
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/cbor/reader.h"

#include <math.h>

#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <utility>

#include "base/bit_cast.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/numerics/checked_math.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "components/cbor/constants.h"
#include "components/cbor/float_conversions.h"

namespace cbor {

namespace constants {
const char kUnsupportedMajorType[] =;

namespace {

Value::Type GetMajorType(uint8_t initial_data_byte) {}

uint8_t GetAdditionalInfo(uint8_t initial_data_byte) {}

// Error messages that correspond to each of the error codes. There is 1
// exception: we declare |kUnsupportedMajorType| in constants.h in the
// `constants` namespace, because we use it in several files.
const char kNoError[] =;
const char kUnknownAdditionalInfo[] =;
const char kIncompleteCBORData[] =;
const char kIncorrectMapKeyType[] =;
const char kTooMuchNesting[] =;
const char kInvalidUTF8[] =;
const char kExtraneousData[] =;
const char kMapKeyOutOfOrder[] =;
const char kNonMinimalCBOREncoding[] =;
const char kUnsupportedSimpleValue[] =;
const char kUnsupportedFloatingPointValue[] =;
const char kOutOfRangeIntegerValue[] =;
const char kMapKeyDuplicate[] =;
const char kUnknownError[] =;

}  // namespace

Reader::Config::Config() = default;
Reader::Config::~Config() = default;

Reader::Reader(base::span<const uint8_t> data)
Reader::~Reader() {}

// static
std::optional<Value> Reader::Read(base::span<uint8_t const> data,
                                  DecoderError* error_code_out,
                                  int max_nesting_level) {}

// static
std::optional<Value> Reader::Read(base::span<uint8_t const> data,
                                  size_t* num_bytes_consumed,
                                  DecoderError* error_code_out,
                                  int max_nesting_level) {}

// static
std::optional<Value> Reader::Read(base::span<uint8_t const> data,
                                  const Config& config) {}

std::optional<Value> Reader::DecodeCompleteDataItem(const Config& config,
                                                    int max_nesting_level) {}

std::optional<Reader::DataItemHeader> Reader::DecodeDataItemHeader() {}

std::optional<uint64_t> Reader::ReadVariadicLengthInteger(
    Value::Type type,
    uint8_t additional_info) {}

std::optional<Value> Reader::DecodeValueToNegative(uint64_t value) {}

std::optional<Value> Reader::DecodeValueToUnsigned(uint64_t value) {}

std::optional<Value> Reader::DecodeToSimpleValueOrFloat(
    const DataItemHeader& header,
    const Config& config) {}

std::optional<Value> Reader::ReadStringContent(
    const Reader::DataItemHeader& header,
    const Config& config) {}

std::optional<Value> Reader::ReadByteStringContent(
    const Reader::DataItemHeader& header) {}

std::optional<Value> Reader::ReadArrayContent(
    const Reader::DataItemHeader& header,
    const Config& config,
    int max_nesting_level) {}

std::optional<Value> Reader::ReadMapContent(
    const Reader::DataItemHeader& header,
    const Config& config,
    int max_nesting_level) {}

std::optional<uint8_t> Reader::ReadByte() {}

std::optional<base::span<const uint8_t>> Reader::ReadBytes(uint64_t num_bytes) {}

bool Reader::IsEncodingMinimal(uint8_t additional_bytes, uint64_t uint_data) {}

bool Reader::IsKeyInOrder(const Value& new_key,
                          const std::map<Value, Value, Value::Less>& map) {}

bool Reader::IsDuplicateKey(const Value& new_key,
                            const std::map<Value, Value, Value::Less>& map) {}

// static
const char* Reader::ErrorCodeToString(DecoderError error) {}

}  // namespace cbor