#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Generate a C++ file containing information on all accepted CT logs."""
import base64
import datetime
import hashlib
import json
import math
import sys
def _write_cpp_header(f):
f.write("// This file is auto-generated, DO NOT EDIT.\n\n")
def _write_disqualified_log_info_struct_definition(f):
"// Information related to previously-qualified, but now disqualified,"
"// CT logs.\n"
"struct DisqualifiedCTLogInfo {\n"
" // The ID of the log (the SHA-256 hash of |log_info.log_key|.\n"
" const char log_id[33];\n"
" const CTLogInfo log_info;\n"
" // The offset from the Unix Epoch of when the log was disqualified."
" // SCTs embedded in pre-certificates after this date should not"
" count\n"
" // towards any uniqueness/freshness requirements.\n"
" const base::Time disqualification_date;\n"
def _split_and_hexify_binary_data(bin_data):
"""Pretty-prints, in hex, the given bin_data."""
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
hex_data = "".join("\\x%.2x" % ord(c) for c in bin_data)
hex_data = "".join("\\x%.2x" % c for c in bin_data)
# line_width % 4 must be 0 to avoid splitting the hex-encoded data
# across '\' which will escape the quotation marks.
line_width = 68
assert line_width % 4 == 0
num_splits = int(math.ceil(len(hex_data) / float(line_width)))
return [
'"%s"' % hex_data[i * line_width:(i + 1) * line_width]
for i in range(num_splits)
def _get_log_ids_array(log_ids, array_name):
num_logs = len(log_ids)
log_id_length = len(log_ids[0]) + 1
log_id_code = [
"// The list is sorted.\n",
"const char %s[][%d] = {\n" % (array_name, log_id_length)
for i in range(num_logs):
split_hex_id = _split_and_hexify_binary_data(log_ids[i])
s = " %s" % ("\n ".join(split_hex_id))
if (i < num_logs - 1):
s += ',\n'
return log_id_code
def _is_log_disqualified(log):
# Disqualified logs are denoted with state="retired"
assert (len(log.get("state")) == 1)
log_state = list(log.get("state"))[0]
return log_state == "retired"
def _escape_c_string(s):
def _escape_char(c):
if ord(c) == 0:
raise ValueError(
'String with NUL character cannot be converted to C string')
if 32 <= ord(c) <= 126 and c not in '\\"':
return c
return "\\%03o" % ord(c)
return "".join(_escape_char(c) for c in s)
def _to_loginfo_struct(log, index):
"""Converts the given log to a CTLogInfo initialization code."""
log_key = base64.b64decode(log["key"])
split_hex_key = _split_and_hexify_binary_data(log_key)
s = " {"
s += "\n ".join(split_hex_key)
s += ',\n %d' % (len(log_key))
s += ',\n "%s"' % (_escape_c_string(log["description"]))
s += ',\n "'
if "current_operator" in log:
s += (_escape_c_string(log["current_operator"]))
s += '",\n '
if "previous_operators" in log:
s += 'kPreviousOperators%d, %d' % (index, len(log["previous_operators"]))
s += 'nullptr, 0'
s += '}'
return s
def _get_log_definitions(logs):
"""Returns a list of strings, each is a CTLogInfo definition."""
return [_to_loginfo_struct(log, index) for index, log in enumerate(logs)]
def _timestamp_to_timedelta_since_unixepoch(timestamp):
dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
unix_epoch = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0)
# Both objects in this operation are intended to represent UTC
# time, although they have a tzinfo of None associated with them.
return (dt - unix_epoch).total_seconds()
def _to_disqualified_loginfo_struct(log, index):
log_id = base64.b64decode(log["log_id"])
s = " {"
s += "\n ".join(_split_and_hexify_binary_data(log_id))
s += ",\n"
s += _to_loginfo_struct(log, index)
s += ",\n"
s += ' base::Time::FromTimeT(%d)' % (
s += '}'
return s
def _get_disqualified_log_definitions(logs, starting_index):
"""Returns a list of DisqualifiedCTLogInfo definitions."""
return [_to_disqualified_loginfo_struct(log, starting_index + index)
for index, log in enumerate(logs)]
def _sorted_disqualified_logs(all_logs):
return sorted([l for l in all_logs if _is_log_disqualified(l)],
key = lambda l: base64.b64decode(l["log_id"]))
def _to_previous_operators_struct(log, index):
s = ""
if "previous_operators" in log:
s += 'const PreviousOperatorEntry kPreviousOperators%d[] = {' % index
for operator_switch in sorted(log["previous_operators"], key=lambda x:
s += '\n {"%s", ' % (_escape_c_string(operator_switch["name"]))
s += (
'base::Time::FromTimeT(%d)},' %
s += '};\n'
return s
def _get_previous_operators(logs, starting_index):
prev_operators = []
for index, log in enumerate(logs):
operators = _to_previous_operators_struct(log, starting_index + index)
return prev_operators
def _write_qualifying_logs_loginfo(f, qualifying_logs):
f.write("// The set of all presently-qualifying CT logs.\n")
f.write("const CTLogInfo kCTLogList[] = {\n")
def _write_previous_operator_info(f, qualifying_logs, disqualified_logs):
f.write("// Previous operators for presently-qualifying CT logs.\n")
prev_operators = _get_previous_operators(qualifying_logs, 0)
for operator in prev_operators:
f.write("// Previous operators for disqualified CT logs.\n")
prev_operators = _get_previous_operators(disqualified_logs,
for operator in prev_operators:
def _is_log_once_or_currently_qualified(log):
assert (len(log.get("state")) == 1)
return list(log.get("state"))[0] not in ("pending", "rejected")
def _generate_log_list_timestamp(timestamp):
s = ""
s += "// The time at which this log list was last updated.\n";
s += "const base::Time kLogListTimestamp = "
s += 'base::Time::FromTimeT(%d);\n\n' % (
return s
def generate_cpp_file(input_file, f):
"""Generate a header file of known logs to be included by Chromium."""
json_log_list = json.load(input_file)
# Logs with pending/rejected should not be considered by Chromium
logs_by_operator = json_log_list["operators"]
logs = []
for operator in logs_by_operator:
for log in operator["logs"]:
if _is_log_once_or_currently_qualified(log):
log["current_operator"] = operator["name"]
# Write the timestamp value.
# Get the lists of currently-qualifying and disqualified logs.
qualifying_logs = [log for log in logs if not _is_log_disqualified(log)]
sorted_disqualified_logs = _sorted_disqualified_logs(logs)
# Write previous operator information.
_write_previous_operator_info(f, qualifying_logs, sorted_disqualified_logs)
# Write the list of currently-qualifying logs.
_write_qualifying_logs_loginfo(f, qualifying_logs)
# Write the list of all disqualified logs.
f.write("// The set of all disqualified logs, sorted by |log_id|.\n")
f.write("constexpr DisqualifiedCTLogInfo kDisqualifiedCTLogList[] = {\n")
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print(("usage: %s in_loglist_json out_header" % sys.argv[0]))
return 1
with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as infile, open(sys.argv[2], "w") as outfile:
generate_cpp_file(infile, outfile)
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":