. If the section is
* currently selected, the selection will be reset to the top item.
* @param {string} id The ID of the section to remove.
removeSelectorById(id) {
const index =
this.selectorItems_.findIndex((selector) => selector.id === id);
if (index < 0) {
throw new Error('Cannot find selector with ID "' + id + '" to remove.');
if (this.selectorItems_.length === 1) {
throw new Error('Removing the last selector is not supported.');
this.splice('selectorItems_', index, 1);
if (this.selectedItem && this.selectedItem.id === id) {
this.selectedItem = this.selectorItems_[0];
/** @protected */
selectedItemChanged_() {
if (!this.selectedItem) {
const pageComponent = this.getPage_(this.selectedItem);
if (this.$.drawer.open) {
* @param {string} functionName
* @param {!Object} params
notifyEvent(functionName, params={}) {
const components = this.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('.view-content');
// Notify all available child pages of the event.
Array.from(components).map((c) => {
const functionCall = c[functionName];
if (typeof functionCall === 'function') {
if (functionName === navigationPageChanged) {
const event = {isActive: this.selectedItem.id === c.id};
functionCall.call(c, event);
} else {
functionCall.call(c, params);
* Selects the page that has the given id.
* @param {string} id
selectPageById(id) {
const selectorItem = this.selectorItems_.find(item => item.id == id);
if (selectorItem) {
this.selectedItem = selectorItem;
* @param {!SelectorItem} item
* @private
getPage_(item) {
let pageComponent = this.shadowRoot.querySelector(`#${item.id}`);
if (pageComponent === null) {
pageComponent = document.createElement(item.pageIs);
pageComponent.setAttribute('id', item.id);
pageComponent.setAttribute('class', 'view-content');
if (item.initialData) {
pageComponent.initialData = item.initialData;
pageComponent.hidden = true;
return pageComponent;
* @param {!HTMLElement} pageComponent
* @private
showPage_(pageComponent) {
const components = this.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('.view-content');
// Hide all existing pages.
Array.from(components).map((c) => c.hidden = true);
pageComponent.hidden = false;
onMenuButtonTap_() {
/** @private */
onScroll_() {
if (this.showToolBar) {
const scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
if (scrollTop <= 0) {
this.shadowRoot.querySelector('page-toolbar').setAttribute('shadow', '');
* @param {string} selectorId The ID of the section to search for.
* @return {boolean}
pageExists(selectorId) {
return !!this.selectorItems_.find(({id}) => id === selectorId);
/** @private */
onNavigationSelected_() {
// Don't toggle, but rather only close the drawer if it's opened.
if (this.$.drawer.open) {