
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <memory>
#include <string_view>

#include "base/check.h"
#include "components/cast/cast_component_export.h"
#include "components/cast/message_port/message_port.h"

namespace cast_api_bindings {

class Manager;

// Manages the registration of bindings Javascript and establishment of
// communication channels, as well as unregistration on object teardown, using
// RAII semantics.
class CAST_COMPONENT_EXPORT ScopedApiBinding final
    : public cast_api_bindings::MessagePort::Receiver {
  // Methods for handling message I/O with bindings scripts.
  class Delegate {
    virtual ~Delegate() = default;

    // Expresses the name for which MessagePort connection requests should be
    // routed to the Delegate implementation.
    virtual std::string_view GetPortName() const = 0;

    // Invoked when |message_port_| is connected. This allows the Delegate to do
    // work when the client first connects, e.g. sending it a message conveying
    // some initial state.
    virtual void OnConnected() {}

    // Invoked for messages received over |message_port_|.
    virtual bool OnMessage(std::string_view message) = 0;

    // Invoked when |message_port_| is disconnected.
    // Allows the delegate to cleanup if the client unexpectedly disconnects.
    virtual void OnDisconnected() {}

  // |bindings_manager|: Specifies the Manager to which the binding will be
  //     published.
  // |delegate|: If set, provides the necessary identifier and
  //     method implementations for connecting script message I/O with the
  //     bindings backend.
  //     Must outlive |this|.
  //     Can be nullptr if the bindings do not require communication.
  // |js_bindings_id|: Id used for management of the |js_bindings| script.
  //     Must be unique.
  // |js_bindings|: script to inject.
  ScopedApiBinding(Manager* bindings_manager,
                   Delegate* delegate,
                   std::string_view js_bindings_id,
                   std::string_view js_bindings);
  ~ScopedApiBinding() override;

  ScopedApiBinding(const ScopedApiBinding&) = delete;
  ScopedApiBinding& operator=(const ScopedApiBinding&) = delete;

  // Sends a |message| to |message_port_|.
  // Returns true if the message was sent.
  bool SendMessage(std::string_view message);

  // Called when a port is received from the page.
  void OnPortConnected(std::unique_ptr<cast_api_bindings::MessagePort> port);

  // cast_api_bindings::MessagePort::Receiver implementation:
  bool OnMessage(std::string_view message,
                     ports) override;
  void OnPipeError() override;

  Manager* const bindings_manager_;
  Delegate* const delegate_;
  const std::string js_bindings_id_;

  // The MessagePort used to receive messages from the receiver JS.
  std::unique_ptr<cast_api_bindings::MessagePort> message_port_;

}  // namespace cast_api_bindings