// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package chrome_browser_certificate_transparency;
import "ct_timestamp.proto";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// Represents the final state of a log at the time it was made read-only.
message FinalTreeHead {
// Size of the log at the time it was made read-only.
uint64 tree_size = 1;
// Root hash of the log (base64-encoded) at the time it was made read-only.
string sha256_root_hash = 2;
message CTLog {
// Human-readable description to identify log.
string description = 1;
// Public key of the log, as a DER-encoded ASN.1 SubjectPublicKeyInfo
// structure, then encoded as base64
// (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-
string key = 2;
// The base64-encoded LogID found in SCTs issued by this log
// (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6962#section-3.2).
string log_id = 3;
// Maximum merge delay, in seconds. The log should not take longer than this
// to incorporate a certificate.
uint64 mmd_secs = 4;
// URL of the log's HTTP API.
string url = 5;
message Interval {
CTTimestamp start = 1;
CTTimestamp end = 2;
// The log will only accept certificates that expire between those dates.
// Start time is inclusive, end time is not inclusive.
Interval temporal_interval = 6;
enum Purpose {
PROD = 1;
TEST = 2;
// Whether the log is for production purposes, or test only.
Purpose purpose = 7;
enum CurrentState {
message State {
// Current state of the log.
CurrentState current_state = 1;
// Time at which the log entered this state.
CTTimestamp state_start = 2;
// State history of the log. Inverse chronological order, first element should
// be the current state.
repeated State state = 8;
message OperatorChange {
// Name of the log operator.
string name = 1;
// Timestamp at which this operator started operating this log.
CTTimestamp operator_start = 2;
// History of all log operators that have ever operated this log, including
// the timestamp at which each started operating it. Inverse chronological
// order, first element should be the current operator.
repeated OperatorChange operator_history = 9;
// State of the log at the time it was made read-only. Should only be set if
// state is READ_ONLY.
FinalTreeHead read_only_info = 16;
message LogOperator {
// Name of this log operator.
string name = 1;
// Email addresses at which the log operator can be reached.
repeated string email = 2;
message CTLogList {
// Major version of the list, incremented any time there are changes in the
// list, except for trivial (i.e. timestamp-only) changes.
uint64 list_version_major = 1;
// Minor version of the list, incremented any time the list is modified with
// only trivial (i.e. timestamp-only) changes. Allows consumers to determine
// the timestamp at which certain changes occur; for example, if a log is
// rejected, a consumer can look at the minor version 1 of that major version
// to determine at what timestamp that change was made.
uint64 list_version_minor = 2;
// Log list timestamp. This is meant to be used for freshness checks, and is
// updated periodically regardless of whether the list contents' have changed.
// Use list_version_major instead if monitoring for list contents' changes.
CTTimestamp timestamp = 3;
// Compatibility version, incremented if the list structure is changed in a
// non-backwards-compatible way.
uint64 compatibility_version = 4;
// Contains all known log operators.
repeated LogOperator operators = 5;
// Contains all known logs.
repeated CTLog logs = 6;