
# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

visibility = [ ":*" ]

# MessagePort cannot be used on Windows due to intersection of its PostMessage
# method with a macro of the same name, so hide the targets that use it and all
# that depend on it behind a platform check.
# TODO( Resolve this and remove this exception.
if (!is_win) {
  source_set("test_sender") {
    testonly = true
    visibility += [ "*" ]
    public_deps = [ ":test_sender_without_socket_deps" ]
    deps = [
      # Complete implementation of the platform API used by
      # :test_sender_without_socket_deps.

  # cast_streaming_shell cannot depend on the Network Service and thus uses
  # //components/openscreen_platform:openscreen_platform_using_net_sockets.
  # Because //components/openscreen_platform has a conflicing implementation,
  # this target, which contains only the needed symbols, is provided.
  source_set("test_sender_using_net_sockets") {
    testonly = true
    visibility += [ "//fuchsia_web/shell:cast_streaming_shell_exe" ]
    public_deps = [ ":test_sender_without_socket_deps" ]
    deps = [
      # Complete implementation of the platform API used by
      # :test_sender_without_socket_deps.

  source_set("test_sender_without_socket_deps") {
    testonly = true
    public = [
    sources = [
    deps = [

      # Partial implementation of the platform API used by
      # //third_party/openscreen/src/cast/*.
    public_deps = [