// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
if (!window['cast']) {
* @const
// eslint-disable-next-line no-var
var cast = new Object();
if (!cast['__platform__']) {
* @const
cast.__platform__ = {};
// Creates named HTML5 MessagePorts that are connected to native code.
cast.__platform__.PortConnector = new class {
constructor() {
/** @private {MessagePort} */
this.controlPort_ = null;
// A map of ports waiting to be published to the controlPort_, keyed by
// string IDs.
/** @private {Object<string, MessagePort>} */
this.pendingPorts_ = {};
/** @private */
this.listener = this.onMessageEvent.bind(this);
true, // Let the listener handle events before they hit the DOM tree.
* Returns a MessagePort whose channel will be passed to the native code.
* The channel can be used immediately after construction. Outgoing messages
* will be automatically buffered until the connection is established.
* @param {string} id The ID of the port being registered.
* @return {MessagePort}
bind(id) {
const channel = new MessageChannel();
if (this.controlPort_) {
this.sendPort(id, channel.port2);
} else {
this.pendingPorts_[id] = channel.port2;
return channel.port1;
* Sends a MessagePort to the remote NamedMessagePortConnector.
* @param {string} portId The name of the port to send over the control port.
* @param {MessagePort} port The port being sent.
sendPort(portId, port) {
this.controlPort_.postMessage(portId, [port]);
* Handles frame message events to receive a connection "control port" from
* native code.
* @param {Event} messageEvent
onMessageEvent(messageEvent) {
// Only process window.onmessage events which are intended for this class.
if (messageEvent.data != 'cast.master.connect') {
if (messageEvent.ports.length != 1) {
'Expected only one MessagePort, got ' + messageEvent.ports.length +
' instead.');
for (const port of messageEvent.ports) {
this.controlPort_ = messageEvent.ports[0];
for (const portId in this.pendingPorts_) {
this.sendPort(portId, this.pendingPorts_[portId]);
this.pendingPorts_ = null;
// No need to receive more onmessage events.
window.removeEventListener('message', this.listener);