
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


// Defines common templates that could be used to create device specific
// capabilities and print tickets.

#include <stddef.h>

#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "components/cloud_devices/common/cloud_device_description.h"

namespace cloud_devices {

// All traits below specify how to serialize and validate capabilities and
// ticket items.
// Traits should have following methods:
//   // Returns true if capability semantically valid.
//   static bool IsValid(const Option&);
//   // Returns json path relative to the root of CDD/CJT.
//   static std::string GetItemPath();
//   // Loads ticket item. Returns false if failed.
//   static bool Load(const base::Value::Dict& dict, ContentType* option);
//   // Saves ticket item.
//   static void Save(ContentType option, base::Value::Dict* dict);

// Represents a CDD capability that is stored as a JSON list
// Ex: "<CAPABILITY_NAME>": [ {<VALUE>}, {<VALUE>}, {<VALUE>} ]
// Option specifies data type for <VALUE>.
// Traits specifies how <VALUE> is stored in JSON and semantic validation.
template <class Option, class Traits>
class ListCapability {};

// Represents a CJT item that is stored as a JSON list.  This works similarly to
// ListCapability except it's used for ticket items instead of capabilities.
template <class Option, class Traits>
class ListTicketItem : public ListCapability<Option, Traits> {};

// Represents CDD capability stored as JSON list with default_value value.
// Ex: "<CAPABILITY_NAME>": { "option": [{ "is_default": true, <VALUE>},
//                                       {<VALUE>} ]}
// Option specifies data type for <VALUE>.
// Traits specifies how <VALUE> is stored in JSON and semantic validation.
template <class Option, class Traits>
class SelectionCapability {};

// Represents CDD capability that can be true or false.
// Ex: "<CAPABILITY_NAME>": { "default_value": true }
// Traits specifies how <VALUE> is stored in JSON and semantic validation.
template <class Traits>
class BooleanCapability {};

// Represents CDD capability for which existence is only important.
// Ex: "<CAPABILITY_NAME>": { }
// Traits specifies how <VALUE> is stored in JSON and semantic validation.
template <class Traits>
class EmptyCapability {};

// Represents an item that is of a specific value type.
// Option specifies data type for <VALUE>.
// Traits specifies how <VALUE> is stored in JSON and semantic validation.
template <class Option, class Traits>
class ValueCapability {};

// Represents CJT items.
// Option specifies data type for <VALUE>.
// Traits specifies how <VALUE> is stored in JSON and semantic validation.
template <class Option, class Traits>
class TicketItem {};

}  // namespace cloud_devices